

单词 quarantine



Q0016600 (kwôr′ən-tēn′, kwŏr′-)n.1. a. A condition, period of time, or place in which a person, animal, plant, vehicle, or amount of material suspected of carrying an infectious agent is kept in confinement or isolated in an effort to prevent disease from spreading.b. An action resulting in such a condition: the government's quarantine of the animals.2. a. An action to isolate another nation, such as a blockade of its ports or a severance of diplomatic or trade relations.b. The condition of being isolated by such an action.3. Computers The isolation of data or data transmissions in order to keep viruses, worms, or other malware from infecting a computer or computer network.tr.v. quar·an·tined, quar·an·tin·ing, quar·an·tines To isolate in quarantine.
[Italian quarantena, from Venetian dialectal Italian, quarantine of a ship (so called because the length of the quarantine was typically forty days), from Old Italian quarantina, period of forty days (such as one designated for fasting or penance), from quaranta, forty, from Latin quadrāgintā; see kwetwer- in Indo-European roots.]
quar′an·tin′a·ble adj.


(ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn) n1. (Medicine) a period of isolation or detention, esp of persons or animals arriving from abroad, to prevent the spread of disease, usually consisting of the maximum known incubation period of the suspected disease2. (Medicine) the place or area where such detention is enforced3. any period or state of enforced isolationvb (tr) 4. to isolate in or as if in quarantine5. Austral to withhold (a portion of a welfare payment) from a person or group of people[C17: from Italian quarantina period of forty days, from quaranta forty, from Latin quadrāgintā]


(ˈkwɔr ənˌtin, ˈkwɒr-, ˌkwɔr ənˈtin, ˌkwɒr-)

n., v. -tined, -tin•ing. n. 1. a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease. 2. a period, orig. 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, people, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying a contagious disease. 3. a system of measures maintained at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease. 4. a place or station at which such measures are carried out, as a place where ships are detained. 5. the detention or isolation enforced. 6. the place, as a hospital, where people are detained. 7. social, political, or economic isolation imposed as a punishment. 8. a period of 40 days. v.t. 9. to put in or subject to quarantine. 10. to exclude, detain, or isolate for political or social reasons. [1600–10; < Italian quarantina period of forty days, derivative of quaranta forty « Latin quadrāgintā] quar′an•tin`a•ble, adj.


Past participle: quarantined
Gerund: quarantining
I quarantine
you quarantine
he/she/it quarantines
we quarantine
you quarantine
they quarantine
I quarantined
you quarantined
he/she/it quarantined
we quarantined
you quarantined
they quarantined
Present Continuous
I am quarantining
you are quarantining
he/she/it is quarantining
we are quarantining
you are quarantining
they are quarantining
Present Perfect
I have quarantined
you have quarantined
he/she/it has quarantined
we have quarantined
you have quarantined
they have quarantined
Past Continuous
I was quarantining
you were quarantining
he/she/it was quarantining
we were quarantining
you were quarantining
they were quarantining
Past Perfect
I had quarantined
you had quarantined
he/she/it had quarantined
we had quarantined
you had quarantined
they had quarantined
I will quarantine
you will quarantine
he/she/it will quarantine
we will quarantine
you will quarantine
they will quarantine
Future Perfect
I will have quarantined
you will have quarantined
he/she/it will have quarantined
we will have quarantined
you will have quarantined
they will have quarantined
Future Continuous
I will be quarantining
you will be quarantining
he/she/it will be quarantining
we will be quarantining
you will be quarantining
they will be quarantining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been quarantining
you have been quarantining
he/she/it has been quarantining
we have been quarantining
you have been quarantining
they have been quarantining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been quarantining
you will have been quarantining
he/she/it will have been quarantining
we will have been quarantining
you will have been quarantining
they will have been quarantining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been quarantining
you had been quarantining
he/she/it had been quarantining
we had been quarantining
you had been quarantining
they had been quarantining
I would quarantine
you would quarantine
he/she/it would quarantine
we would quarantine
you would quarantine
they would quarantine
Past Conditional
I would have quarantined
you would have quarantined
he/she/it would have quarantined
we would have quarantined
you would have quarantined
they would have quarantined
Noun1.quarantine - enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of diseasequarantine - enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of diseaseisolation - a state of separation between persons or groups
2.quarantine - isolation to prevent the spread of infectious diseaseclosing off, isolation - the act of isolating something; setting something apart from others
Verb1.quarantine - place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons; "My dog was quarantined before he could live in England"isolate, insulate - place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates"


