

单词 right



correct; proper; just; appropriate: the right way
Not to be confused with:rite – religious ceremony; ceremonial act: marriage rite


R0133800 (rīt)adj. right·er, right·est 1. Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality: do the right thing and confess.2. In accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct: the right answer.3. Fitting, proper, or appropriate: It is not right to leave the party without saying goodbye.4. Most favorable, desirable, or convenient: the right time to act.5. In or into a satisfactory state or condition: put things right.6. In good mental or physical health or order.7. Intended to be worn or positioned facing outward or toward an observer: the right side of the dress; made sure that the right side of the fabric was visible.8. a. Of, belonging to, located on, or being the side of the body to the south when the subject is facing east.b. Of, relating to, directed toward, or located on the right side.c. Located on the right side of a person facing downstream: the right bank of a river.9. often Right Of or belonging to the political or intellectual right.10. Mathematics a. Formed by or in reference to a line or plane that is perpendicular to another line or plane.b. Having the axis perpendicular to the base: right cone.c. Having a right angle: a right triangle.11. Straight; uncurved; direct: a right line.12. Archaic Not spurious; genuine.n.1. That which is just, moral, or proper.2. a. The direction or position on the right side.b. The right side.c. The right hand.d. A turn in the direction of the right hand or side.3. often Righta. The people and groups who advocate the adoption of conservative or reactionary measures, especially in government and politics. Also called right wing.b. The opinion of those advocating such measures.4. Sports A blow delivered by a boxer's right hand.5. Baseball Right field.6. a. A just or legal claim or title.b. Something that is due to a person or governmental body by law, tradition, or nature.c. Something, especially humane treatment, claimed to be due to animals by moral principle.7. often rightsa. An existing stockholder's legally protected claim to purchase additional shares in a corporation ahead of those who are not currently stockholders, especially at a cost lower than market value.b. The negotiable paper on which such an entitlement is indicated.adv.1. Toward or on the right.2. In a straight line; directly: went right to school.3. In the proper or desired manner; well: The jacket doesn't fit right.4. Exactly; just: The accident happened right over there.5. Immediately: called me right after dinner.6. Completely; quite: The icy wind blew right through me.7. According to law, morality, or justice.8. Accurately; correctly: answered the question right.9. Chiefly Southern US Considerably; very: They have a right nice place.10. Used as an intensive: kept right on going.11. Used in titles: The Right Reverend Jane Smith.v. right·ed, right·ing, rights v.tr.1. To put in or restore to an upright or proper position: They righted their boat.2. To put in order or set right; correct: measures designed to right generations of unfair labor practices.3. To make reparation or amends for; redress: right a wrong.v.intr. To regain an upright or proper position.Idioms: by rights In a just or proper manner; justly. in (one's) own right Through the force of one's own skills or qualifications. right and left From all directions or on every side: criticism coming right and left; questions raised from right and left. right away/off Immediately; at once; without delay. right on Slang Used as an exclamation of encouragement, support, or enthusiastic agreement. to rights In a satisfactory or orderly condition: set the place to rights.
[Middle English, from Old English riht; see reg- in Indo-European roots. N., sense 3, from the fact that conservatives sit on the right side of the legislative chamber in various assemblies .]
right′er n.right′ness n.Synonyms: right, privilege, prerogative, perquisite
These nouns apply to something, such as a power or possession, to which one has an established claim. Right refers to a legally, morally, or traditionally just claim: "An unconditional right to say what one pleases about public affairs is what I consider to be the minimum guarantee of the First Amendment" (Hugo L. Black).
Privilege usually suggests an advantage or opportunity not enjoyed by everyone: Use of the company jet was a privilege reserved for the top executives. Prerogative denotes an exclusive right or privilege, as one based on custom, law, or office: It is my prerogative to change my mind.
A perquisite is a privilege accorded by virtue of one's employment, position, or rank: "The old newspapers and wax candle-ends from the drawing-room were the perquisites of the butler" (Elizabeth Langland).
Our Living Language Speakers of Standard English mainly restrict the use of adverbial right to modify adverbs of space or time, as in She's right over there or Do it right now! No such restriction applies in Southern vernacular speech, where right can be used to intensify the meaning of many adjectives and adverbs, as in He's right nice or You talk right fast. This broader use of right is attested as far back as the 1400s and is found in the works of Shakespeare and other great writers. Thus, what appears to be neglect of Standard English rules is actually the retention of a historical usage. · The use of right as an adverb indicating directness, completeness, or general intensity seems to be related to the use of right in a more concrete sense to refer to something that is perfectly straight or perpendicular to something else, as in right angle. A similar connection between concrete and metaphorical meaning lies behind the Southern adverbial usage of plumb, as in He fell plumb asleep as an indicator of completeness or totality.


(raɪt) adj1. in accordance with accepted standards of moral or legal behaviour, justice, etc: right conduct. 2. in accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct or true: the right answer. 3. appropriate, suitable, fitting, or proper: the right man for the job. 4. most favourable or convenient; preferred: the right time to act. 5. in a satisfactory condition; orderly: things are right again now. 6. indicating or designating the correct time: the clock is right. 7. correct in opinion or judgment8. sound in mind or body; healthy or sane9. (usually prenominal) of, designating, or located near the side of something or someone that faces east when the front is turned towards the north. 10. (usually prenominal) worn on a right hand, foot, etc11. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) of, designating, supporting, belonging to, or relating to the political or intellectual right (see sense 40)12. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) conservative or reactionary: the right wing of the party. 13. (Mathematics) geometry a. formed by or containing a line or plane perpendicular to another line or planeb. having the axis perpendicular to the base: a right circular cone. c. straight: a right line. 14. relating to or designating the side of cloth worn or facing outwards15. informal (intensifier): a right idiot. 16. in one's right mind sane17. she'll be right informal Austral and NZ that's all right; not to worry18. the right side of a. in favour with: you'd better stay on the right side of him. b. younger than: she's still on the right side of fifty. adv19. too right informal Austral and NZ an exclamation of agreement20. in accordance with correctness or truth; accurately: to guess right. 21. in the appropriate manner; properly: do it right next time!. 22. in a straight line; directly: right to the top. 23. in the direction of the east from the point of view of a person or thing facing north24. absolutely or completely; utterly: he went right through the floor. 25. all the way: the bus goes right to the city centre. 26. without delay; immediately or promptly: I'll be right over. 27. exactly or precisely: right here. 28. in a manner consistent with a legal or moral code; justly or righteously: do right by me. 29. in accordance with propriety; fittingly or suitably: it serves you right. 30. to good or favourable advantage; well: it all came out right in the end. 31. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (esp in religious titles) most or very: right reverend. 32. informal or dialect (intensifier): I'm right glad to see you. 33. right, left, and centre on all sides; from every direction34. right off the bat informal as the first in a series; to begin withn35. any claim, title, etc, that is morally just or legally granted as allowable or due to a person: my legal right. 36. anything that accords with the principles of legal or moral justice37. the fact or state of being in accordance with reason, truth, or accepted standards (esp in the phrase in the right)38. Irish an obligation or duty: you had a right to lock the door. 39. the right side, direction, position, area, or part: the right of the army; look to the right. 40. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the right (often capital) the supporters or advocates of social, political, or economic conservatism or reaction, based generally on a belief that things are better left unchanged (opposed to radical or left)41. (Boxing) boxing a. a punch with the right handb. the right hand42. (Banking & Finance) finance a. (often plural) the privilege of a company's shareholders to subscribe for new issues of the company's shares on advantageous termsb. the negotiable certificate signifying this privilege43. by right by rights properly; justly: by rights you should be in bed. 44. in one's own right having a claim or title oneself rather than through marriage or other connection: a peeress in her own right. 45. to rights consistent with justice, correctness, or orderly arrangement: he put the matter to rights. vb (mainly tr) 46. (also intr) to restore to or attain a normal, esp an upright, position: the raft righted in a few seconds. 47. to make (something) accord with truth or facts; correct48. to restore to an orderly state or condition; put right49. to make reparation for; compensate for or redress (esp in the phrase right a wrong)sentence substitutea. indicating that a statement has been understoodb. asking whether a statement has been understoodc. indicating a subdividing point within a discourseinterjan expression of agreement or compliance[Old English riht, reoht; related to Old High German reht, Gothic raihts, Latin rēctus] ˈrighter n



