

单词 poetry



P0398800 (pō′ĭ-trē)n.1. The act or practice of composing poems.2. a. Poems regarded as forming a division of literature.b. The poetic works of a given author, group, nation, or kind.3. Literature written in meter; verse.4. Prose that resembles a poem in some respect, as in vivid imagery or rhythmic sound.5. The essence or characteristic quality of a poem: "It is impossible to separate the 'poetry' in Paradise Lost from the peculiar doctrines that it enshrines" (T.S. Eliot).6. A quality that suggests poetry, as in grace, beauty, or harmony: the poetry of the dancer's movements.
[Middle English poetrie, from Old French, from Medieval Latin poētria, from Latin poēta, poet; see poet.]


(ˈpəʊɪtrɪ) n1. (Poetry) literature in metrical form; verse2. (Poetry) the art or craft of writing verse3. poetic qualities, spirit, or feeling in anything4. anything resembling poetry in rhythm, beauty, etc[C14: from Medieval Latin poētria, from Latin poēta poet]


(ˈpoʊ ɪ tri)

n. 1. literary work in metrical form; poetic works; poems; verse. 2. the art of writing poems. 3. prose with poetic qualities. 4. poetic qualities however manifested. 5. poetic spirit or feeling. 6. something suggestive of poetry. [1350–1400; Middle English poetrie < Medieval Latin poētria poetic art, derivative of poēta poet]


  • found poem - A passage within prose that unintentionally reads like poetry.
  • stich - A line of poetry.
  • free verse - Poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.
  • metrophobia - The fear of poetry.




  1. All good verses are like impromptus made at leisure —Joseph Joubert
  2. Composed poetry … like a dancer working at the barre, continually exercising the power of imagining, like a muscle that demanded flexing and stretching —Arthur A. Cohen
  3. Explaining how you write poetry … it’s like going round explaining how you sleep with your wife —Phillip Larkin
  4. He [the poet] approaches lucid ground warily, like a mariner who is determined not to scrape his bottom on anything solid. A poet’s pleasure is to withhold a little of his meaning, to intensify by mystification —E. B. White
  5. Like science, poetry must fix its thought in thing and symbol —Dilys Laing
  6. Like a piece of ice on a hot stove the poem must ride on its own melting —Robert Frost
  7. Like marijuana smoke are poet’s verses —Jaroslav Seifert
  8. Poems are like people … there are not many authentic ones around —Robert Graves
  9. The poet is like the prince of the clouds who rides the tempest … exiled on the ground, amidst boos and insults, his giant’s wings prevent his walking —Charles Baudelaire
  10. Poetry is like light —Delmore Schwartz
  11. Poetry is like painting; one piece takes your fancy if you stand close to it, another if you keep at some distance —Horace
  12. Poetry … is like spray blown by some wind from a heaving sea, or like sparks blown from a smouldering fire: a cry which the violence of circumstances wrings from some poor fellow —George Santayana
  13. Poets … are conductors of the senses of men, as teachers and preachers are the insulators —Karl Shapiro

    The simile is taken from a prose poem entitled As You Say (not without sadness), Poets Don’t See They Feel It contains another simile which sheds light on the poet as one who strips away insulation: “He pulls at the seams [of insulation] like a boy whose trousers are cutting him in half.”

  14. Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things —Robert Frost
  15. Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo —Don Marquis, The Sun Dial, 1878
  16. Rhymes you as fast as a sailor will swear —Babette Deutsch

    The simile is from a poem honoring John Skelton.

