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EncyclopediaSeeJames Wilsonsphincter urethrae
sphinc·ter u·re·thrae (sfingk'tĕr yū-rēth'rē) Origin, ramus of pubis; insertion, with fellow in median raphe behind and in front of urethra; action, constricts membranous urethra; nerve supply, pudendal. Synonym(s): musculus sphincter urethrae [TA] . Guthrie, George J., English ophthalmologist, 1785-1856. Guthrie muscle - constricts membranous urethra. Synonym(s): sphincter urethrae
Wilson, James, English anatomist, physiologist, and surgeon, 1765-1821. Wilson muscle - (1) certain fibers of the levator ani; - (2) Synonym(s): sphincter urethraeLegalSeeWilson, James |