adj. right•er, right•est,
n., adv., v. adj. 1. in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct. 2. in conformity with fact or reason: the right answer. 3. correct in judgment, opinion, or action. 4. appropriate; suitable: to say the right thing. 5. most desirable: the right time for a decision. 6. of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the east when the subject is facing north (opposed to left). 7. sound; sane: in one's right mind. 8. in good health or spirits: I haven't felt right in days. 9. principal, front, or upper: right side up. 10. (often cap.) of or belonging to the political Right; having conservative or reactionary views in politics. 11. socially desirable or influential: know the right people. 12. straight: a right line. 13. having an axis perpendicular to the base: a right cone. 14. Math. pertaining to an element of a set that has a given property when placed on the right of an element or set of elements of the given set: a right identity. 15. genuine; authentic: the right owner. n. 16. something that is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: the right to free speech. 17. that which is morally, legally, or ethically proper: to know right from wrong. 18. a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics. 19. Sometimes, rights. the interest or ownership a person, group, or business has in property. 20. the property itself or its value. 21. Often, rights. the privilege of subscribing to a specified amount of a stock or bond issue, or the document certifying this privilege. 22. that which is in accord with fact, reason, or propriety. 23. the state or quality or an instance of being correct. 24. the side that is normally opposite to that where the heart is: to turn to the right. 25. a right-hand turn: Make a right at the corner. 26. the one of a pair, as of shoes or gloves, that is shaped for, used by, or situated on the right side. 27. the Right, a. individuals or groups advocating maintenance of the established political, social, or economic order. b. the conservative position held by these people. 28. (usu. cap.) a. the part of a legislative assembly, esp. in continental Europe, that is situated to the right of the presiding officer. b. the more conservative members of such an assembly, who customarily sit in this part. 29. a boxing blow delivered by the right hand. adv. 30. in a straight or direct line: right to the bottom. 31. quite; completely: My hat was knocked right off. 32. immediately; promptly: right after dinner. 33. exactly; precisely: right here. 34. correctly or accurately: to guess right. 35. righteously; properly: to live right. 36. advantageously or well: to turn out right. 37. on or to the right: to turn right. 38. Informal. very; extremely: a right fine day. 39. (often cap.) very (used in certain titles): The Right Reverend John Stewart. v.t. 40. to put in an upright position: to right a fallen lamp. 41. to bring into conformity with fact; correct: to right one's point of view. 42. to do justice to; avenge: to be righted in court. 43. to redress: to right a wrong. v.i. 44. to resume an upright or proper position. Idioms: 1. by rights, in fairness; justly. 2. in one's own right, by reason of one's own ability, ownership, or qualifications. 3. in the right, having the support of reason or law. 4. right away or off, without hesitation; immediately. 5. right on, Slang. exactly right; precisely. 6. to rights, into proper condition or order: to set a room to rights. [before 900; (n. and adj.) Middle English; Old English riht; akin to Latin rēctus, Old Irish recht law, Greek orektós upright; (v.) Middle English; Old English rihtan; (adv.) Middle English; Old English rihte] right′er, n. right′ness, n. usage: right in the sense of “very, extremely” is neither old-fashioned nor dialectal. It is most common in informal speech and writing: You know right well what I mean. Its use in formal contexts can be regarded as inappropriate or erroneous.


See also left.
dextrality1. the condition of having the right side distinct or different from the left.
2. righthandedness.
dextrogyrationdextrorotation. — dextrogyric, adj.dextrorotationmovement or rotation to the right, or clockwise. Also called dextrogyration.dextroversionthe state or process of turning to the right.


If you say that something is right, you mean that it is correct or appropriate.

You've got the pronunciation right.You must do things in the right order.

In conversation, right is sometimes an adverb. For example, someone might say 'He did it right'. In writing, it is better to avoid this use. You should say 'He did it the right way' or 'He did it in the right way'.

I assured him that he was playing exactly the right way.I thought I handled it in the right way.


Past participle: righted
Gerund: righting
I right
you right
he/she/it rights
we right
you right
they right
I righted
you righted
he/she/it righted
we righted
you righted
they righted
Present Continuous
I am righting
you are righting
he/she/it is righting
we are righting
you are righting
they are righting
Present Perfect
I have righted
you have righted
he/she/it has righted
we have righted
you have righted
they have righted
Past Continuous
I was righting
you were righting
he/she/it was righting
we were righting
you were righting
they were righting
Past Perfect
I had righted
you had righted
he/she/it had righted
we had righted
you had righted
they had righted
I will right
you will right
he/she/it will right
we will right
you will right
they will right
Future Perfect
I will have righted
you will have righted
he/she/it will have righted
we will have righted
you will have righted
they will have righted
Future Continuous
I will be righting
you will be righting
he/she/it will be righting
we will be righting
you will be righting
they will be righting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been righting
you have been righting
he/she/it has been righting
we have been righting
you have been righting
they have been righting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been righting
you will have been righting
he/she/it will have been righting
we will have been righting
you will have been righting
they will have been righting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been righting
you had been righting
he/she/it had been righting
we had been righting
you had been righting
they had been righting
I would right
you would right
he/she/it would right
we would right
you would right
they would right
Past Conditional
I would have righted
you would have righted
he/she/it would have righted
we would have righted
you would have righted
they would have righted


