

A group of inborn errors of sphingolipid metabolism in which lysosphingolipids accumulate, inhibiting protein kinase C activity in signal transduction, cell differentiation and in tumor promotion. See Ceramide lactoside lipidosis, Fabry's disease, Fucosidosis, Gaucher disease, Gangliosidosis, Globoid cell dystrophy, Krabbe's disease, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Niemann-Pick disease, Sanhoff's disease, Tay-Sachs disease.


A group of hereditary metabolic disorders featuring local accumulations of fatty material (glycolipids and phospholipids) in various parts of the body. These cannot be broken down further because of the absence of the necessary ENZYMES. The sphingolipidoses feature progressive degeneration of the retinal gangion cells with progressive loss of vision. See also NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE.