single straight leg raise test
single straight leg raise test
A clinical test used to identify the source of low back pain.Technique
The patient begins lying supine with both knees extended. The examiner stands at the patient’s side with a distal hand cupping the heel and a proximal hand around patient’s thigh (anteriorly) to maintain knee extension; with the patient relaxed, the examiner slowly raises the test leg until tightness is noted, slowly lowers it until the pain or tightness resolves, then dorsiflexes the ankle and instructs the patient to flex his or her neck.
Positive test
If leg and/or low back pain occur with dorsiflexion and/or neck flexion, then the dura is probably involved. Absence of pain with dorsiflexion and/or neck flexion suggests either hamstring tightness, possible lumbar spine, or sacroiliac involvement.