noun1. isolation, segregation, solitude She was sent home and put in quarantine.verb1. isolate, separate, segregate, keep apart It is sensible to quarantine all new plants for a week or two.


(ˈkworəntiːn) noun1. the keeping away from other people or animals of people or animals that might be carrying an infectious disease. My dog was in quarantine for six months. 隔離 隔离2. the period in or for which this is done. The quarantine for a dog entering Britain from abroad is six months. 隔離期 隔离期 verb to put (a person or animal) in quarantine. 將(人或動物)予以隔離,對(人或動物)進行檢疫 隔离,检疫





(kwŏr`əntēn), isolation of persons, animals, places, and effects that carry or are suspected of harboring communicable disease. The term originally referred to the 40 days of offshore wait during which incoming vessels could not discharge passengers or cargo in the era when plagueplague,
any contagious, malignant, epidemic disease, in particular the bubonic plague and the black plague (or Black Death), both forms of the same infection. These acute febrile diseases are caused by Yersinia pestis (Pasteurella pestis
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 and other great epidemics swept across Europe. The practice has been changed by developments in medical science. Usually the word of the ship's officer that the passengers are free of disease and presentation by the passengers of certificates of inoculation against certain diseases are now sufficient to permit passage of travelers from one country to another. Some nations still maintain extended periods of quarantine for cattle and household pets coming from another country to guard against such diseases as foot-and-mouth disease and rabies. Plant life may also be held for assurance that fungus and other plant diseases are not being introduced.

Local quarantine regulations are also in effect to guard against the spread of communicable disease. Public health laws require that physicians report certain infections to the authorities. The patients (and those who have come in contact with them) may be isolated and their effects disinfected, condemned, or destroyed, if it is in the public interest, since quarantine laws supersede even property rights. Although antibiotics, vaccinations, and other treatments have greatly reduced the use of quarantine in public health, persons with newly recognized or hard to treat communicable diseases may still be isolated by health officials. For example, quarantine was used effectively to control the spread of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), a sometimes deadly pneumonialike illness, in 2003.



an antiepidemic measure that consists of isolating persons who are ill or suspected of being ill with an infectious disease for the purpose of preventing further spread of the disease.

Patients may be quarantined either in inpatient treatment centers (hospitalization) or at home. In the USSR obligatory hospitalization is required of persons suspected of or diagnosed as having plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, relapsing fever, thyphoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, viral hepatitis, and diphtheria. Patients are transported to the hospital by special sanitary means. Patients with influenza, measles, whooping cough, and certain other infectious diseases may be isolated at home if there is a separate room, qualified care, and continual disinfection of the premises. In sanatoriums, rest homes, children’s convalescent institutions, kindergartens, and nurseries and in the noninfectious sections (therapeutic, surgical, pediatric) of hospitals, special isolation wards are equipped for quarantine patients. Persons who have contacted patients ill with highly dangerous infections (plague, cholera, smallpox) are also quarantined for a period equal to the incubation period of the given disease. Partial isolation for various periods is practiced for patients with other infectious diseases.


Diseased animals are quarantined for purposes of the prevention, control, and elimination of infectious diseases. Animals that are diseased, suspected of being diseased, and, in some cases, suspected of being carriers of infection are quarantined. It is important that diseased animals be quarantined in time. The animals are transferred to a specially equipped isolation ward. Animals that are clearly diseased may be quarantined in groups, whereas those only suspected of disease must be quarantined individually. The strictness of the quarantine depends on the degree of infectiousness of the disease. Quarantine of animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, and certain other diseases is obligatory.

