

单词 bare



unadorned, plain: Tell me the bare facts.; naked; without covering or clothing: bare midriff; scarcely sufficient: the bare necessities
Not to be confused with:bear – to give birth to: bear a child; to suffer; endure; undergo: bear the blame; to bring: bear gifts; to render; afford; give: bear witness, bear testimony; an animal: a polar bear

bare 1

B0074700 (bâr)adj. bar·er, bar·est 1. Lacking the usual or appropriate covering or clothing; naked: a bare arm.2. Exposed to view; undisguised: bare fangs.3. Lacking the usual furnishings, equipment, or decoration: bare walls.4. Having no addition, adornment, or qualification: the bare facts.5. Just sufficient; mere: the bare necessities.6. Obsolete Bareheaded.tr.v. bared, bar·ing, bares 1. To make bare; uncover or reveal: bared their heads; baring secrets.2. To expose: The dog bared its teeth.
[Middle English bar, from Old English bær; see bhoso- in Indo-European roots.]
bare′ness n.

bare 2

B0074700 (bâr)v. Archaic A past tense of bear1.


(bɛə) adj1. unclothed; exposed: used esp of a part of the body2. without the natural, conventional, or usual covering or clothing: a bare tree. 3. lacking appropriate furnishings, etc: a bare room. 4. unembellished; simple: the bare facts. 5. (prenomial) just sufficient; mere: he earned the bare minimum. 6. with one's bare hands without a weapon or toolvb (tr) to make bare; uncover; reveal[Old English bær; compare Old Norse berr, Old High German bar naked, Old Slavonic bosǔ barefoot] ˈbareness n


(bɛə) vbarchaic a past tense of bear1



adj. bar•er, bar•est, adj. 1. without covering or clothing; naked; nude: bare legs. 2. without the usual furnishings, contents, etc.: bare walls. 3. mere: a bare three miles. 4. unadorned; bald; plain: the bare facts. 5. constituting a minimum; scarcely sufficient: the bare necessities of life. 6. Obs. bareheaded. v.t. 7. to reveal or divulge: to bare damaging new facts. [before 900; Middle English; Old English bær, c. Old Frisian ber, Old Saxon, Old High German bar, Old Norse berr] bare′ness, n.



v. Archaic. pt. of bear 1.


– barely">barely1. 'bare'

Bare is an adjective. If something is bare, it is not covered or decorated with anything.

The room has bare wooden floors.

If a part of the body is bare, it has no clothing.

Meg's feet were bare.
2. 'barely'

Barely is an adverb. It has a totally different meaning from bare. You use barely to say that something is only just true or possible. For example, if you can barely do something, you can only just do it. If something is barely noticeable, you can only just notice it.

It was so dark we could barely see.His whisper was barely audible.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'not' with barely. Don't say, for example, 'The temperature was not barely above freezing'. You say 'The temperature was barely above freezing'.

Be Careful!
If you use an auxiliary verb or modal with barely, you put the auxiliary verb or modal first. You say, for example, 'He can barely read'. Don't say 'He barely can read'.

The audience could barely hear him.

You can use barely to say that one thing happened immediately after another. For example, you can say 'We had barely started the meal when Jane arrived'.

Be Careful!
You use when or before after barely. Don't use 'than'. Don't say, for example, 'We had barely started the meal than Jane arrived'.

I had barely arrived before he led me to the interview room.They had barely sat down when they were told to leave.


– bare

These words are both pronounced eə/.

1. 'bear'

Bear can be a noun or a verb.

A bear is a large, strong wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws.

The bear stood on its hind legs.

If you bear a difficult situation, you accept it and are able to deal with it.

This disaster was more than some of them could bear.
2. 'bare'

Bare is usually an adjective. Something that is bare has no covering.

