

单词 poa



(ˈpəʊə) n (Plants) a type of grass
Noun1.POA - chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regionsPoa - chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regionsgenus Poaliliopsid genus, monocot genus - genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seedfamily Graminaceae, family Gramineae, family Poaceae, Graminaceae, Gramineae, grass family, Poaceae - the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar caneblue grass, bluegrass - any of various grasses of the genus PoaJune grass, Kentucky blue, Kentucky bluegrass, Kentucy blue grass, Poa pratensis - valuable meadow and pasture grass in Europe and especially central United States having tall stalks and slender bright green leaves; a chief constituent in lawn grass mixturesAgrostis alba, Poa nemoralis, wood meadowgrass - slender European grass of shady places; grown also in northeastern America and temperate Asia



Portable Object Adapter



(meadow grass), a genus of perennial or, less frequently, annual herbaceous plants of the family Gramineae. The inflorescence is a panicle, and the biflorous or multiflorous spikelets are ovate-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate. There are more than 300 known species of Poa in the frigid and temperate zones; in tropical countries meadow grasses are found only in the mountains. Approximately 100 species are encountered in the USSR. Most species grow in meadows and steppes. Some grow on the tundra (Poa arctica), and others in forests (P. nemoralis), deserts, or semideserts (P. bulbosa). Many perennial species are valuable fodder plants, particularly Kentucky bluegrass (P. pratensis), fowl meadow grass (P. palustris), and bulbous meadowgrass (P. bulbosa).

Kentucky bluegrass, a short, rhizomatous grass, is 30–90 cm tall and has a large number of vegetative, leafy shoots. It forms a dense mat. The leaves are soft and narrow, the panicle is spreading, and the lemmas are covered with woolly hairs. Kentucky bluegrass grows rapidly after grazing. It grows in dry valleys, in lowlands, on river and mountain meadows, and on dried peat bogs. It does not tolerate salinity but is drought resistant and winter-hardy. The plant is used in the cultivation of pastures and lawns. Mixed with other plants in pastures, it is readily eaten by all types of livestock. The yield of hay is 25–28 centners per hectare (ha). One hundred kg of sown hay contains 54 feed units and 5.3 kg of digestible protein; 100 kg of green mass yields 24–25 feed units and 3.5 kg of digestible protein.

Fowl meadow grass, which is up to 120 cm tall, grows rapidly and is used predominantly for haymaking. It yields two cuttings. The grass grows on damp meadows, in river valleys, in meadow swamps, along rivers, in dried waterways, and along forest edges. The hay yield is 90 centners or more per ha. One hundred kg of hay contains 53 feed units and 4.4 kg of digestible protein; 100 kg of green mass contains 26 feed units and 1.5 kg of digestible protein.

Bulbous meadow grass is 10–30 cm tall and has numerous radical leaves and a bulbous thickening at the base of the stem. The paniculate spikelets often form brood bud bulblets. The plant is a typical ephemeroid. It is drought resistant and salt tolerant. The bulbous meadow grass is widespread in arid regions on chernozem, chestnut brown, and gray desert soils, as well as on packed sands. It is eaten by all types of livestock. In years with much precipitation, the plant reaches a height of 50 cm and is used for hay. The average yield of hay is 5–6 centners per ha (in the best years, 12 centners per ha). One hundred kg of hay contain 55 feed units and 5.7 kg of digestible protein; 100 kg of green mass (in the tillering stage) yield 22 feed units and 4.4. kg of digestible protein.

Annual meadow grass (P. annua) is distributed in meadows and weed patches and along roads; it sometimes grows as a weed in gardens.


Kormovye rasteniia senokosov i pastbishch SSSR, vol. 1. Edited by I. V. Larin. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
Afanas’eva, M. S. “Miatlik lugovoi.” In Mnogoletnie travy v lugopast-bishchnykh sevooborotakh. Moscow, 1951.
Dem’ianchik, B. I. “Miatlik bolotnyi—tsennoe kormovoe rastenie.” Kor-movaia baza, 1953, no. 1.



