

(sĭ-ring'gō-mī'ĕ-lō-sēl), A form of spina bifida, consisting of a protrusion of the membranes and spinal cord through a dorsal defect in the vertebral column. Fluid of the syrinx of the cord increases and expands the cord tissue into a thin-walled sac that itself then expands through the vertebral defect. [syringo- + myelocele]


(si-ring'gō-mī'ĕ-lō-sēl) A form of spina bifida cystica consisting of a protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord through a dorsal defect in the vertebral column, the fluid of the syrinx of the cord being increased and expanding the cord tissue into a thin-walled sac that then expands through the vertebral defect.