Aeby plane

Ae·by plane

(ā'bē), in craniometry, a plane perpendicular to the median plane of the cranium, cutting the nasion and the basion.

Aeby plane

(ā′bē) [Christopher T. Aeby, Swiss anatomist, 1835–1885] A plane perpendicular to the median plane of the cranium through the basion and nasion.


Christopher Theodore, Swiss anatomist, 1835-1885. Aeby muscle - a labial muscle formed by sagittal fibers running from the skin to the mucous membrane. Synonym(s): cutaneomucous muscleAeby plane - in craniometry, a plane perpendicular to the median plane of the cranium.

Ae·by plane

(ābē plān) In craniometry, a plane perpendicular to the median plane of the cranium, cutting the nasion and the basion.