Table 1. Periods of quarantine for patients with the most common infectious diseases
Typhoid and paratyphoidsFor those treated with antibiotics, up to 23 days after a return to normal temperature. Workers in the food industry, water supply, public nutrition, children’s institutions, and hospitals are allowed to work 30 days after discharge from a medical institution if the results of bacteriological tests of urine and stool prove negative three times and the duodenal contents test negative once.
Bacterial dysenteryUntil clinical recovery and three negative bacteriological tests of stool (at one- or two-day intervals). Workers in the food industry, water supply, public nutrition, hospitals, and children’s institutions are discharged after rectoromanoscopy and three negative results to bacteriological tests of stool.
Viral hepatitisUntil clinical recovery, but not less than 21 days from the appearance of jaundice or 30 days from the onset of the disease
Poliomyelitis40 days
Typhus12 days after the fall of temperature
TularemiaUntil recovery
DiphtheriaUntil recovery, after two negative results to bacteriological tests of the discharge of throat and nose (with a three-day interval)
MeaslesFive days from the appearance of the rash
Whooping cough40 days from the onset of the illness or 30 days after the appearance of the convulsive cough
Scarlet fever21 days from the onset of the disease (in the absence of complications, 15 days)
Chicken poxSeven days from the appearance of the rash
MumpsNine days from the onset of the disease



a system of measures taken both to prevent the spread of infectious diseases from an epidemic focus and to eliminate the focus itself.

Quarantine was first introduced in Italy in the 14th century in the form of a 40-day detention (hence the name) in port of ships arriving from places affected with plague; later it was used to control other infectious diseases as well. The first international attempts at quarantine measures to control the spread of plague, cholera, yellow fever, and smallpox (called quarantine diseases) were undertaken in the 19th century. The first international conference to work out these measures was held in Paris in 1851. Present-day quarantine measures are regulated by international health rules adopted by the fourth session of the World Health Organization in 1951 (revised in 1956 and 1957). The Rules for the Sanitation and Protection of the Territory of the USSR Against the Importation and Spread of Quarantine and Other Infectious Diseases, issued by the Ministry of Health of the USSR in 1967, regulate the measures taken to control the spread of the quarantine diseases: plague, cholera, smallpox, yellow fever, malaria, anthrax, brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, glanders, melioidosis, psittacosis, and rabies.

Two types of quarantine measures are used to protect the USSR: (1) administrative (prohibiting individuals refusing to meet the requirements of the medical border service from entering or leaving the USSR; banning the receipt of packages from countries affected with certain quarantine diseases; temporary closure of the borders) and (2) medical (examination by health officers and physicians of passengers crossing the frontiers of the USSR; isolation of sick persons; observation of individuals who have come in contact with sick persons).

Homes, multiple-dwelling units, ships, military units, trains carrying livestock or produce, population centers, and entire regions may be placed under quarantine. In addition to the measures already mentioned, to prevent infectious diseases from spreading within the country quarantine involves banning the admission to school and other children’s institutions of carriers of infection and persons coming in contact with infected patients, detecting and isolating patients and bacilli carriers, and such sanitary measures as fumigation, disinfection, and immuniza-tion.


