Vladimir Mai-Maevskii
Mai-Maevskii, Vladimir Zenonovich
(V. Zinov’evich Mai-Maievskii). Born Sept. 15 (27), 1867; died Oct. 30, 1920, in Sevastopol’. White Guard officer; lieutenant general (1917). Son of dvoriane (nobility or gentry) of Mogilev Province.
Mai-Maevskii graduated from the Academy of the General Staff in 1896. In World War I (1914-18) he commanded a regiment, a brigade, a division, and the I Guards Corps (until August 1917). After the Great October Socialist Revolution, Mai-Maevskii fled to the Don region in 1918. Being a personal friend of General A. I. Denikin, in December 1918 he was ap-pointed commander of the Third Rifle Division of the Volunteer Army. In the spring of 1919 during fighting in the Donbas the division was re-formed as the Donetsk Group of Forces. MaiMaevskii commanded the Volunteer Army during the “campaign on Moscow” from May to November 1919. On Nov. 27, 1919, he was relieved of his posts and replaced by General P. N. Wrangel.
Makarov, P. V. Ad”iutant generala Mai-Maevskogo, 5th ed. Leningrad, 1929.Makarov, P. V. Partizany Tavrii. Moscow, 1960.