Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:Rt 1 Box 68
Butler, OK 73625

Web: www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/oklahoma/washita
Established: 1961.
Location:West-central Oklahoma, approximately 5 miles west of Butler, Oklahoma.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, viewing sites.
Activities:Boating, fishing, hunting (limited), educational programs.
Special Features:Within the refuge, the slow-moving Washita River winds through prairie and farmlands to merge with Foss Reservoir, providing a home and resting area for geese and other waterfowl.
Habitats: 8,200 acres of hills, ravines, bottomlands, and water.
Access: Open during daylight hours.
Wild life: Snow geese, Canada geese, mallards, common mergansers, bald eagles, Swainson's hawks, and sandhill cranes. Also provides habitat for black-tailed prairie dogs, coyotes, badgers, and bobcats.

See other parks in Oklahoma.