The people or parties who support conservative or reactionary policies.
Noun1.right - an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature; "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"; "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people"- Eleanor Roosevelt; "a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away"access - the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)advowson - the right in English law of presenting a nominee to a vacant ecclesiastical beneficecabotage - the exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its bordersclaim, title - an informal right to something; "his claim on her attentions"; "his title to fame"due - that which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due"access, admittance, entree, admission, accession - the right to enterfloor - the parliamentary right to address an assembly; "the chairman granted him the floor"grant - a right or privilege that has been grantedhuman right - (law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)legal right - a right based in lawpreemption, pre-emption - the right to purchase something in advance of othersexclusive right, prerogative, privilege, perquisite - a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right); "suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males"privilege - (law) the right to refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationshiprepresentation - the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative bodyright of action - the legal right to sueright of search - the right of a belligerent to stop neutral ships on the high seas in wartime and search themright of way - the right of one vehicle or vessel to take precedence over anotherstates' rights - the rights conceded to the states by the United States constitutionvoting right - the right to vote; especially the right of a common shareholder to vote in person or by proxy on the affairs of a companyriparian right, water right - right of access to waterabstract, abstraction - a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in person"
2.right - location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east; "he stood on the right"position, place - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"right stage, stage right - the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audienceleft - location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"
3.right - the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's rightright field, rightfieldoutfield - the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the basesparcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, tract, parcel - an extended area of land
4.right - those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchangedright wingfaction, sect - a dissenting cliquereligious right - United States political faction that advocates social and political conservativism, school prayer, and federal aid for religious groups and schoolshard right - the extreme right wing
5.right - the hand that is on the right side of the bodyright - the hand that is on the right side of the body; "he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left"; "hit him with quick rights to the body"right handhand, manus, mitt, paw - the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
6.right - a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east; "take a right at the corner"turning, turn - the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; "he took a turn to the right"
7.right - anything in accord with principles of justice; "he feels he is in the right"; "the rightfulness of his claim"rightfulnessjustice, justness - the quality of being just or fairwrong, wrongfulness - that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law; "he feels that you are in the wrong"
8.right - (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing; "mineral rights"; "film rights"plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than onestake, interest - (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; "they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the company's future"
Verb1.right - make reparations or amends for; "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"redress, correct, compensatealter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"over-correct, overcompensate - make excessive corrections for fear of making an erroraby, abye, atone, expiate - make amends for; "expiate one's sins"wrong - treat unjustly; do wrong to
2.right - put in or restore to an upright position; "They righted the sailboat that had capsized"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"right - regain an upright or proper position; "The capsized boat righted again"
3.right - regain an upright or proper position; "The capsized boat righted again"change posture - undergo a change in bodily postureright - put in or restore to an upright position; "They righted the sailboat that had capsized"
4.right - make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"correct, rectifychange by reversal, reverse, turn - change to the contrary; "The trend was reversed"; "the tides turned against him"; "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"remediate, remedy, amend, rectify, repair - set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight"debug - locate and correct errors in a computer program code; "debug this program"
Adj.1.right - being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north; "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"right-handed - using or intended for the right hand; "a right-handed batter"; "right-handed scissors"left - being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream"
2.right - free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"correctaccurate - conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"proper - marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"true - consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"incorrect, wrong - not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions"
3.right - socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"correctproper - marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"
4.right - in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess"ethical - conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior; "an ethical lawyer"; "ethical medical practice"; "an ethical problem"; "had no ethical objection to drinking"; "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants"- Omar N. Bradleygood - morally admirablejust - used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"proper - marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"wrong - contrary to conscience or morality or law; "it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor"; "cheating is wrong"; "it is wrong to lie"
5.right - correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right"correctwrong - based on or acting or judging in error; "it is wrong to think that way"
6.right - appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs; "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position"properappropriate - suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; "a book not appropriate for children"; "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"; "it seems that an apology is appropriate"
7.right - of or belonging to the political or intellectual rightconservative - resistant to changecenter - of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectuallyleft - of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
8.right - in or into a satisfactory condition; "things are right again now"; "put things right"satisfactory - giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory"
9.right - intended for the right hand; "a right-hand glove"right-handright-handed - using or intended for the right hand; "a right-handed batter"; "right-handed scissors"
10.right - in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"correctproper - marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"
11.right - having the axis perpendicular to the base; "a right angle"geometry - the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfacesperpendicular - intersecting at or forming right angles; "the axes are perpendicular to each other"
12.right - (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward; "the right side of the cloth showed the pattern"; "be sure your shirt is right side out"outside - relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit; "an outside margin"
13.right - most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"ripe, goodopportune - suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose; "an opportune place to make camp"; "an opportune arrival"
14.right - precisely accurate; "a veracious account"veraciousaccurate - conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale"
Adv.1.right - precisely, exactly; "stand right here!"
2.right - immediately; "she called right after dinner"
3.right - exactly; "he fell flop on his face"flopcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
4.right - toward or on the right; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the party has moved right"left - toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"
5.right - in the right manner; "please do your job properly!"; "can't you carry me decent?"decent, in good order, properly, the right way, decently
6.right - an interjection expressing agreementright on
7.right - completely; "she felt right at home"; "he fell right into the trap"
8.right - (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree; "the baby is mighty cute"; "he's mighty tired"; "it is powerful humid"; "that boy is powerful big now"; "they have a right nice place"; "they rejoiced mightily"mighty, powerful, mightilyintensifier, intensive - a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier"
9.right - in accordance with moral or social standards; "that serves him right"; "do right by him"justly
10.right - in an accurate manner; "the flower had been correctly depicted by his son"; "he guessed right"aright, correctlywrong, wrongly, incorrectly - in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong"


adjective1. correct, true, genuine, accurate, exact, precise, valid, authentic, satisfactory, spot-on (Brit. informal), factual, on the money (U.S.), unerring, admissible, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal), veracious, sound That's absolutely right!
correct wrong, mistaken, illegal, false, uncertain, fake, incorrect, questionable, unlawful, inaccurate, illicit, invalid, fraudulent, counterfeit, erroneous, inexact, untruthful
2. proper, done, becoming, seemly, fitting, fit, appropriate, suitable, desirable, comme il faut (French) Make sure you approach it in the right way.
proper wrong, inappropriate, unfitting, unsuitable, undesirable, unseemly
3. favourable, due, ideal, convenient, rightful, advantageous, opportune, propitious at the right time in the right place
favourable inconvenient, unfavourable, disadvantageous
4. just, good, fair, moral, proper, ethical, upright, honourable, honest, equitable, righteous, virtuous, lawful It's not right, leaving her like this.
just bad, wrong, unfair, indecent, improper, immoral, unjust, dishonest, unethical
5. sane, sound, balanced, normal, reasonable, rational, all there (informal), lucid, unimpaired, compos mentis (Latin) I think he's not right in the head actually.6. healthy, well, fine, fit, in good health, in the pink, up to par He just didn't look right.
healthy unwell, abnormal, unsound
7. complete, real, pure, absolute, utter, outright, thorough, out-and-out, thoroughgoing He gave them a right telling off.
adverb1. correctly, truly, precisely, exactly, genuinely, accurately, factually, aright He guessed right about some things.
correctly incorrectly, inaccurately, wrongly
2. suitably, fittingly, appropriately, properly, aptly, satisfactorily, befittingly They made sure I did everything right.
suitably improperly, incompletely
3. exactly, squarely, precisely, bang, slap-bang (informal) It caught me right in the middle of the forehead.4. directly, straight, precisely, exactly, unswervingly, without deviation, by the shortest route, in a beeline It was taken right there on a conveyor belt5. all the way, completely, totally, perfectly, entirely, absolutely, altogether, thoroughly, wholly, utterly, quite The candle had burned right down.6. straight, directly, immediately, quickly, promptly, instantly, straightaway, without delay She'll be right down.
straight slowly, indirectly
7. properly, fittingly, fairly, morally, honestly, justly, ethically, honourably, righteously, virtuously If you're not treated right, let us know.8. favourably, well, fortunately, for the better, to advantage, beneficially, advantageously I hope things will turn out right.
favourably badly, poorly, unfavourably
noun1. prerogative, interest, business, power, claim, authority, title, due, freedom, licence, permission, liberty, privilege a woman's right to choose2. justice, good, reason, truth, honour, equity, virtue, integrity, goodness, morality, fairness, legality, righteousness, propriety, rectitude, lawfulness, uprightness a fight between right and wrong
justice injustice, evil, impropriety, immorality, dishonour, badness
verb1. rectify, settle, fix, correct, repair, sort out, compensate for, straighten, redress, vindicate, put right We've made progress in righting the wrongs of the past.2. turn up the right way again, stand upright again, set upright again, turn back over He righted the yacht and continued to race.
turn up the right way again topple, make crookedby rights in fairness, properly, technically, justly, equitably Negotiations should, by rights, have been conducted by him.in the right vindicated, right, justified, borne out, with the law on your side The Foreign Secretary is in the right.
put something right correct, right, improve, reform, square, fix, repair, adjust, remedy, amend, make good, mend, redress, put right, set the record straight, emend If you mess up it's your job to put it right.put something to rights order, fix, arrange, solve, resolve, sort out, remedy, make good, retrieve, rectify, put right, straighten out, set right He decided to put matters to rights.within your rights at liberty, allowed, qualified, entitled, authorized, within the law You were quite within your rights to refuse.Related words
adjective dextral
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" [Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence]
"How forcible are right words" Bible: Job


