syphilitic leukoderma


 [loo″ko-der´mah] an acquired condition with localized loss of pigmentation of the skin.leukoderma acquisi´tum centri´fugum a pigmented nevus surrounded by a ring of depigmentation; see also nevus" >halo nevus.syphilitic leukoderma indistinct, coarsely mottled hypopigmentation, usually on the sides of the neck, in late secondary syphilis.

syph·i·lit·ic leu·ko·der·ma

a fading of the roseola of secondary syphilis, leaving reticulated depigmented and hyperpigmented areas located chiefly on the sides of the neck. Synonym(s): leukoderma colli, melanoleukoderma colli

syph·i·lit·ic leu·ko·der·ma

(sif'i-lit'ik lū'kō-dĕr'mă) A fading of the roseola of secondary syphilis, leaving reticulated depigmented and hyperpigmented areas located chiefly on the sides of the neck.
Synonym(s): melanoleukoderma colli.

syphilitic leukoderma

Macular depigmentation, esp. of the skin of the neck and shoulders, seen in late syphilis. Synonym: collar of Venus; venereal collar; melanoleukoderma colliSee also: leukoderma