Acronym | Definition |
VIPR➣Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico |
VIPR➣Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (aka Visible Intermodal Protection and Response; US DHHS) |
VIPR➣Voice over Ip Router |
VIPR➣Visual Imperative Programming |
VIPR➣Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor |
VIPR➣visual pattern recognition |
VIPR➣Vastly Understampled Isotropic Projection (radiology) |
VIPR➣Visible Intermodal Protection and Response (aka Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) |
VIPR➣Virtual Presence |
VIPR➣Visual Intermodal Protection and Response (US TSA) |
VIPR➣Voltage/Ion Probe Reader |
VIPR➣Video Imaging and Photographic Requirements |
VIPR➣Versatile Inexpensive Pulsed Radar |
VIPR➣Vision/Image Processing Research |
VIPR➣Virtual-Tape Interface to Pool Routine |
VIPR➣Virtual Internet Protocol Routing (Ascend) |
VIPR➣Vendor Initiated Parts Re-Supply |
VIPR➣Validation In-Process Review |
VIPR➣Valve Integrated Pressure Regulator |
VIPR➣Very Important Person Reap (Dead Like Me TV show) |