The grass was warm under her bare feet.The walls were bare.See bare - barely


Past participle: bared
Gerund: baring
I bare
you bare
he/she/it bares
we bare
you bare
they bare
I bared
you bared
he/she/it bared
we bared
you bared
they bared
Present Continuous
I am baring
you are baring
he/she/it is baring
we are baring
you are baring
they are baring
Present Perfect
I have bared
you have bared
he/she/it has bared
we have bared
you have bared
they have bared
Past Continuous
I was baring
you were baring
he/she/it was baring
we were baring
you were baring
they were baring
Past Perfect
I had bared
you had bared
he/she/it had bared
we had bared
you had bared
they had bared
I will bare
you will bare
he/she/it will bare
we will bare
you will bare
they will bare
Future Perfect
I will have bared
you will have bared
he/she/it will have bared
we will have bared
you will have bared
they will have bared
Future Continuous
I will be baring
you will be baring
he/she/it will be baring
we will be baring
you will be baring
they will be baring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been baring
you have been baring
he/she/it has been baring
we have been baring
you have been baring
they have been baring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been baring
you will have been baring
he/she/it will have been baring
we will have been baring
you will have been baring
they will have been baring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been baring
you had been baring
he/she/it had been baring
we had been baring
you had been baring
they had been baring
I would bare
you would bare
he/she/it would bare
we would bare
you would bare
they would bare
Past Conditional
I would have bared
you would have bared
he/she/it would have bared
we would have bared
you would have bared
they would have bared
Verb1.bare - lay barebare - lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings"uncover, expose - remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body; "uncover your belly"; "The man exposed himself in the subway"
2.bare - make publicbare - make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"publicize, publicise, airtell - let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"hype - publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading mannerbulletin - make public by bulletinissue, publish, bring out, release, put out - prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"broadcast, air, transmit, beam, send - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
3.bare - lay barebare - lay bare; "denude a forest" denudate, denude, stripclear - remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road"defoliate - strip the leaves or branches from; "defoliate the trees with pesticides"burn off - clear land of its vegetation by burning it off
Adj.1.bare - completely unclothedbare - completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model"au naturel, naked, nudeunclothed - not wearing clothing
2.bare - lacking in amplitude or quantitybare - lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet"scanty, sparemeager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingy - deficient in amount or quality or extent; "meager resources"; "meager fare"
3.bare - not having a protective coveringbare - not having a protective covering; "unsheathed cables"; "a bare blade"unsheathed
4.bare - lacking its natural or customary coveringbare - lacking its natural or customary covering; "a bare hill"; "bare feet"covered - overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form; "women with covered faces"; "covered wagons"; "a covered balcony"
5.bare - just barely adequate or within a lower limit; "a bare majority"; "a marginal victory"marginalnarrow - very limited in degree; "won by a narrow margin"; "a narrow escape"
6.bare - apart from anything else; without additions or modifications; "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth"mere, simpleplain - not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"
7.bare - lacking a surface finish such as paintbare - lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture"unfinishedunpainted - not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat; "an unpainted house"; "unpainted furniture"
8.bare - providing no shelter or sustenancebare - providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape"barren, desolate, bleak, starkinhospitable - unfavorable to life or growth; "the barren inhospitable desert"; "inhospitable mountain areas"
9.bare - having everything extraneous removed including contentsbare - having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare"strippedempty - holding or containing nothing; "an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours"
10.bare - lacking embellishment or ornamentationbare - lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"unembellished, unornamented, plain, spareunadorned, undecorated - not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction


adjective1. naked, nude, stripped, exposed, uncovered, shorn, undressed, divested, denuded, in the raw (informal), disrobed, unclothed, buck naked (slang), unclad, scuddy (slang), without a stitch on (informal), in the bare scud (slang), naked as the day you were born (informal) She seemed unaware that she was bare.
naked covered, dressed, clothed, clad, attired
2. simple, basic, stripped, severe, plain, spare, stark, austere, spartan, unadorned, unfussy, unvarnished, unembellished, unornamented, unpatterned bare wooden floors
simple adorned
3. empty, wanting, mean, lacking, deserted, vacant, void, scarce, barren, uninhabited, unoccupied, scanty, unfurnished a bare, draughty interviewing room
empty full, abundant, plentiful, well-stocked, profuse
4. desolate, dry, waste, empty, desert, unproductive, unfruitful a bare landscape5. plain, hard, simple, cold, basic, essential, obvious, sheer, patent, evident, stark, manifest, bald, literal, overt, unembellished reporters were given nothing but the bare facts6. absolute, very, simple, sheer a bare minimum of forces