adjective1. In accordance with principles of right or good conduct:ethical, moral, principled, proper, righteous, rightful, right-minded, virtuous.2. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances:appropriate, deserved, due, fit, fitting, just, merited, proper, rightful, suitable.3. Conforming to fact:accurate, correct, exact, faithful, precise, rigorous, true, veracious, veridical.4. Having no errors:accurate, correct, errorless, exact, precise, rigorous.5. Conforming to accepted standards:becoming, befitting, comely, comme il faut, correct, decent, decorous, de rigueur, nice, proper, respectable, seemly.6. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, tailor-made.7. Having good health:fit, hale, healthful, healthy, hearty, sound, well, whole, wholesome.Idioms: fit as a fiddle, hale and hearty, in fine fettle.8. Strongly favoring retention of the existing order:conservative, orthodox, rightist, right-wing, Tory, traditionalist, traditionalistic.noun1. A privilege granted a person, as by virtue of birth:appanage, birthright, perquisite, prerogative.Law: droit.2. Conferred power:authority, faculty, mandate.Law: competence, competency.adverb1. In a direct line:dead, direct, directly, due, straight, straightaway.2. With precision or absolute conformity:bang, dead, direct, directly, exactly, fair, flush, just, precisely, smack, square, squarely, straight.Slang: smack-dab.verb1. To restore to or place in an upright or proper position:stand (up).2. To restore to proper condition or functioning:doctor, fix, fix up, mend, overhaul, patch, repair, revamp.Idiom: set right.3. To make right what is wrong:amend, correct, emend, mend, rectify, redress, reform, remedy.


(rait) adjective1. on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left). When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand. 右邊的 右边的,右方的右 2. correct. Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question? 正確的 正确的正常的 3. morally correct; good. It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen. 對的,正當的 对的,正当的正义的 4. suitable; appropriate. He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him? 適當的 适当的 noun1. something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc. Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that. 權利 权利2. that which is correct or good. Who's in the right in this argument?正确3. the right side, part or direction. Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right. 右邊 右边4. in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc. 右派 右派 adverb1. exactly. He was standing right here. 恰好 恰好2. immediately. I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down. 立刻 立刻3. close. He was standing right beside me. 就在 就在4. completely; all the way. The bullet went right through his arm. 剛好 正好5. to the right. Turn right. 向右 向右转6. correctly. Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right. 對,正確地 对,正确地 verb1. to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position. The boat tipped over, but righted itself again. 扶正,擺正 扶直,使正恢复平稳 2. to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done. He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right. 糾正 纠正 interjection I understand; I'll do what you say etc. `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.' 好的 (表示同意或遵从)是的,好的好 righteous (ˈraitʃəs) adjective1. (of anger etc) justifiable. righteous indignation. 合理的,可以理解的 合法的正义的,义愤的 2. living a good moral life. a righteous man. 正直的,正派的 正直的,正派的高尚的 3. good; morally right. a righteous action. 正當的 正当的,道义上无可指责的公正的 ˈrighteously adverb 合理地,正當地 公正地,正直地,正当地 ˈrighteousness noun 正直 正直ˈrightful adjective proper; correct; that ought to be or has a right to be something. He is the rightful king of this country. 合法的 合法的ˈrightfully adverbIt rightfully belongs to me, although she has it at the moment. 依法地,按道理 按理地当然,正当地 ˈrightly adverb1. justly, justifiably; it is right, good or just that (something is the case). He was punished for his stupidity and rightly: Rightly or wrongly she refused to speak to him. 公平地,公正地,應得地 公平地,公正地,适当地 2. correctly; accurately. They rightly assumed that he would refuse to help. 正確地 正确地ˈrightness noun the state of being good or morally correct. They believe in the rightness of their cause. 正當性 正确(性) righto, right-oh (raitˈou) interjection right. Right-oh! I'll come now. 好的 好,对 rights noun plural the legal right given in return for a sum of money to produce eg a film from a book. He has sold the film rights of his new book to an American company. 權利 权利right angle an angle of ninety degrees, like any of the four angles in a square. 直角 直角ˈright-angled adjective having a right angle. a right-angled triangle. 直角的 直角的ˈright-hand adjective1. at the right; to the right of something else. the top right-hand drawer of my desk. 右邊的 右边的2. towards the right. a right-hand bend in the road. 向右 向右ˌright-ˈhanded adjective (of people) using the right hand more easily than the left, eg for writing. The majority of people are right-handed. 用右手的 用右手的right wing the members of a political party who hold more traditional opinions. He's on the right wing of the Labour Party. 右派 右翼 adjective (ˌright-ˈwing) (having opinions which are) of this sort. 右派的 右翼的ˌright-ˈwinger noun 右派分子 右翼分子by right(s) rightfully. By rights, I ought to be in charge of this department. 按道理 按规定,按理 get/keep on the right side of to make (someone) feel, or continue to feel, friendly or kind towards oneself. If you want a pay rise, you'd better get on the right side of the boss. 討某人的歡心 讨某人的欢心,受到喜欢得力助手 get right to understand, do, say etc (something) correctly. Did I get the answer right? 弄清 弄清go right to happen as expected, wanted or intended; to be successful or without problems. Nothing ever goes right for him. 順利地 顺利地not in one's right mind, not (quite) right in the head (slightly) mad. He can't be in his right mind – making incredible suggestions like that! 頭腦(稍微)不正常 头脑不正常put right1. to repair; to remove faults etc in (something). There is something wrong with this kettle – can you put it right? 修理,修正 修理2. to put an end to or change (something that is wrong). You've made a mistake in that sum – you'd better put it right. 改正 改正3. to put (a watch, clock etc) to the correct time. 調準 调准4. to correct (someone who has made a mistake). I thought the meeting was at 2.30, but he put me right. 糾正 纠正5. to make healthy again. That medicine will soon put you right. 讓人恢復健康 恢复健康put/set to rights to put back into the correct order, state etc. The room was in a dreadful mess, and it took us the whole day to set it to rights. 整理好 整理好right away immediately; at once. 立即 立即right-hand man a person's most trusted and useful assistant. 得力助手 得力助手的right now immediately. 立即,馬上 立即,马上 right of way1. the right of the public to use a path that goes across private property. 通行權 通行权2. (ˌright-of-ˈway – plural ˈrights-of-ˈway) a road or path over private land, along which the public have a right to walk. 經過私人土地但開放給公眾通行的道路 公用道路道路用地 3. the right of one car etc to move first eg when crossing a cross-roads, or going round a roundabout. It was your fault that our cars crashed – I had right of way. 優先用路權 优先通行权serve right to be the punishment deserved by. If you fall and hurt yourself, it'll serve you right for climbing up there when I told you not to. 罪有應得 罪有应得