  17. They [poets] are honored and ignored like famous dead Presidents —Delmore Schwartz
  18. To try to read a poem with the eyes of the first reader who read it is like trying to see a landscape without the atmosphere that clothes it —W. Somerset Maugham
  19. To write a lyric is like having a fit, you can’t have one when you wish you could … and you can’t help having it when it comes itself —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  20. Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down —Robert Frost
Noun1.poetry - literature in metrical formpoetry - literature in metrical form poesy, versehush, stillness, still - (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night"epos - a body of poetry that conveys the traditions of a society by treating some epic themeliterary genre, writing style, genre - a style of expressing yourself in writingepic poetry, heroic poetry - poetry celebrating the deeds of some herodolor, dolour - (poetry) painful griefErin - an early name of Ireland that is now used in poetrylyric - write lyrics for (a song)relyric - write new lyrics for (a song)rhyme, rime - compose rhymestag - supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymesalliterate - use alliteration as a form of poetrypoetise, poetize, verse, versify - compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"metrify - compose in poetic meter; "The bard metrified his poems very precisely"spondaise, spondaize - make spondaic; "spondaize verses"elegise, elegize - compose an elegysonnet - compose a sonnetsonnet - praise in a sonnetscan - conform to a metrical patternlyric - of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses emotion (often in a songlike way); "lyric poetry"sweet, sweetly - in an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly'); "Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly"; "how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank"- Shakespeare; "talking sweet to each other"
2.poetry - any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feelingexpressive style, style - a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period; "all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper"


noun verse, poems, rhyme, rhyming, poesy (archaic), verse composition, metrical composition the poetry of Thomas HardyQuotations
"Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense" [Isaac Barrow]
"Poetry is what gets lost in translation" [Robert Frost]
"Poetry is a search for ways of communication; it must be conducted with openness, flexibility, and a constant readiness to listen" [Fleur Adcock]
"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity" [William Wordsworth Lyrical Ballads (preface)]
"Poetry is at bottom a criticism of life" [Matthew Arnold Essays in Criticism]
"Poetry is a subject as precise as geometry" [Gustave Flaubert letter]
"Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat" [Robert Frost]
"As civilization advances, poetry almost necessarily declines" [Lord Macaulay Essays]
"Poetry (is) a speaking picture, with this end; to teach and delight" [Sir Philip Sidney The Defence of Poetry]
"Poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes" [Joseph Roux Meditations of a Parish Priest]
"Prose = words in their best order; poetry = the best words in their best order" [Samuel Taylor Coleridge Table Talk]
"Imaginary gardens with real toads in them" [Marianne Moore Poetry]
"Poetry is something more philosophical and more worthy of serious attention than history" [Aristotle Poetics]
"Prose is when all the lines except the last go on to the end. Poetry is when some of them fall short of it" [Jeremy Bentham]
"I am two fools, I know,"
"For loving, and for saying so"
"In whining poetry" [John Donne The Triple Fool]
"Poetry's a mere drug, Sir" [George Farquhar Love and a Battle]
"If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all" [John Keats letter]
"Writing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo" [Don Marquis]
"Most people ignore most poetry"
"most poetry ignores most people" [Adrian Mitchell Poems]
"All that is not prose is verse; and all that is not verse is prose" [Molière Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme]
"it is not poetry, but prose run mad" [Alexander Pope An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot]


