(New Direction School), a trend in Korean democratic literature during the 1920’s. Representatives of the school included the young writers Na To-hyang, Cho Myong-hi, Choe So-hae, Yi Ki-yong, and Yi Ik-sang, who depicted the lower strata of Korean society. Their realistic writings, despite some elements of excessive dramatization, were vividly patriotic and public-spirited. Singyonghyangpa has often been called a prologue to Korean proletarian literature.
Ivanova, V. I. “Iz istorii proletarskogo literaturnogo dvizheniia ν Koree (1924–1934).” Kratkie soobshcheniia IVAN SSSR, 1958, fasc. 24.Li, V. N. “Koreiskaia assotsiatsiia proletarskikh pisatelei i proza 20-30-kh gg.” In the collection Natsional’nye traditsii i genezis sotsialisticheskogo realizma. Moscow, 1965.
V. I. IVANOVA [23–1229–]