Noun | 1. quandang - Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seedEucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus, quandong, quandong treenative peach, quantong, quandang, quandong - red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jamquandong nut - edible nutlike seed of the quandong fruitEucarya, Fusanus, genus Eucarya, genus Fusanus - quandong treestree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms | | 2.quandang - red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jamnative peach, quantong, quandongedible fruit - edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet fleshEucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus, quandang, quandong, quandong tree - Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed |