

单词 aru




the Union of Urbanist Architects; existed in Moscow from 1928 to 1931.

In its declarations of 1928 and 1931 and in its theoretical works, ARU called upon architects to shift from planning individual buildings to creating a unified spatial system for a city, regarding the individual building as a part of the city. In the structural plan of a city, ARU called for special attention to be devoted to the functional zoning of urban territory with a view to future development. In contrast to the adherents of de-urbanism and urbanism, the members of ARU did not limit the processes of population distribution to a single type of settlement, but set the task of “. . . discovering general rules of organizing human settlements in their varying forms and development” (Sovietskaia arkhitektura, 1931, nos. 1–2, p. 19); they saw that the future rational planning and rebuilding of existing cities would be guaranteed by the elimination of social inequality among the population and by the gradual dying away of the class structure of society.

The theoretical positions of ARU have found a reflection in contemporary city planning. In 1931, ARU merged into the All-Union Architectural Scientific Society.



ARUAustralian Rugby Union
ARUArchitecture Research Unit (London Metropolitan University; UK)
ARUAlarm Relay Unit
ARUAutomatic Response Unit
ARUAnglia Ruskin University (Cambridge and Chelmsford, UK)
ARUAudio Response Unit
ARUAquarium Rescue Unit (band)
ARUAmerican Railway Union (est. 1893)
ARUAsociacion Rural del Uruguay (Spanish: Rural Association of Uruguay)
ARUArdhi University (Tanzania)
ARUAutomated Response Unit
ARUApplied Research Unit (various organizations)
ARUAcute Rehabilitation Unit
ARUAir Removal Unit
ARUAustralian Railways Union (Victoria, Australia)
ARUAppropriate Resource Use (healthcare)
ARUArmed Response Unit (UK police)
ARUArizona Regents University (Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and University of Arizona joint distance learning program)
ARUAffect, Reason, Utility (neural network models)
ARUAlumni Relations Unit (Asian Institute of Technology)
ARUAlarm Relay Unit (Cisco)
ARUAttitude Reference Unit
ARUAural Resuscitation Unit (band; Dubuque, IA)
ARUAsbestos Reporting Unit
ARUAntenna Remote Unit
ARUAcid Recovery Unit
ARUAddress Recognition Unit
ARUAutomatic Release Update (Oracle)
ARUUSIGS Architecture Division (NIMA)
ARUAccess/Relay Unit
ARUAcknowledge Receipt & Understanding
ARUAnalog Routing Unit
ARUAmerican Research Union
ARUAutomated Release Upgrade (AT&T)
ARUAcoustic Recording Unit
ARUAssociation Roller Urbain (French: Urban Roller Association)
ARUAutomatic Resync Unit




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