striated duct

stri·at·ed duct

a type of intralobular duct found in some salivary glands that modifies the secretory product, thus converting primary saliva to secondary saliva; it derives its name from extensive infolding of the basal membrane. Synonym(s): salivary duct, secretory duct

stri·at·ed duct

(strī'āt-ĕd dŭkt) A type of intralobular duct found in some salivary glands that modifies the secretory product; it derives its name from extensive infolding of the basal membrane.

striated duct

Any of a class of ducts within the lobules of glands, esp. salivary glands, that contain radially appearing striations within the cells, denoting the presence of mitochondria. See also: duct

stri·at·ed duct

(strī'āt-ĕd dŭkt) A type of intralobular duct found in some salivary glands that modifies the secretory product.