adjective1. Without the usual covering:bald, naked, nude.2. Not wearing any clothes:au naturel, naked, nude, unclad.Chiefly British: starkers.Idioms: in one's birthday suit, in the altogether, naked as a jaybird, stark naked, without a stitch.3. Containing nothing:blank, clear, empty, vacant, vacuous, void.4. Without addition, decoration, or qualification:bald, dry, plain, simple, unadorned, unvarnished.5. Just sufficient:scant.verb1. To make bare:denude, disrobe, divest, expose, strip, uncover.2. To make visible; bring to view:disclose, display, expose, reveal, show, unclothe, uncover, unmask, unveil.Archaic: discover.Idioms: bring to light, lay open, make plain.


(beə) adjective1. uncovered or naked. bare skin; bare floors. 無遮蔽的,赤裸的 无遮蔽的,赤裸的 2. empty. bare shelves. 空的 空的3. of trees etc, without leaves. 光禿的 光秃的4. worn thin. The carpet is a bit bare. 磨薄的,磨損的 磨薄的,磨损的 5. basic; essential. the bare necessities of life. 基本的 基本的 verb to uncover. The dog bared its teeth in anger. 裸露 露出ˈbarely adverb scarcely or only just. We have barely enough food. 勉強 勉强ˈbareness noun 赤裸 赤裸ˈbareback adverb, adjective without a saddle. I enjoy riding bareback. 無馬鞍地(的) 无马鞍地(的) ˈbarefaced adjective openly impudent. a barefaced lie. 公然的,厚顏無恥的 公然的,无耻的 ˈbarefoot(ed) adjective, adverb not wearing shoes or socks etc. The children go barefoot on the beach. 赤腳的 赤脚的ˌbareˈheaded adjective, adverb not wearing a hat etc. 沒戴帽的(地) 不戴帽子的(地)


空的zhCN, 赤裸的zhCN, 露出zhCN


bare something

the smallest or least possible. Bob did the bare minimum of work to pass the class. Food, clothing, and shelter are the bare necessities of life.
  • bare
  • bare (one's) breast
  • bare (one's) heart
  • bare (one's) soul
  • bare (one's) teeth
  • bare (something) to (someone)
  • bare bones
  • bare hands, with one's
  • bare metal
  • bare necessities
  • bare one's soul
  • bare one's teeth
  • bare soul
  • bare to
  • bare your soul
  • bare your teeth
  • bare-bones
  • barefaced liar
  • barefaced lie
  • cupboard is bare
  • cupboard is bare, the
  • lay bare (something)
  • lay something bare
  • show teeth
  • stand (there) with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • stand there with bare face hanging out
  • stand there with one’s bare face hanging out
  • the bare bones
  • the cupboard is bare
  • with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • with (one's) bare hands
  • with your bare hands



Descriptive of a piece of material which is smaller than the specified dimensions; scant.



See Go bare.

Patient discussion about bare

Q. Sometimes I can barely stand or sit. Is walking on treadmill something that can benefit? Can someone post back strengthening exercises they have used for muscle fitness while trying to relieve muscle tightness. I suffered a back muscle problem a few months back and I haven't quite been able to heal properly. It seems to me that my back muscles tighten up a lot and even cramp up. Sometimes I feel like my lower back is going to split in half from the upper back. Sometimes I can barely stand or sit. Is walking on treadmill something that can benefit?A. muscles need to be strong and long. if it won't happen- many problems can occur. this is why it's important to maintain in physical shape and do stretches. Yoga lessons can be very helpful for you- it's purpose is to help your muscles be long and strong. about the lower back, lay on your stomach while your head is out side of the bed and this will help you stretch your back muscles.