右边的zhCN, 正当地zhCN, 正确zhCN, 正确的zhCN
  • Turn right → 转右
  • Take the first turn on your right (US)
    Take the first turning on your right (UK) → 第一个路口转右
  • Turn right at the next intersection (US)
    Go right at the next junction (UK) → 下一个路口转右
  • Is this the right platform for the train to ...? → 去...的车是在这个站台上车吗?
  • Can you do it right away? (US)
    Can you do it straightaway? (UK) → 立刻就能修理吗?
  • Do I have to pay it right away? (US)
    Do I have to pay it straightaway? (UK) → 必须立即交吗?
  • Are you all right? (US)
    Are you alright? (UK) → 你怎么样啊?
  • It wasn't your right of way → 不该你走
  • This isn't cooked right (US)
    This isn't cooked properly (UK) → 没有煮熟



at a certain time exactly or precisely at a specific place or time. Meet me at this corner right at 3:00 P.M. The restaurant is right at First and Main Streets.
  • (as) right as a trivet
  • (as) right as ninepence
  • (as) right as rain
  • (just/right) up (one's) street
  • (one's) heart is in the right place
  • (right) down (one's) alley
  • (right) from the off
  • (right) here and now
  • (right) on cue
  • (right) on the money
  • (right) under (one's) (very) nose
  • (right) up (one's) alley
  • (right) up there with (someone or something)
  • (the) right of way
  • a bit of all right
  • a dead clock is right twice a day
  • a right one
  • a step in the right direction
  • a stopped clock is right twice a day
  • acknowledge (one) to be right
  • acknowledge to be right
  • all right
  • All right already!
  • all right for you
  • All right for you!
  • all right with
  • all right with (one)
  • all right with one
  • all right(y) already
  • all rights reserved
  • along the right lines
  • alternative right
  • alt-right
  • am I right or am I right
  • am I right?
  • amirite
  • anyone in their right mind
  • as of right
  • as right as rain
  • bang dead to rights
  • bang to rights
  • be (as) right as rain
  • be (just/right) up (one's) street
  • be (on) the right side of (an age)
  • be (on) the wrong side of (an age)
  • be (right) down (one's) alley
  • be (right) on the money
  • be (right) up there with (someone or something)
  • be all right
  • be in the right
  • be in the right place at the right moment
  • be in the right place at the right time
  • be in the right spot at the right time
  • be in the same/right ballpark
  • be not right in the head
  • be on the right lines
  • be on the right track
  • be on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.
  • be on the right/wrong track
  • be put to rights
  • be right back
  • be right there
  • be right with you
  • be set to rights
  • bragging rights
  • by rights
  • catch (one) bang to rights
  • catch (one) dead to rights
  • come down to
  • come out with
  • Come right in
  • customer is always right
  • customer is always right, the
  • damn right
  • dead to rights
  • do all right by (one)
  • do right by (someone)
  • do right by somebody
  • do the right thing
  • do the something thing
  • err on the right side
  • everything's going to be all right
  • get (one) bang to rights
  • get (one) right here
  • get (one's) priorities right
  • get (one's) priorities straight
  • get (something) right
  • get hold of the right end of the stick
  • get off on the right foot
  • get on the good side of (someone)
  • get on the wrong side of (someone)
  • get one right here
  • get right
  • get right on
  • get right on (something)
  • get right with (someone)
  • get someone bang to rights
  • get something right/straight
  • get something straight
  • get straight
  • get your priorities right/straight
  • get/keep on the right/wrong side of somebody
  • get/start off on the right/wrong foot
  • gets one right here
  • give (one) (the right of/to) first refusal
  • give (one's) right arm
  • give one's eyeteeth
  • give one's right arm, to
  • give right arm
  • give your right arm
  • go (right) through (one) like a dose of salts
  • go in the right direction
  • go right
  • go right through (one)
  • go right through one
  • go through one
  • God-given right
  • God's in his heaven; all's right with the world
  • hang a left
  • hang a left/right
  • hang a right
  • have (one) bang to rights
  • have (one) dead to rights
  • have (one's) head screwed on (right)
  • have (one's) heart in the right place
  • have a right to
  • have a screw loose
  • have a/the right to (do something)
  • have a/the right to (something)
  • have dead to rights
  • have heart in the right place
  • have one's head screwed on right
  • have someone bang to rights
  • have someone dead to rights
  • have the right idea
  • have the right sow by the ear
  • have your heart in the right place
  • heart in the right place, have one's
  • heart in the right place, to have one's
  • hit (one) (right) between the eyes
  • hit me (right) in the feels
  • hit the nail (right) on the head
  • hit the right chord
  • hit the right note
  • hit/strike the right/wrong note
  • hold mouth the right way
  • if wishes were horses, (then) beggars might ride
  • if wishes were horses, (then) beggars would ride
  • if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
  • I'll get right on (something)
  • I'll get right on it
  • I'm all right, Jack
  • in (one's) own right
  • in (one's) right mind
  • in one's own right
  • in one's right mind
  • in own right
  • in right mind
  • in the right
  • in the right place at the right time
  • in the right, be
  • in your own right
  • in your right mind
  • is that right
  • Is that so?
  • it serves someone right
  • it'll be all right on the night
  • it's all right
  • it's all right for some
  • it's/that's all right
  • jog to the right
  • keep on the good side of (someone)
  • keep on the right side
  • keep on the right side of
  • keep on the right side of (someone)
  • keep one’s head right
  • left and right
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
  • left, right and centre
  • left, right, and center
  • left, right, and centre
  • look right through (one)
  • make (all) the right noises
  • make (something) right
  • make the right noises
  • might is right
  • might makes right
  • Miss Right
  • Mister Right
  • Mr Right
  • Mr. Right
  • no one in his/her/their right mind would (do something)
  • nobody in their right mind
  • not (quite) right in the head
  • not right in the head
  • not right now
  • not right now, thanks
  • off on the right foot
  • on (one's) right side
  • on heels
  • on the money
  • on the right foot
  • on the right foot, get off
  • on the right lines
  • on the right tack
  • on the right track
  • one's heart is in the right place
  • play (one's) cards right
  • play (right) into (one's) hands
  • play (right) into the hands of (one)
  • play cards right
  • play one's cards right
  • play one's cards right/well, to
  • play your cards right
  • point (one) in the right direction
  • point someone in the right direction
  • press (all) the right buttons
  • press the right button
  • price is right, the
  • push the right button(s)
  • put (someone) right
  • put (something) right
  • put (something) to rights
  • put right
  • put someone right
  • put something right
  • put things right
  • put/set somebody right
  • put/set something to rights
  • read (one) (one's) rights
  • read one rights
  • right
  • right a wrong
  • right and left
  • right as a trivet
  • right as rain
  • right away
  • right away/off
  • right back at you
  • right back atcha
  • right down alley
  • right enough
  • right foot foremost
  • right guy
  • right in the kisser
  • right now
  • right of way
  • right off
  • right off the bat
  • right on
  • right on the button
  • right on the money
  • right on the nail
  • right on time
  • Right on!
  • right out
  • right royal
  • right side of the tracks
  • right side up
  • right side, on someone's
  • right smart
  • right tack/track, to take/on the
  • right to
  • right to (do) (something)
  • right to do
  • right to life
  • right to work
  • right up one’s alley
  • right up one's alley
  • right up one's alley, to be
  • right up your alley
  • right up your street
  • right you are
  • right you are!
  • right/wrong place at the right time, to be in the
  • right-hand man
  • right-of-way
  • right-side out
  • right-side up
  • sail right through something
  • sail through
  • sail through (something)
  • see (one) right
  • see somebody right
  • see someone right
  • send the right message
  • serve (one) right
  • serve one right
  • serve right
  • serve somebody right
  • serve someone right
  • set (something) right
  • set (something) to rights
  • set right
  • set to rights
  • she'll be right
  • she'll be right(, mate)
  • she's right
  • she's right(, mate)
  • sit right (with one)
  • sit right with
  • somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan
  • start off
  • start off on the right foot
  • start off on the right foot, to
  • stay on the good side of (someone)
  • stay on the right side of (someone)
  • step in the right direction, a
  • step right up
  • step right up to (someone or something)
  • straighten up and fly right
  • strike the right chord
  • strike the right note
  • swipe right
  • take two and hit to right
  • that's all right
  • that's right
  • the customer is always right
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
  • the price is right
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
  • the right side of the tracks
  • the right stuff
  • tick all the (right) boxes
  • to rights
  • too right
  • too right/true
  • too true
  • took the words right out of my mouth
  • turn out all right
  • Two wrongs do not make a right
  • two wrongs don't make a right
  • two wrongs make a right
  • under one's nose, (right)
  • walk into (something)
  • walk right in
  • walk right up
  • we've got a right one here
  • when it comes right down to it
  • when it comes to
  • within (one's) rights
  • within rights
  • within your rights
  • words right out of one's mouth, to take
  • work out
  • would give your right arm for
  • would give your right arm for something/to do something
  • wrong scent, to be on the
  • Yeah, right!
  • your heart is in the right place
  • your right-hand man
  • your, his, etc. heart is in the right place