Poetry and prosody terms accentual metre, accentual-syllabic metre or stress-syllabic metre, Adonic, Alcaic, Alexandrine, alliteration, amoebaean or amoebean, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, arsis, anapaest or anapest, anapaestic or anapestic, antistrophe, assonance, bacchius, ballad stanza, blank verse, bob, cadence or cadency, caesura or cesura, canto, catalectic, choriamb or choriambus, closed couplet, common measure, common metre, consonance or consonancy, couplet, cretic or amphimacer, dactyl, dactylic, diaeresis or dieresis, dipody, distich, elision, end-stopped, enjambement, envoy or envoi, epode, eye rhyme, feminine ending, feminine rhyme, foot, free verse or vers libre, half-rhyme, hemistich, heptameter, heptastich, heroic couplet, hexameter, hypermeter, iamb or iambus, iambic, ictus, internal rhyme, ionic, jabberwocky, leonine rhyme, long metre, macaronic, masculine ending, masculine rhyme, metre, octameter, octave or octet, onomatopoeia, ottava rima, paeon, paeonic, pararhyme, pentameter, pentastich, perfect rhyme or full rhyme, Pindaric, pyhrric, quantitative metre, quatrain, quintain or quintet, refrain, rhyme, rhyme royal, rhyme scheme, rhythm, rime riche, Sapphic, scansion, septet, sestet, sestina or sextain, short metre, Spenserian stanza, spondee, spondaic, sprung rhythm, stanza, stichic, strophe, syllabic metre, tercet, terza rima, tetrabrach, tetrameter, tetrapody, tetrastich, triplet, trochaic, trochee, unstopped, verse paragraph, wheelPoetry movements and groupings Alexandrians, Decadents, Georgian Poets, imagists, Lake Poets, Liverpool Poets, Metaphysical Poets, the Movement, Petrarchans, Romantics, Scottish Chaucerians, symbolistsPoets Dannie Abse (Welsh), (Karen) Fleur Adcock (New Zealander), Conrad (Potter) Aiken (U.S.), Anna Akhamatova (Russian), Maya Angelou (U.S.), Guillaume Apollinaire (French), Ludovico Ariosto (Italian), Matthew Arnold (English), W(ystan) H(ugh) Auden (English-U.S.), Charles Pierre Baudelaire (French), Patricia Beer (English), Hilaire Belloc (British), John Berryman (U.S.), John Betjeman (English), Elizabeth Bishop (U.S.), William Blake (English), Edmund Blunden (English), Joseph Brodsky (Russian-American), Rupert (Chawner) Brooke (English), Gwendolyn Brooks (U.S.), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (English), Robert Browning (English), Robert Burns (Scottish), (George Gordon) Byron (British), Callimachus (Greek), Luis Vaz de Camoëns (Portuguese), Thomas Campion (English), Raymond Carver (U.S.), Gaius Valerius Catullus (Roman), Charles Causley (English), Geoffrey Chaucer (English), Amy Clampitt (U.S.), John Clare (English), Samuel Taylor Coleridge (English), William Cowper (English), George Crabbe (English), e(dward) e(stlin) cummings (U.S.), Dante (Alighieri) (Italian), Cecil Day Lewis (Irish), Walter de la Mare (English), Emily Dickinson (U.S.), John Donne (English), H D (Hilda Doolittle) (U.S.), John Dryden (English), Carol Ann Duffy (Scottish), William Dunbar (Scottish), Douglas Dunn (Scottish), Geoffrey Dutton (Australian), T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot (U.S.