释义 |
was W0036700 (wŭz, wŏz; wəz when unstressed)v.First and third person singular past indicative of be. See Note at you-uns. [Middle English, from Old English wæs; see wes- in Indo-European roots.]was (wɒz; unstressed wəz) vb1. the past tense (indicative mood) of be12. not standard a form of the subjunctive mood used in place of were, esp in conditional sentences: if the film was to be with you, would you be able to process it?. [Old English wæs, from wesan to be; related to Old Frisian, Old High German was, Old Norse var]be (bi; unstressed bi, bɪ) v. and auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st pers. am, 2nd are, 3rd is, pres. pl. are; past sing. 1st pers. was, 2nd were, 3rd was, past pl. were; pres. subj. be; past subj. sing. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pers. were; past subj. pl. were; past part. been; pres. part. be•ing. v.i. 1. to exist or live: Shakespeare's “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question. 2. to take place; occur: The wedding was last week. 3. to occupy a place or position: The book is on the table. 4. to continue or remain as before: Let things be. 5. to belong; attend; befall: May good fortune be with you. 6. (used as a copula to connect the subject with its predicate adjective, or predicate nominative, in order to describe, identify, or amplify the subject): He is tall. She is president. 7. (used as a copula to introduce or form interrogative or imperative sentences): Is that right? Be quiet! auxiliary verb. 8. (used with the present participle of another verb to form progressive tenses): I am waiting. We were talking. 9. (used with the infinitive of the principal verb to indicate a command, arrangements, or future action): He is to see me today. You are not to leave before six. 10. (used with the past participle of another verb to form the passive voice): The date was fixed. 11. (used in archaic or literary constructions with some intransitive verbs to form perfect tenses): He is come. [before 900; Middle English; Old English bēon; akin to Old Frisian, Old High German bim (I) am, Latin fuī (I) have been, Greek phýein to grow, become] usage: See me. Be Chem. Symbol. beryllium. be- a prefix with the original sense “about,” “around,” “all over,” hence having an intensive and often disparaging force; used as a verb formative (becloud; besiege), and often serving to form transitive verbs from intransitives or from nouns: belabor; befriend; belittle. [Middle English, Old English, unstressed form of bī by1] B.E. 1. Bachelor of Education. 2. Bachelor of Engineering. Translationsbe (biː) present tense am (am) are (aː) , is (iz) : past tense was (woz) , were (wəː) : present participle ˈbeing: past participle been (biːn, (American) bin) : subjunctive were (wəː) : short forms I'm (aim) (I am), you're (juə) (you are), he's (hiːz) (he is), she's (ʃiːz) (she is), it's (its) (it is), we're (wiə) (we are), they're (θeə) (they are): negative short forms isn't (ˈiznt) (is not), aren't (aːnt) (are not), wasn't (ˈwoznt) (was not), weren't (wəːnt) (were not) – verb1. used with a present participle to form the progressive or continuous tenses. I'm reading; I am being followed; What were you saying?. 與現在分詞連用,構成進行式 是(与现在分词连用,构成进行式) 2. used with a present participle to form a type of future tense. I'm going to London. 與現在分詞連用,構成未來式 与动词的现在分词连用,构成将来时 3. used with a past participle to form the passive voice. He was shot. 與過去分詞連用,構成被動語態 与动词的现在分词连用,构成被动语态 4. used with an infinitive to express several ideas, eg necessity (When am I to leave?), purpose (The letter is to tell us he's coming), a possible future happening (If he were to lose, I'd win) etc. (與動詞加to的不定詞連用)表示必要、目的、未來可能發生等 与动词不定式连用,表示约定、意图、可能性等 5. used in giving or asking for information about something or someone. I am Mr Smith; Is he alive?; She wants to be an actress; The money will be ours; They are being silly. 用於提供或查詢訊息 提供或询问某人(事)的情况 ˈbeing noun1. existence. When did the Roman Empire come into being? 存在 存在2. any living person or thing. beings from outer space. 生物 生物the be-all and end-all the final aim apart from which nothing is of any real importance. This job isn't the be-all and end-all of existence. 最終目標 最高目标was
WAS(WebSphere Application Server) See WebSphere.WAS
WAS A gene on chromosome Xp11.4-p11.21 that encodes an eEffector protein for Rho-type GTPases, which regulates actin filament reorganisation by interacting with the Arp2/3 complex. WAS plays a key role in efficient actin polymerisation, and may regulate lymphocyte and platelet function; it mediates actin filament reorganisation and the formation of actin pedestals after infection by pathogenic bacteria.FinancialSeeBEWAS
Acronym | Definition |
WAS➣Wide Area System | WAS➣World Association for Sexual Health | WAS➣Web Application Server | WAS➣Web Application Security (consortium project) | WAS➣War At Sea | WAS➣Web-Based Applications & Services | WAS➣Washington Union Station (Amtrak station code) | WAS➣Wait And See | WAS➣Wireless Access System | WAS➣Web Application Stress tool (Microsoft) | WAS➣Washington Academy of Sciences | WAS➣Wait A Sec | WAS➣Windows Process Activation Service (Microsoft Internet Information Services) | WAS➣Wide Area Augmentation System | WAS➣Water and Sewer | WAS➣Website Analytics Software | WAS➣World Aquaculture Society | WAS➣Websphere Application Server | WAS➣Waste Activated Sludge | WAS➣Weeks After Seeding | WAS➣We Are Scientists (band) | WAS➣Whitsunday Anglican School (Australia) | WAS➣Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome | WAS➣Worked All States (Amateur Radio) | WAS➣Wide Area Surveillance (US DoD) | WAS➣Web Accessibility Specialist | WAS➣Washington, DC - Commercial (general airport code covering all strips) | WAS➣Wai Service | WAS➣Windows Application Software | WAS➣Windows Activation Service | WAS➣Websphere Access Services | WAS➣Web Administration Service | WAS➣Windows Application Server | WAS➣Worked All States | WAS➣Workflow Automation System | WAS➣Web Application Stress Tool | WAS➣Work Authorization System | WAS➣West Australian Standard Time (GMT+0700) | WAS➣Whole Air Sampler | WAS➣Warsaw Airport Services (Warsaw, Poland) | WAS➣Western Associated Schools (Australia) | WAS➣Werkgroep Allochtone Studenten (Dutch: Workgroup for Foreign Students) | WAS➣Weather Aid Scheme (Scotland, UK) | WAS➣Web Attached Storage | WAS➣Wartime-Authorized Strength | WAS➣Wide Area Subsystem | WAS➣Wadley Southern Railway Company | WAS➣Workplace Automation System | WAS➣Wartime Automated System | WAS➣War Authorized Strength | WAS➣Weld Assembly Strongback | WAS➣Wavelength Allocation Scheduling | WAS➣Weapons Alerting System | WAS➣Westfield Avenues Site | WAS➣Weymouth Ambulance Station | ThesaurusSeeWA |