in politics, the more conservative groups in the political spectrum, in contrast to the radical leftleft,
in politics, the more radically progressive wing in any legislative body or party. The designation apparently originated in the French National Assembly of 1789, where the radicals were seated to the left of the presiding officer.
..... Click the link for more information.
 and the liberal centercenter,
in politics, a party following a middle course. The term was first used in France in 1789, when the moderates of the National Assembly sat in the center of the hall. It can refer to a separate party in a political system, e.g.
..... Click the link for more information.
. The designation stems from the seating of the nobility on the right side of the presiding officer in the French National Assembly of 1789. In some European legislative assemblies conservative members are still seated in that position.

What does it mean when you dream about being on the right?

In addition to its directional meaning, being on the right can also mean being correct (e.g., to be on the right side of a situation). Being at the right hand of God also says one is in the righteous place of good instead of evil. The right in a dream can also mean to stand up for one’s “rights” or “to right” (rectify) a wrong.


1. of, designating, supporting, belonging to, or relating to the political or intellectual right (see sense 39) 2. conservative or reactionary 3. Geometrya. formed by or containing a line or plane perpendicular to another line or plane b. having the axis perpendicular to the base c. straight 4. the supporters or advocates of social, political, or economic conservatism or reaction, based generally on a belief that things are better left unchanged (opposed to radical or left) 5. Boxinga. a punch with the right hand b. the right hand


(dreams)The right side of the brain is associated with fluid intelligence, nonverbal reasoning, and creativity. In your dream you may be concerned with direction or being right. Either way right usually has positive connotations. You may be sending messages to yourself that you are on a right path or doing the right thing.



 [rīt] something that is due to someone by law or by tradition.right to fair treatment the fair selection and treatment of subjects during the course of a research study. Principles governing fairness include informed voluntary decision by the subjects to participate and selection according to criteria directly related to the study rather than according to artificial social or cultural biases.negative right a right to refuse care or not to be interfered with; it obligates another to refrain from doing something. One example is the right to refuse treatment, which is grounded in the principle of respect for autonomy. This is mentioned in the “Patient's Bill of Rights;” see patient's rights.patient's r's see patient's rights.positive right a right to be provided with a good or service such as health care, usually grounded in the principle of justice. It is philosophically more difficult to justify than a negative right because it obligates another to do something.

congenital heart disease

A congenital malformation–eg, coarctation of aorta, VSD, ASD, tetraology of Fallot–of the heart or great blood vessels, which may or may not have clinical consequences. See Baby Faye heart, Shunt. Congenital heart disease Rightleft shunt Cyanotic shunt Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels, trucus arteriosus, tricuspid valve atresia Leftright shunt Acyanotic shunt Patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, aortic coarctation (NEJM 2000; 342:256rv)


(rit) [AS. riht],

R; rt

1. Pert. to the dextral side of the body (the side away from the heart), which in most persons is the stronger or preferred. Synonym: dexter2. Legal authority to supervise and control one's own actions or the actions of others.


Related to Right: right wing, right brain, human right


In an abstract sense, justice, ethical correctness, or harmony with the rules of law or the principles of morals. In a concrete legal sense, a power, privilege, demand, or claim possessed by a particular person by virtue of law.

Each legal right that an individual possesses relates to a corresponding legal duty imposed on another. For example, when a person owns a home and property, he has the right to possess and enjoy it free from the interference of others, who are under a corresponding duty not to interfere with the owner's rights by trespassing on the property or breaking into the home.

In Constitutional Law, rights are classified as natural, civil, and political. Natural rights are those that are believed to grow out of the nature of the individual human being and depend on her personality, such as the rights to life, liberty, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness.

Civil Rights are those that belong to every citizen of the state, and are not connected with the organization or administration of government. They include the rights of property, marriage, protection by law, freedom to contract, trial by jury, and the like. These rights are capable of being enforced or redressed in a civil action in a court.

Political rights entail the power to participate directly or indirectly in the establishment or administration of government, such as the right of citizenship, the right to vote, and the right to hold public office.


1) n. an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process, or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal. These rights include various freedoms, protection against interference with enjoyment of life and property, civil rights enjoyed by citizens such as voting and access to the courts, natural rights accepted by civilized societies, human rights to protect people throughout the world from terror, torture, barbaric practices and deprivation of civil rights and profit from their labor, and such American constitutional guarantees as the right to freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. 2) adj. just, fair, correct. (See: civil rights, marital rights)