The use of quarantine in veterinary medicine is helpful in preventing the spread of infectious diseases among animals. It is imposed upon the appearance of diseases that tend to spread beyond the primary focus, namely: foot-and-mouth disease and anthrax in animals; plague, epidemic pneumonia, and emphysematous carbuncle in cattle; glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, infectious anemia, equine encephalomyelitis, and contagious pleuropneumonia in horses; swine plague and erysipelas; sheep pox; infectious pleuropneumonia in goats; fowl plague, Newcastle’s disease, pasteurellosis, smallpox, mycoplasmosis, and viral hepatitis in poultry; rubella in carp; branchiomycosis, furunculosis, infectious anemia, and myxosomosis in salmon, and discocotylosis in trout. The list of diseases for which quarantine is imposed is determined by the Veterinary Regulations of the USSR. Changes in and additions to this list are introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR and are reflected in respective instructions. Depending on the extent to which a disease has spread, individual barnyards, herds, apiaries, ponds, farms, and sections thereof may be placed under quarantine. Quarantine is imposed and lifted by decision of the executive committees of raion or municipal Soviets of working people’s deputies upon the presentation of the chief veterinarian. Responsibility for the observance of quarantine rests with the directors of the individual farm or enterprise. Preventive quarantine is used to monitor the health of animals while being transported from other farms (including farms abroad).


Gromashevskii, L. V. Obshchaia epidemiologiia, 4th ed. Moscow, 1965.
Kompantsev, N. F., and A. V. Pavlov. Organizatsiia raboty po profilak-tike karantinnykh zabolevanii. Kiev, 1968. (Bibliography.)

What does it mean when you dream about a quarantine?

A quarantine may indicate the dreamer feels the need to prevent contact with people or situations that might contaminate the dreamer or the dreamer’s family.


[′kwär·ən‚tēn] (medicine) Limitation of freedom of movement of susceptible individuals who have been exposed to communicable disease, for a period of time equal to the incubation period of the disease.


1. a period of isolation or detention, esp of persons or animals arriving from abroad, to prevent the spread of disease, usually consisting of the maximum known incubation period of the suspected disease 2. the place or area where such detention is enforced


To take a spyware or virus-infected file out of harm's way by stripping its rights or by moving it to a folder that cannot be easily accessible by regular file management utilities. For example, if an antivirus program cannot remove the virus from an executable file, it generally quarantines it.

The quarantine function may be an option in antivirus software so that companies can keep a record of which users have been infected, where the file came from as well as to send the virus to the antivirus vendor for inspection. Spyware blockers quarantine files so that they can be restored if required. See antivirus program, disinfect and spyware blocker.



 [kwor´an-tēn] 1. restriction of freedom of movement of apparently well individuals who have been exposed to infectious disease, which is imposed for the usual maximal incubation period of the disease (quarantine period).2. a period of detention of vessels, vehicles, or travelers coming from infected or suspected ports or places.3. the place where persons are detained for inspection.4. to detain or isolate on account of suspected contagion.


(kwar'an-tēn), 1. A period (originally 40 days) of detention of vessels and their passengers coming from an area where an infectious disease prevails. 2. To detain such vessels and their passengers until the incubation period of an infectious disease has passed. 3. A place where such vessels and their passengers are detained. 4. The isolation of a person with a known or possible contagious disease. [It. quarantina fr. L. quadraginta, forty]


(kwôr′ən-tēn′, kwŏr′-)n.1. a. A condition, period of time, or place in which a person, animal, plant, vehicle, or amount of material suspected of carrying an infectious agent is kept in confinement or isolated in an effort to prevent disease from spreading.b. An action resulting in such a condition: the government's quarantine of the animals.2. a. An action to isolate another nation, such as a blockade of its ports or a severance of diplomatic or trade relations.b. The condition of being isolated by such an action.3. Computers The isolation of data or data transmissions in order to keep viruses, worms, or other malware from infecting a computer or computer network.tr.v. quaran·tined, quaran·tining, quaran·tines To isolate in quarantine.
quar′an·tin′a·ble adj.


noun A period of isolation intended to control the spread of a contagious infection.
verb To restrict the freedom of movement in those with—or presumed to have been exposed to—a highly communicable disease so as to prevent dissemination.
Military medicine
noun Isolation of anyone who is suffering from a disease that can be spread, or isolation of carriers and personnel who may be responsible for the spread of diseases, such as typhoid.
• Absolute quarantine—Consists of complete isolation from contact with other persons or units. The quarantined person’s normal duties are suspended and all contacts avoided.
• Working quarantine—Relaxed isolation where unnecessary contacts with other persons or units are contained, regular duties are still carried out, but infected persons are kept isolated and preventive measures are taken to avoid spreading of the disease.
Transfusion medicine
noun A term of art referring to an “on-hold” status of a blood component from the time it is collected from a donor until all required testing is completed, after which time it is released and distributed to end-users and recipients.


