Vladimir Nikolaevich Shamov
Shamov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Born May 22 (June 3), 1882, in Menzelinsk, in what is now the Tatar ASSR; died Mar. 30, 1962, in Leningrad. Soviet surgeon. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1945); lieutenant general in the military medical service (1943). Member of the CPSU since 1942.
Shamov graduated from the Military Medical Academy in 1908. Between 1923 and 1939 he was head of the subdepartment of faculty surgery at the Kharkov Medical Institute, chief of the surgical clinic of the Ukrainian Institute of Experimental Medicine, and director of the Ukrainian Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Between 1939 and 1958 he was chairman of the department of hospital surgery at the Military Medical Academy and director of the Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow, Institute of Neurosurgery in Leningrad, and the Leningrad Institute of Blood Transfusion. During World War II, he served as deputy chief surgeon of the Soviet Army.
Shamov was the first physician in the USSR (1919) to transfuse blood based on the blood group of the donor and recipient and to transfuse cadaver blood (1928) under experimental conditions. He was one of the pioneers in organ and tissue transplantation in the USSR. He also worked out problems connected with the organization of the specialized medical care of the wounded. Shamov conducted research in neurosurgery, urology, and pulmonary and abdominal surgery. He developed (1926) a method of completely isolating an intestinal loop from all of its nerve connections and was thus able to conduct physiological observations of the functioning of an isolated segment of the intestine.
Shamov received the Lenin Prize (1962). He was awarded two orders of Lenin, four other orders, and various medals.
“Perelivanie krovi vo vremia Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny.” Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo in-ta perelivaniia krovi, 1947, vol. 7.“Vozniknovenie idei perelivaniia krovi ot trupa i dal’neishie perspektivy primeneniia fibrinolizirovannoi krovi.” Eksperimental’naia khirurgiia, 1958, no. 5.
Sitenko, V. M., and A. I. Nechai. “V. N. Shamov.” Khirurgiia, 1972, no. 10.Karavanov, H. H., M. M. Oborin, and M. H. Rudyts’kyi. V. M. Shamov. Kiev, 1976.