RIGHT. This word is used in various senses: 1. Sometimes it signifies a law, as when we say that natural right requires us to keep our promises, or that it commands restitution, or that it forbids murder. In our language it is seldom used in this sense. 2. It sometimes means that quality in our actions by which they are denominated just ones. This is usually denominated rectitude. 3. It is that quality in a person by which he can do certain actions, or possess certain things which belong to him by virtue of some title. In this sense, we use it when we say that a man has a right to his estate or a right to defend himself. Ruth, Inst. c. 2, Sec. 1, 2, 3; Merlin,; Repert. de Jurisp. mot Droit. See Wood's Inst. 119.
2. In this latter sense alone, will this word be here considered. Right is the correlative of duty, for, wherever one has a right due to him, some other must owe him a duty. 1 Toull. n. 96.
3. Rights are perfect and imperfect. When the things which we have a right to possess or the actions we have a right to do, are or may be fixed and determinate, the right is a perfect one; but when the thing or the actions are vague and indeterminate, the right is an imperfect one. If a man demand his property, which is withheld from him, the right that supports his demand is a perfect one; because the thing demanded is, or may be fixed and determinate.
4. But if a poor man ask relief from those from whom he has reason to expect it, the right, which supports his petition, is an imperfect one; because the relief which he expects, is a vague indeterminate, thing. Ruth. Inst. c. 2, Sec. 4; Grot. lib. 1, c. Sec. 4.
5. Rights are also absolute and qualified. A man has an absolute right to recover property which belongs to him; an agent has a qualified right to recover such property, when it had been entrusted to his care, and which has been unlawfully taken out of his possession. Vide Trover.
6. Rights might with propriety be also divided into natural and civil rights but as all the rights which man has received from nature have been modified and acquired anew from the civil law, it is more proper, when considering their object, to divide them into political and civil rights.
7. Political rights consist in the power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the establishment or management of government. These political rights are fixed by the constitution. Every citizen has the right of voting for public officers, and of being elected; these are the political rights which the humblest citizen possesses.
8. Civil rights are those which have no relation to the establishment, support, or management of the government. These consist in the power of acquiring and enjoying property, of exercising the paternal and marital powers, and the like. It will be observed that every one, unless deprived of them by a sentence of civil death, is in the enjoyment of his civil rights, which is not the case with political rights; for an alien, for example, has no political, although in the full enjoyment of his civil rights.
9. These latter rights are divided into absolute and relative. The absolute rights of mankind may be reduced to three principal or primary articles: the right of personal security, which consists in a person's legal and uninterrupted enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation; the right of personal liberty, which consists in the power of locomotion, of changing situation, or removing one's person to whatsoever place one's inclination may direct, without any restraint, unless by due course of law; the right of property, which consists in the free use, enjoyment, and disposal of all his acquisitions, without any control or diminution, save only by the laws of the land. 1 Bl. 124 to 139.
 10. The relative rights are public or private: the first are those which subsist between the people and the government, as the right of protection on the part of the people, and the right of allegiance which is due by the people to the government; the second are the reciprocal rights of husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, and master and servant.
 11. Rights are also divided into legal and equitable. The former are those where the party has the legal title to a thing, and in that case, his remedy for an infringement of it, is by an action in a court of law. Although the person holding the legal title may have no actual interest, but hold only as trustee, the suit must be in his name, and not in general, in that of the cestui que trust. 1 East, 497 8 T. R. 332; 1 Saund. 158, n. 1; 2 Bing. 20. The latter, or equitable rights, are those which may be enforced in a court of equity by the cestui que trust. See, generally, Bouv. Ins t. Index, h.t. Remedy.

RIGHT, WRIT OF. Breve de recto. Vide Writ of light.



Privilege granted shareholders of a corporation to subscribe to shares of a new issue of common stock before it is offered to the public. Such a right, which normally has a life of two to four weeks, is freely transferable and entitles the holder to buy the new common stock below the public offering price. See: Warrant.

Rights Offering

In stock, the ability of a shareholder to maintain the same percentage of ownership in a company should the company issue more stock by buying a proportional number of shares at or below the market price. This protects the investor from devaluation of his/her shares if the company decides to hold a round of financing. The purchase of this proportional number of shares usually takes place before the new issue is offered to the secondary market, and must be exercised before a certain date (known as the expiration date) if the shareholder is to maintain the same percentage of ownership. Rights offerings or issues are also called subscription rights or simply rights. See also: Anti-dilution provision.


A certificate that permits the owner to purchase a certain number of shares, or, frequently, a fractional share of new stock from the issuer at a specific price. Rights are issued to existing stockholders in proportion to the number of shares the stockholders already own. Rights then may be combined with cash to purchase the new shares or they may be sold to other investors. Rights usually have value because they permit the owner to purchase shares of stock at less than the market price. A right is indicated in stock transaction tables by the symbol rt, appearing after the stock's name. Also called stock right, subscription right. See also ex-rights, preemptive right.Should rights be sold or used?

Rights offerings refer to the right of an investor to maintain his or her percentage ownership in a company when the company decides to issue new stock. Generally the company will do so at a discount to its market price to attract buyers, thus the existing stockholders' rights have value. The decision a rights holder must make is whether to put more money into the stock of this company or to sell the rights in the open market as compensation for the dilution of his or her percentage ownership in the company. TIP: Such a purchase depends completely on the individual's circumstances, goals, prejudices, and objectives—just as in any other stock purchase—and should be approached accordingly.

Thomas J. McAllister, CFP, McAllister Financial Planning, Carmel, IN


The opportunity a corporation gives a shareholder to buy additional shares at a special price for a limited time. Shareholders who don't use their rights can sell them to other investors.


RIGHTRhode Island Guild of Home Teachers
RIGHTResearch Institute for Genetic and Human Therapy (US and Italy)
RIGHTResearch Into Global Healthcare Tools (UK)
RIGHTResiding in Group Housing Together (Washington, DC)

See RISC Technology


Related to right: right wing, right brain, human right
  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for right

adj correct


  • correct
  • true
  • genuine
  • accurate
  • exact
  • precise
  • valid
  • authentic
  • satisfactory
  • spot-on
  • factual
  • on the money
  • unerring
  • admissible
  • dinkum
  • veracious
  • sound


  • wrong
  • mistaken
  • illegal
  • false
  • uncertain
  • fake
  • incorrect
  • questionable
  • unlawful
  • inaccurate
  • illicit
  • invalid
  • fraudulent
  • counterfeit
  • erroneous
  • inexact
  • untruthful

adj proper


  • proper
  • done
  • becoming
  • seemly
  • fitting
  • fit
  • appropriate
  • suitable
  • desirable
  • comme il faut


  • wrong
  • inappropriate
  • unfitting
  • unsuitable
  • undesirable
  • unseemly

adj favourable


  • favourable
  • due
  • ideal
  • convenient
  • rightful
  • advantageous
  • opportune
  • propitious


  • inconvenient
  • unfavourable
  • disadvantageous

adj just


  • just
  • good
  • fair
  • moral
  • proper
  • ethical
  • upright
  • honourable
  • honest
  • equitable
  • righteous
  • virtuous
  • lawful


  • bad
  • wrong
  • unfair
  • indecent
  • improper
  • immoral
  • unjust
  • dishonest
  • unethical

adj sane


  • sane
  • sound
  • balanced
  • normal
  • reasonable
  • rational
  • all there
  • lucid
  • unimpaired
  • compos mentis

adj healthy


  • healthy
  • well
  • fine
  • fit
  • in good health
  • in the pink
  • up to par


  • unwell
  • abnormal
  • unsound

adj complete


  • complete
  • real
  • pure
  • absolute
  • utter
  • outright
  • thorough
  • out-and-out
  • thoroughgoing

adv correctly


  • correctly
  • truly
  • precisely
  • exactly
  • genuinely
  • accurately
  • factually
  • aright


  • incorrectly
  • inaccurately
  • wrongly

adv suitably


  • suitably
  • fittingly
  • appropriately
  • properly
  • aptly
  • satisfactorily
  • befittingly


  • improperly
  • incompletely

adv exactly


  • exactly
  • squarely
  • precisely
  • bang
  • slap-bang

adv directly


  • directly
  • straight
  • precisely
  • exactly
  • unswervingly
  • without deviation
  • by the shortest route
  • in a beeline

adv all the way


  • all the way
  • completely
  • totally
  • perfectly
  • entirely
  • absolutely
  • altogether
  • thoroughly
  • wholly
  • utterly
  • quite

adv straight


  • straight
  • directly
  • immediately
  • quickly
  • promptly
  • instantly
  • straightaway
  • without delay