Epidemiology noun A period of isolation intended to control the spread of a contagious infection verb To restrict the freedom of movement in those with–or presumed to have been exposed to–a highly communicable disease, to prevent dissemination. See Notifiable disease, Proposition 64.


(kwōr'ǎn-tēn, -tēn') 1. The restriction of activities of contacts (potentially infected but currently asymptomatic hosts) for a time at least equal to the period of communicability for the disease in question.
Compare: isolation
2. To apply quarantine measures. [It. quarantina fr. L. quadraginta, forty]


Isolation of a person who has been exposed to an infectious disease so as to prevent spread. From the Italian quarantina, 40-a period of days longer than the incubation period of most diseases, other than RABIES.


(kwōr'ǎn-tēn) 1. Isolation of a person with a known or possible contagious disease. 2. A period (originally 40 days) of detention of vessels and their passengers coming from an area where an infectious disease prevails. 3. A place where such vessels and their passengers are detained. [It. quarantina fr. L. quadraginta, forty]


QUARANTINE, commerce, crim. law. The space of forty days, or a less quantity of time, during which the crew of a ship or vessel coming from a port or place infected or supposed to be infected with disease, are required to remain on board after their arrival, before they can be permitted to land.
2. The object of the quarantine is to ascertain whether the crew are infected or not.
3. To break the quarantine without legal authority is a misdemeanor. 1 Russ. on Cr. 133.
4. In cases of insurance of ships, the insurer is responsible when the insurance extends to her being moored in port 24 hours in safety, although she may have arrived, if before the 24 hours are expired she is ordered to perform quarantine, if any accident contemplated by the policy occur 1 Marsh. on Ins. 264.

QUARANTINE, inheritances, rights. The space of forty days during which a widow has a right to remain in her late husband's principal mansion, immediately after his death. The right of the widow is also called her quarantine.
2. In some, perhaps all the states of the United States, provision has been expressly made by statute securing to the widow this right for a greater or lesser space of time in Massachusetts, Mass. Rev. St. 411, and New York, 4 Kent, Com. 62, the widow is entitled to the mansion house for forty days. In Ohio, for one year, Walk. Intr. 231, 324. In Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Virginia, she may occupy till dower is assigned; in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey and Virginia, she may also occupy the plantation or messuage. In Pennsylvania the statute of 9 Hen. III., c. 7, is in force, Rob. Dig. 176, by which it is declared that "a widow shall tarry in the chief house of her husband forty days after his death, within which, her dower shall be assigned her." In Massachusetts the widow is entitled to support for forty days in North Carolina for one year.
3. Quarantine is a personal right, forfeited by implication of law, by a second marriage. Co. Litt. 82. See Ind. Rev. L. 209; 1 Virg. Rev. C. 170,; Ala. L. 260; Misso. St. 229; Ill. Rev. L. 237; N. J. Rev. C. 397 1 Ken. Rev. L. 573. See Bac. Ab. Dower, B; Co. Litt. 32, b; Id, 34, b 2 Inst. 16, 17.



An ancient right of widows to enjoy their deceased husband's home and property for a period of time after death and before allocation of the widow's other common law rights.Today, the concept has been codified in many state probate codes,which grant an allowance to the widow during the pendency of the estate probation.



  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for quarantine

noun isolation


  • isolation
  • segregation
  • solitude

verb isolate


  • isolate
  • separate
  • segregate
  • keep apart

Words related to quarantine

noun enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease

Related Words

  • isolation

noun isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease

Related Words

  • closing off
  • isolation

verb place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons

Related Words

  • isolate
  • insulate




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