Vladimir Mitrofanovich Arnoldi

Arnol’di, Vladimir Mitrofanovich


Born June 13 (25), 1871, in Kozlov; died Mar. 22, 1924, in Moscow. Russian plant morphologist and algologist.

A student of I. N. Gorozhankin, Arnol’di graduated from Moscow University in 1893 and taught there from 1893 to 1902. He was a professor at the University of Kharkov (1909–19), the University of Kuban’ (1919–22), and Moscow University (1922–24). He became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1923. He wrote basic works on the embryology and cytology of gymnosperms and on the taxonomy and geography of algae in the European part of the USSR. Arnol’di founded the Kharkov school of algologists and wrote the first Russian textbook on algology, An Introduction to the Study of Lower Organisms (1901; 3rd ed., 1925).


Russkie botaniki: Biografo-bibliograficheskii slovar’, vol. 1. Compiled by S. Iu. Lipshits. Moscow, 1947. Pages 74–77.