  • slowly
  • indirectly

adv properly


  • properly
  • fittingly
  • fairly
  • morally
  • honestly
  • justly
  • ethically
  • honourably
  • righteously
  • virtuously

adv favourably


  • favourably
  • well
  • fortunately
  • for the better
  • to advantage
  • beneficially
  • advantageously


  • badly
  • poorly
  • unfavourably

noun prerogative


  • prerogative
  • interest
  • business
  • power
  • claim
  • authority
  • title
  • due
  • freedom
  • licence
  • permission
  • liberty
  • privilege

noun justice


  • justice
  • good
  • reason
  • truth
  • honour
  • equity
  • virtue
  • integrity
  • goodness
  • morality
  • fairness
  • legality
  • righteousness
  • propriety
  • rectitude
  • lawfulness
  • uprightness


  • injustice
  • evil
  • impropriety
  • immorality
  • dishonour
  • badness

verb rectify


  • rectify
  • settle
  • fix
  • correct
  • repair
  • sort out
  • compensate for
  • straighten
  • redress
  • vindicate
  • put right

verb turn up the right way again


  • turn up the right way again
  • stand upright again
  • set upright again
  • turn back over


  • topple
  • make crooked

phrase by rights


  • in fairness
  • properly
  • technically
  • justly
  • equitably

phrase in the right


  • vindicated
  • right
  • justified
  • borne out
  • with the law on your side

phrase put something right


  • correct
  • right
  • improve
  • reform
  • square
  • fix
  • repair
  • adjust
  • remedy
  • amend
  • make good
  • mend
  • redress
  • put right
  • set the record straight
  • emend

phrase put something to rights


  • order
  • fix
  • arrange
  • solve
  • resolve
  • sort out
  • remedy
  • make good
  • retrieve
  • rectify
  • put right
  • straighten out
  • set right

phrase within your rights


  • at liberty
  • allowed
  • qualified
  • entitled
  • authorized
  • within the law

Synonyms for right

adj in accordance with principles of right or good conduct


  • ethical
  • moral
  • principled
  • proper
  • righteous
  • rightful
  • right-minded
  • virtuous

adj consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances


  • appropriate
  • deserved
  • due
  • fit
  • fitting
  • just
  • merited
  • proper
  • rightful
  • suitable

adj conforming to fact


  • accurate
  • correct
  • exact
  • faithful
  • precise
  • rigorous
  • true
  • veracious
  • veridical

adj having no errors


  • accurate
  • correct
  • errorless
  • exact
  • precise
  • rigorous

adj conforming to accepted standards


  • becoming
  • befitting
  • comely
  • comme il faut
  • correct
  • decent
  • decorous
  • de rigueur
  • nice
  • proper
  • respectable
  • seemly

adj suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place


  • appropriate
  • apt
  • becoming
  • befitting
  • correct
  • felicitous
  • fit
  • fitting
  • happy
  • meet
  • proper
  • tailor-made

adj having good health


  • fit
  • hale
  • healthful
  • healthy
  • hearty
  • sound
  • well
  • whole
  • wholesome

adj strongly favoring retention of the existing order


  • conservative
  • orthodox
  • rightist
  • right-wing
  • Tory
  • traditionalist
  • traditionalistic

noun a privilege granted a person, as by virtue of birth


  • appanage
  • birthright
  • perquisite
  • prerogative
  • droit

noun conferred power


  • authority
  • faculty
  • mandate
  • competence
  • competency

adv in a direct line


  • dead
  • direct
  • directly
  • due
  • straight
  • straightaway

adv with precision or absolute conformity


  • bang
  • dead
  • direct
  • directly
  • exactly
  • fair
  • flush
  • just
  • precisely
  • smack
  • square
  • squarely
  • straight
  • smack-dab

verb to restore to or place in an upright or proper position


  • stand

verb to restore to proper condition or functioning


  • doctor
  • fix
  • fix up
  • mend
  • overhaul
  • patch
  • repair
  • revamp

verb to make right what is wrong


  • amend
  • correct
  • emend
  • mend
  • rectify
  • redress
  • reform
  • remedy

Synonyms for right

noun an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature

Related Words

  • access
  • advowson
  • cabotage
  • claim
  • title
  • due
  • admittance
  • entree
  • admission
  • accession
  • floor
  • grant
  • human right
  • legal right
  • preemption
  • pre-emption
  • exclusive right
  • prerogative
  • privilege
  • perquisite
  • representation
  • right of action
  • right of search
  • right of way
  • states' rights
  • voting right
  • riparian right
  • water right
  • abstract
  • abstraction

noun location near or direction toward the right side

Related Words

  • position
  • place
  • right stage
  • stage right


  • left

noun the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right


  • right field
  • rightfield

Related Words

  • outfield
  • parcel of land
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • tract
  • parcel

noun those who support political or social or economic conservatism


  • right wing

Related Words

  • faction
  • sect
  • religious right
  • hard right

noun the hand that is on the right side of the body


  • right hand

Related Words

  • hand
  • manus
  • mitt
  • paw

noun a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east

Related Words

  • turning
  • turn

noun anything in accord with principles of justice


  • rightfulness

Related Words

  • justice
  • justness


  • wrong
  • wrongfulness

noun (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing

Related Words

  • plural
  • plural form
  • stake
  • interest

verb make reparations or amends for


  • redress
  • correct
  • compensate

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • over-correct
  • overcompensate
  • aby
  • abye
  • atone
  • expiate


  • wrong

verb put in or restore to an upright position

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • right

verb regain an upright or proper position

Related Words

  • change posture
  • right

verb make right or correct


  • correct
  • rectify

Related Words

  • change by reversal
  • reverse
  • turn
  • remediate
  • remedy
  • amend
  • rectify
  • repair
  • debug

adj being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north

Related Words

  • right-handed


  • left

adj free from error


  • correct

Related Words

  • accurate
  • proper
  • true


  • incorrect
  • wrong

adj socially right or correct


  • correct

Related Words

  • proper

adj in conformance with justice or law or morality

Related Words

  • ethical
  • good
  • just
  • proper


  • wrong

adj correct in opinion or judgment


  • correct


  • wrong

adj appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs


  • proper

Related Words

  • appropriate

adj of or belonging to the political or intellectual right

Related Words

  • conservative


  • center
  • left

adj in or into a satisfactory condition

Related Words

  • satisfactory

adj intended for the right hand


  • right-hand

Related Words

  • right-handed

adj in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure


  • correct

Related Words

  • proper

adj having the axis perpendicular to the base

Related Words

  • geometry
  • perpendicular

adj (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward

Related Words

  • outside

adj most suitable or right for a particular purpose


  • ripe
  • good

Related Words

  • opportune

adj precisely accurate


  • veracious

Related Words

  • accurate

adv exactly


  • flop

Related Words

  • colloquialism

adv toward or on the right


  • left

adv in the right manner


  • decent
  • in good order
  • properly
  • the right way
  • decently

adv an interjection expressing agreement


  • right on

adv (Southern regional intensive) very


  • mighty
  • powerful
  • mightily

Related Words

  • intensifier
  • intensive

adv in accordance with moral or social standards


  • justly

adv in an accurate manner


  • aright
  • correctly


  • wrong
  • wrongly
  • incorrectly




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