war neurosis

war neu·ro·sis

(wōr nūr-ō'sis) A stress condition or mental disorder induced by conditions existing in warfare.
See also: battle fatigue, posttraumatic stress disorder
Synonym(s): battle neurosis.


(nu-ro'sis) plural.neuroses [? + osis, condition] 1. In traditional (e.g., Freudian) psychiatry, an unconscious conflict that produces anxiety and other symptoms and leads to maladaptive use of defense mechanisms. 2. An unpleasant or maladaptive psychological disorder that may affect personality, mood, or certain limited aspects of behavior but that does not distract the affected individual from carrying out most activities of daily living. 3. A term formerly used to describe anxiety disorders, phobias, obsessions and compulsions, or somatoform disorders. Synonym: psychoneurosis


Psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, family therapy, minor tranquilizers, and/or sedatives may be used.

Many neuroses are chronic and debilitating; others are minor, manageable, or adaptive. Treatment may be difficult in some cases.

anxiety neurosis

Anxiety disorder. See: effort syndrome

cardiac neurosis


compensation neurosis

A form of malingering that develops subsequent to an injury in the belief that financial or other forms of compensation can be obtained or will be continued by being ill. See: factitious disorder

compulsion neurosis


expectation neurosis

Anxiety disorder.

obsessional neurosis

Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

war neurosis

Post-traumatic stress disorder