释义 |
ALARAAcronym for a philosophy of radiation use based on using dosages as low as reasonably achievable to attain the desired diagnostic, therapeutic, or other goal.ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable. A generic stance regarding radiation exposure, the goal of which is the least and lowest exposure possible and/or practicable, vis-à-vis licensed use of radioactive materials, the economics of improving nonradioactive technologies, the benefits to public health and safety, and other socioeconomic considerations.ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable Radiation safety A generic stance regarding radiation exposureALARA (ă-lahr'ă, ă-lară) Acronym for a philosophy of use of radiation based on using dosages as low as reasonably achievable to attain the desired diagnostic, therapeutic, or other goal. ALARA (ă-lahr'ă, ă-lară) Acronym for a philosophy of radiation use based on keeping dosages as low as reasonably achievable to attain the desired diagnostic, therapeutic, or other type of goal. ALARA
Acronym | Definition |
ALARA➣As Low As Reasonably Achievable | ALARA➣Action Learning Action Research Association (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) | ALARA➣Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (est. 1975) | ALARA➣As Late As Reasonably Achievable |