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DictionarySeecardiac arrhythmiasinus arrhythmia
arrhythmia [ah-rith´me-ah] variation from the normal rhythm, especially of the heartbeat; see also dysrhythmia. adj., adj arrhyth´mic.sinus arrhythmia the physiologic cyclic variation in heart rate, originating in the sinoatrial node and related to vagal impulses to the node; it occurs commonly in children (juvenile arrhythmia) and in the aged.si·nus ar·rhyth·mi·arhythmic, repetitive irregularity of the heartbeat, the heart being under the control of its normal pacemaker, the sinuatrial node. Synonym(s): juvenile arrhythmiasi·nus ar·rhyth·mi·a (sī'nŭs ă-ridh'mē-ă) A cyclic variation in heart rate, usually normal and linked to respiratory movements. AcronymsSeesee also |