-British), Ebenezer Elliot (the Corn Law Rhymer) (English), Paul Éluard (French), Ralph Waldo Emerson (U.S.), William Empson (English), Edward Fitzgerald (English), Robert Fitzgerald (Australian), Robert (Lee) Frost (U.S.), Allen Ginsberg (U.S.), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German), Robert Graves (English), Thomas Gray (English), Thom Gunn (English), Seamus Heaney (Irish), Adrian Henri (English), Robert Henryson (Scottish), George Herbert (English), Robert Herrick (English), Hesiod (Greek), Geoffrey Hill (English), Ralph Hodgson (English), Homer (Greek), Thomas Hood (English), Gerard Manley Hopkins (English), Horace (Roman), A(lfred) E(dward) Housman (English), Ted Hughes (English), Elizabeth Jennings (English), Samuel Johnson (English), Ben Jonson (English), Juvenal (Roman), Patrick Kavanagh (Irish), John Keats (English), Sidney Keyes (English), (Joseph) Rudyard Kipling (English), Jean de La Fontaine (French), Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine (French), Walter Savage Landor (English), William Langland (English), Philip Larkin (English), Tom Leonard (Scottish), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (U.S.), Amy Lowell (U.S.), Robert Lowell (U.S.), Richard Lovelace (English), Lucretius (Roman), Thomas Macauley (English), Norman MacCaig (Scottish), Hugh MacDiarmid (Scottish), Roger McGough (English), Sorley MacLean (Scottish), Louis MacNeice (Irish), Stéphane Mallarmé (French), Martial (Roman), Andrew Marvell (English), John Masefield (English), Edna St Vincent Millay (U.S.), John Milton (English), Marianne Moore (U.S.), Edwin Morgan (Scottish), Andrew Motion (English), Edwin Muir (Scottish), Ogden Nash (U.S.), Pablo Neruda (Chilean), Frank O'Hara (U.S.), Omar Khayyam (Persian), Ovid (Roman), Wilfred Owen (British), Brian Patten (English), Octavio Paz (Mexican), Petrarch (Italian), Pindar (Greek), Sylvia Plath (U.S.), Alexander Pope (English), Peter Porter (Australian), Ezra (Loomis) Pound (U.S.), Sextus Propertius (Roman), Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Russian), Kathleen Raine (English), Adrienne Rich (U.S.), Laura Riding (U.S.), Rainer Maria Rilke (Austro-German), Arthur Rimbaud (French), (John Wilmot) Rochester (English), Theodore Huebner Roethke (U.S.), Isaac Rosenberg (English), Christina Georgina Rossetti (English), Dante Gabriel Rossetti (English), Saint-John Perse (French), Sappho (Greek), Siegfried Sassoon (English), Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (German), Delmore Schwarz (U.S.), Sir Walter Scott (Scottish), Jaroslav Seifert (Czech), William Shakespeare (English), Percy Bysshe Shelley (English), Sir Philip Sidney (English), Edith Sitwell (English), John Skelton (English), Christopher Smart (English), Stevie Smith (English), Robert Southey (English), Stephen Spender (English), Edmund Spenser (English), Wallace Stevens (U.S.), Algernon Charles Swinburne (English), Wislawa Szymborska (Polish), Torquato Tasso (Italian), Alfred, Lord Tennyson (English), Dylan (Marlais) Thomas (Welsh), Edward Thomas (English), R(onald) S(tuart) Thomas (Welsh), James Thomson (Scottish), Paul Verlaine (French), Alfred Victor de Vigny (French), François Villon (French), Virgil (Roman), Derek Walcott (West Indian), Francis Charles Webb (Australian), Walt Whitman (U.S.), William Wordsworth (English), Judith Wright (Australian), Thomas Wyatt (English), W(illiam) B(utler) Yeats (Irish)