More discussions about bare


BAREBile Acid Response Element
BAREBusiness Attraction Retention and Expansion
BAREBarnett Associates Real Estate (Marysville, WA)
BAREBay Area Reef Enthusiasts (California)
BAREBacterial ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate)-Ribosylating Exotoxin (immunology)


Related to bare: bear, Bare Necessities
  • all
  • adj
  • verb

Synonyms for bare

adj naked


  • naked
  • nude
  • stripped
  • exposed
  • uncovered
  • shorn
  • undressed
  • divested
  • denuded
  • in the raw
  • disrobed
  • unclothed
  • buck naked
  • unclad
  • scuddy
  • without a stitch on
  • in the bare scud
  • naked as the day you were born


  • covered
  • dressed
  • clothed
  • clad
  • attired

adj simple


  • simple
  • basic
  • stripped
  • severe
  • plain
  • spare
  • stark
  • austere
  • spartan
  • unadorned
  • unfussy
  • unvarnished
  • unembellished
  • unornamented
  • unpatterned


  • adorned

adj empty


  • empty
  • wanting
  • mean
  • lacking
  • deserted
  • vacant
  • void
  • scarce
  • barren
  • uninhabited
  • unoccupied
  • scanty
  • unfurnished


  • full
  • abundant
  • plentiful
  • well-stocked
  • profuse

adj desolate


  • desolate
  • dry
  • waste
  • empty
  • desert
  • unproductive
  • unfruitful

adj plain


  • plain
  • hard
  • simple
  • cold
  • basic
  • essential
  • obvious
  • sheer
  • patent
  • evident
  • stark
  • manifest
  • bald
  • literal
  • overt
  • unembellished

adj absolute


  • absolute
  • very
  • simple
  • sheer

Synonyms for bare

adj without the usual covering


  • bald
  • naked
  • nude

adj not wearing any clothes


  • au naturel
  • naked
  • nude
  • unclad
  • starkers

adj containing nothing


  • blank
  • clear
  • empty
  • vacant
  • vacuous
  • void

adj without addition, decoration, or qualification


  • bald
  • dry
  • plain
  • simple
  • unadorned
  • unvarnished

adj just sufficient


  • scant

verb to make bare


  • denude
  • disrobe
  • divest
  • expose
  • strip
  • uncover

verb to make visible; bring to view


  • disclose
  • display
  • expose
  • reveal
  • show
  • unclothe
  • uncover
  • unmask
  • unveil
  • discover

Synonyms for bare

verb lay bare

Related Words

  • uncover
  • expose

verb make public


  • publicize
  • publicise
  • air

Related Words

  • tell
  • hype
  • bulletin
  • issue
  • publish
  • bring out
  • release
  • put out
  • disseminate
  • pass around
  • circulate
  • diffuse
  • broadcast
  • circularise
  • circularize
  • spread
  • disperse
  • propagate
  • distribute
  • air
  • transmit
  • beam
  • send

verb lay bare


  • denudate
  • denude
  • strip

Related Words

  • clear
  • defoliate
  • burn off

adj completely unclothed


  • au naturel
  • naked
  • nude

Related Words

  • unclothed

adj lacking in amplitude or quantity


  • scanty
  • spare

Related Words

  • meager
  • meagerly
  • meagre
  • scrimpy
  • stingy

adj not having a protective covering


  • unsheathed

adj lacking its natural or customary covering


  • covered

adj just barely adequate or within a lower limit


  • marginal

Related Words

  • narrow

adj apart from anything else


  • mere
  • simple

Related Words

  • plain

adj lacking a surface finish such as paint


  • unfinished

Related Words

  • unpainted

adj providing no shelter or sustenance


  • barren
  • desolate
  • bleak
  • stark

Related Words

  • inhospitable

adj having everything extraneous removed including contents


  • stripped

Related Words

  • empty

adj lacking embellishment or ornamentation


  • unembellished
  • unornamented
  • plain
  • spare

Related Words

  • unadorned
  • undecorated




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