Point Sal State Beach
Point Sal State Beach
Location:In the northwestern part of Santa Barbara County, near the city of Guadalupe.
Facilities:None. In addition, portions of the main access road were destroyed by heavy rains in 1998, and the beach remains inaccessible.
Activities:When accessible, activities have included fishing,beachcombing, hiking, nature study, and picnicking. Because ofextremely dangerous rip currents, occasional shark sightings, and theabsence of lifeguard service, swimming is not recommended. Personsfound camping in the park are subject to citation, arrest, oreviction by Park Rangers. Because of security concerns atadjacent Vandenberg Air Force Base, Air Police also strictly enforcethe no camping rule.
Special Features:Park includes 2 miles of ocean frontage. Lands above the beach and rocky shoreline have extremely steep slopes, and numerous landslides are evident. Prime examples of coastal sage and chaparral communities occur on these slopes. Views of the coastline, beach, and rugged mountain slopes are exceptional.
Address:c/o Channel Coast District Office
911 San Pedro St
Ventura, CA 93001
Web: www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=605
Size: 84 acres.
See other parks in California.