

单词 spi



(company)Software in the Public Interest, Inc..


(hardware)Serial Peripheral Interface.


(1) (Sensitive Personal Information) See PII.

(2) (Serial Peripheral Interconnect) See SPI bus.

(3) (Stateful Packet Inspection) See stateful inspection.

(4) (Service Provider Interface) The programming interface for developing Windows drivers under WOSA. In order to provide common access to services, the application (query, word processor, email program, etc.) is written to a particular WOSA-supported interface, such as ODBC or MAPI, and the developer of the service software (database manager, document manager, print spooler, etc.) writes to the SPI for that class of service.


SPIService Provider Interface
SPISecurity Parameter Index
SPISouth Padre Island (Texas)
SPIStateful Packet Inspection (firewall based protocol)
SPISuicide Prevention International (New York, NY)
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
SPISoftware Process Improvement
SPISensitive Personal Information (privacy)
SPISociety of the Plastics Industry
SPISensor Products Inc (East Hanover, New Jersey)
SPISoftware in the Public Interest, Inc
SPISolar Power, Inc. (Rosewall, CA)
SPISolder Paste Inspection (circuit boards)
SPISeattle Post Intelligencer (Newspaper)
SPISoy Protein Isolate
SPISuperintendent of Public Instruction (Washington State)
SPISmart Plug-Ins
SPISynchronous Peripheral Interface
SPISoftware Process Impediment
SPISplit Port Injection
SPISecurity Parameters Index
SPISmart Plug-in
SPISingle Point Imaging
SPIService Programming Interface
SPIService Profile Identifier
SPISynchronous Parallel Interface
SPISafeguarding Proprietary Information
SPISystem Parameters Information
SPISoftware Process and Infrastructure
SPISecurity Policy Index
SPISuse Plug-in
SPISingle Point Interchange
SPISub Port Identifier
SPIStateful Packet Inspection
SPISchedule Performance Index
SPISciences pour l'Ingénieur (French: Engineering Science; university course)
SPISummary of Project Information (various organizations)
SPISCSI Parallel Interface
SPISwiss Performance Index (trademark of SWX Swiss Exchange)
SPISony Pictures Imageworks
SPISocialist Party of Ireland (political party)
SPISummary of Proposed Investment (various organizations)
SPISwiss Post International
SPIStandardized Precipitation Index
SPIStudy of Perioperative Ischemia
SPIService and Product Innovation (North Carolina State University)
SPISystems Products International
SPISocietà Psicoanalitica Italiana
SPISilverstein Properties, Inc. (est. 1957; various locations)
SPIShare Price Index (weighted index of Australian share prices)
SPIServizi per l'Impiego (Italian: Employment Services)
SPISensor Point of Interest (US Air Force)
SPISyndicat des Producteurs Indépendants (French: Union of Independent Producers)
SPISimulations Publications Inc (game company)
SPISingle Process Initiative
SPIStandard Parallel Interface (computing)
SPISystem Packet Interface
SPISoftware Patent Institute
SPIState Pedagogical Institute (various locations)
SPISvenska Petroleum Institutet (Swedish Petroleum Institute)
SPISystem Programming Interface
SPISisters of Perpetual Indulgence (aka Order of Perpetual Indulgence)
SPISafer Patients Initiative (clinical study; UK)
SPIStructural Pest Inspector
SPISmartPlant Instrumentation (Intools)
SPISouthern Police Institute
SPISales Price Increase
SPIStudent Press Initiative
SPISociety for Philosophical Inquiry
SPISoftware, Platform, Infrastructure (cloud computing)
SPISecurity Profile Inspector
SPISingle Point Injection
SPISocial Performance Indicators
SPIStrategic Partnership Initiative (various organizations)
SPIStrategic Planning Initiative
SPISpace Policy Institute (George Washington University)
SPISingle Page Interface (web pages)
SPIStudio Progettazione Immagine (Italy; website development and marketing company)
SPISecurity Policy Initiative
SPISmall Parts, Inc.
SPISociety of Practitioners of Insolvency (UK)
SPIStatutory Performance Indicator
SPISciences Physiques pour l'Ingénieur (French: Physical Sciences for the Engineer)
SPISociety of Professional Investigators
SPISpectrometer on Integral
SPISpots Per Inch
SPISenior Photographers International (Venice, FL)
SPISecond Palestinian Intifada
SPISelf-Paced Instruction
SPISuomen Projekti-Instituutti Oy (Finnish: Finnish Institute of Project Management)
SPISegment Play Items
SPIStrategic Planning and Information
SPISow Productivity Index
SPIShipping Point Inspection
SPISignificant Performance Impact
SPIStrategic Profits Inc
SPISupport Program Integrator (US DoD)
SPISpringfield, IL, USA - Capital Airport (Airport Code)
SPIStandard Practice Instruction
SPISoftware Paradigms Infotech, Pvt. Ltd. (various locations)
SPISafeguard Against Privacy Invasions (anti-spyware act)
SPISoftware Process Innovations
SPISubsequent Protocol Identifier
SPISDH Physical Interface
SPISystem Property Intervals
SPIShip/Port Interface
SPISaaSpaasiaaS (cloud services)
SPISubsystem Programmatic Interface
SPISource Potential Index
SPISpecial Position Identifier (aircraft transponder Mode A capability)
SPIService Performance Indicator
SPISurface Position Indicator
SPISynchronous Physical Interface
SPISites Pédagogiques Indépendants (French: Independent Educational Sites)
SPISierra Pacific Innovations Corp. (Las Vegas, NV)
SPISyngenta Philippines Inc. (Makati City, Philippines)
SPIStroke Prevention Initiative
SPISoftware Piracy Intervention
SPIStub Programming Interface
SPISpecial Processing Indicator
SPISequential Port Injection
SPISpiral Point of Intersection
SPISingle Program Initiator
SPIStandard Programmatic Interface
SPISignal Propagation of Interconnects (IEEE workshop)
SPISexual Preference Insult
SPIScience Program Implementation
SPISemi-Autogenous Grining Power Index
SPIShinko Principal Investment (Japan)
SPISpecial Personnel Insertion (Rigging)
SPIShreveport Paranormal Investigations (Louisiana)
SPISoftware Property Inventory (USACE)
SPIShared Programming Interface (SunCom)
SPIShipping Procedural Instructions
SPIState Pain Initiative (American Alliance of Cancer Pain Initiatives)
SPIScheduled and Pending Inventory
SPISpecialist, Punched Card Accounting Machine Operator (US Navy)
SPISysware Philippines Inc (Republic of the Philippines)
SPISituational Problem Input
SPISystem Programmable Interrupt
SPIShell Process Infrastructure
SPISouth Panafrican International (Togo)
SPISpecial Packaging/Processing Instruction(s)
SPISociété de Peinture Industrielle (French: Industrial Painting Company)
SPIStrategic Psychological Intelligence (trademark of Boswell Group)
SPISoftpro India (Computer Technologies Pvt Ltd)




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