noun1. A poetic work or poetic works:poem, poesy, rhyme, verse.2. Something likened to poetry, as in form or style:lyricism, poem.


(ˈpouit) feminine ˈpoet ~ˈpoetess noun a person who writes poems. 詩人 诗人poetic (pouˈetik) adjective of, like, or suitable for, a poem. a poetic expression. 詩的,韻文的 诗的,韵文的 poˈetically adverb 有詩韻地 有诗韵地ˈpoetry noun1. poems in general. He writes poetry. 詩(總稱) 诗(总称) 2. the art of composing poems. Poetry comes naturally to some people. 作詩 作诗



IdiomsSeepoetry in motion



For lyric poetry, see balladballad,
in literature and music, short, narrative poem or song usually relating a single, dramatic event. Two forms of the ballad are often distinguished—the folk ballad, dating from about the 12th cent., and the literary ballad, dating from the late 18th cent.
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; elegyelegy,
in Greek and Roman poetry, a poem written in elegiac verse (i.e., couplets consisting of a hexameter line followed by a pentameter line). The form dates back to 7th cent. B.C. in Greece and poets such as Archilochus, Mimnermus, and Tytraeus.
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; hymnhymn,
song of praise, devotion, or thanksgiving, especially of a religious character (see also cantata).

Early Christian hymnody consisted mainly of the Psalms and the great canticles Nunc dimittis, Magnificat, and Benedictus
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; lyriclyric,
in ancient Greece, a poem accompanied by a musical instrument, usually a lyre. Although the word is still often used to refer to the songlike quality in poetry, it is more generally used to refer to any short poem that expresses a personal emotion, be it a sonnet, ode,
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; odeode,
elaborate and stately lyric poem of some length. The ode dates back to the Greek choral songs that were sung and danced at public events and celebrations. The Greek odes of Pindar, which were modeled on the choral odes of Greek drama, were poems of praise or glorification.
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; pastoralpastoral,
literary work in which the shepherd's life is presented in a conventionalized manner. In this convention the purity and simplicity of shepherd life is contrasted with the corruption and artificiality of the court or the city.
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; sonnetsonnet,
poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme. There are two prominent types: the Italian, or Petrarchan, sonnet, composed of an octave and a sestet (rhyming abbaabba cdecde
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. For narrative poetry, see chansons de gestechansons de geste
[Fr.,=songs of deeds], a group of epic poems of medieval France written from the 11th through the 13th cent. Varying in length from 1,000 to 20,000 lines, assonanced or (in the 13th cent.
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; epicepic,
long, exalted narrative poem, usually on a serious subject, centered on a heroic figure. The earliest epics, known as primary, or original, epics, were shaped from the legends of an age when a nation was conquering and expanding; such is the foundation of the Babylonian
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; idylidyl
, short poem. The ancient idyls, especially those of Bion and Moschus, were intended as little selections in the style of such longer poems as elegies or epics. There are 10 famous idyls by the Greek Theocritus, and, since some of them dealt with pastoral or rural scenes,
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; romanceromance
[O.Fr.,=something written in the popular language, i.e., a Romance language]. The roman of the Middle Ages was a form of chivalric and romantic literature widely diffused throughout Europe from the 11th cent.
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. Dramatic poetry is incidentally treated in the articles drama, Westerndrama, Western,
plays produced in the Western world. This article discusses the development of Western drama in general; for further information see the various national literature articles.
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; and tragedytragedy,
form of drama that depicts the suffering of a heroic individual who is often overcome by the very obstacles he is struggling to remove. The protagonist may be brought low by a character flaw or, as Hegel stated, caught in a "collision of equally justified ethical aims.
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. See also articles on individual poets and on various national literatures. For technical discussions of poetry, see free versefree verse,
term loosely used for rhymed or unrhymed verse made free of conventional and traditional limitations and restrictions in regard to metrical structure. Cadence, especially that of common speech, is often substituted for regular metrical pattern.
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; pentameterpentameter
[Gr.,=measure of five], in prosody, a line to be scanned in five feet (see versification). The third line of Thomas Nashe's "Spring" is in pentameter: "Cold doth / not sting, / the pret / ty birds / do sing.
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; rhymerhyme
or rime,
the most prominent of the literary artifices used in versification. Although it was used in ancient East Asian poetry, rhyme was practically unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
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; versificationversification,
principles of metrical practice in poetry. In different literatures poetic form is achieved in various ways; usually, however, a definite and predictable pattern is evident in the language.
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See also Inspiration.Bragigod of verse. [Norse Myth.: Parrinder, 50]Calliope Museof epic poetry. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 159]Castalia Parnassianfountain; endowed drinker with poetic creativity. [Gk. Myth.: LLEI, I: 325]Daphniscreator of bucolic poetry. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 75]EratoMuse of love lyrics. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 159]EuterpeMuse of lyric poetry. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 159]Homerlegendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. [Gk. Lit.: Benét, 474]Parnassusmountains sacred to Muses; hence, abode of poetry. [Gk. Myth.: Hall, 234]Pleiade, The 16thcentury poets sought to revitalize French literature. [Fr. Hist.: Benét, 795]Sappho (c. 620–c. 565 B. C.)lyric poet sometimes called the “tenth muse.” [Gk. Lit.: Benét, 896–897]White Goddess,the goddess of ancient fertility and the moon whose worship is claimed by Robert Graves to be the origin of poetry. [Br. Lit.: Benét, 1087]


1. literature in metrical form; verse 2. the art or craft of writing verse


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Related to poetry: Poems
  • noun

Synonyms for poetry

noun verse


  • verse
  • poems
  • rhyme
  • rhyming
  • poesy
  • verse composition
  • metrical composition

Synonyms for poetry

noun a poetic work or poetic works


  • poem
  • poesy
  • rhyme
  • verse

noun something likened to poetry, as in form or style


  • lyricism
  • poem

Synonyms for poetry

noun literature in metrical form


  • poesy
  • verse

Related Words

  • hush
  • stillness
  • still
  • epos
  • literary genre
  • writing style
  • genre
  • epic poetry
  • heroic poetry
  • dolor
  • dolour
  • Erin
  • lyric
  • relyric
  • rhyme
  • rime
  • tag
  • alliterate
  • poetise
  • poetize
  • verse
  • versify
  • metrify
  • spondaise
  • spondaize
  • elegise
  • elegize
  • sonnet
  • scan
  • sweet
  • sweetly

noun any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling

Related Words

  • expressive style
  • style




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