(Portable Object Adapter) In CORBA, it refers to the part of the ORB responsible for managing server-side operations. POA policies are set to allocate and deallocate resources, to determine how long object instances are maintained and to deal with system failures. The POA replaces the Basic Object Adapter (BOA), CORBA's first object adapter. See instance.


power of attorney



A legal document by which a person identifies someone to make financial decisions if he or she is unable to perform this task independently. See: power of attorney, durable, for health care
FinancialSeepower of attorney


POAPrice On Application
POAParallels Operations Automation
POAProperty Owners Association
POAPower Of Attorney
POAPrograma Operativo Anual (Spanish: Annual Operating Program; various locations)
POAProgramme of Action (various organizations)
POAPresent On Admission (medical diagnosis reporting)
POAParty of Action
POAProof of Authority (blockchain algorithm)
POAPony of the Americas (Pony of the Americas Club)
POAPrisoner of Azkaban
POAPlan Of Action
POAProof of Acceptance
POAProgram for Older Adults (various organizations)
POAPot of Avarice
POAPrice of Anarchy (game theory)
POAPentecostals of Alexandria (Alexandria, LA)
POAPolice Officers Association
POAPartnership of the Americas (US DoD; US Southern Command)
POAPrice on Asking (real estate)
POAPlan Operativo Anual
POAPortable Object Adapter
POAHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book by J. K. Rowling)
POAPrice on Arrival
POAPrison Officers' Association (UK)
POAPoint of Aim
POAPreoptic Area
POAPledge of Allegiance
POAPride of America (camp and Norwegian Cruise Line cruise ship)
POAPower-On Authentication (Sophos software)
POAProfit on Ordinary Activities
POAPlanet of the Abts (band)
POAProvincial Offences Act (Canada)
POAPoint of Attachment
POAPiece of Ass
POAPoints of Authority
POAPiece of Art
POAProof of Address
POAPublic Order Act of 1986
POAPoints of Agreement
POAPlan of Attack
POAProgram of Activities (various organizations)
POAPost Office Agent
POAProvincial Offences Administration (Canada)
POAPeace Officers Association
POAPrinciples of Accounting
POAPakistan Olympic Association
POAProof of Age
POAPoint Of Access
POAPhiladelphia Orchestra Association (Philadelphia, PA)
POAPeriod of Amenorrhoea (biology)
POAPerson of Authority
POAPoint of Arrival
POAPacific Ocean Area
POAPortable Object Adaptor (CORBA)
POAPhilharmonic Orchestra of the Americas (New York, NY)
POAProtection of Assets
POAPlain Old ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System)
POAPhysician Office Administrator (various organizations)
POAPay Option Arm (loan)
POAPort of Anchorage
POAPlace of Articulation
POAPartial Order Alignment
POAPurchase Order Acknowledgement
POAProbability of Area
POAPeriod of Availability
POAPillar of Autumn in Halo: Reach (gaming)
POAPalmitoleic Acid (fatty acid)
POAPuppeteers Of America (Cincinnati, OH)
POAPeople of Asia
POAPonies of America (horse breed)
POAPeriod of Adjustment
POAProfession of Arms
POAPay Own Account
POAPriester Ohne Amt (German: Priests without an Office)
POAProduction Organization Approval
POAPaid on Account (financial transactions)
POAProtuobavještajna Agencija (Counter Intelligence Agency, Croatia)
POAPorto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Salgado Filho (Airport Code)
POAPsychiatry of Old Age
POAPaid on Arrival
POAPath of Ascension (gaming group)
POAPart of Assembly
POAPlane of Array (measurements perpendicular to the solar receiver)
POAPosition of Attention
POAProwler Owners Association (Plymouth car)
POAPayload Oru (Orbital Replacement Unit) Accommodation
POAPrinciple of Accounts (tuition)
POAPosto Osservazione Allarme (Italian: Place Observation Alarm)
POAPhase of Arrival
POAPride of Arizona (University of Arizona marching band)
POAPara Osteo Arthropathy
POAPay on Arrival
POAPersistent Object Adapter
POAPrivately Owned Animal
POAPoint of Analysis
POAPremature Ovarian Aging
POAPoint of Acquisition
POAPets on Approval (housing)
POAPunch on Australia (online gaming)
POAProcrastinators of America
POAPattern Oriented Approach
POAPurchase Order Authorization
POAPattern Of Analysis
POAPacific Ocean Alaska (CoE District)
POAProbability of Adequacy (insurance industry)
POAProject Opportunity Assessment
POAPriced on Agreement
POAPilliar of Autum (gaming)
POAProtectors of America
POAProject of Activities
POAPeriOperative Assistant
POAPiano Operativo Aziendale (Italian: Operational Business Plan)
POAPosition Organizational Address (US DoD)
POAPeninsula Orthopaedic Associates (Maryland)
POAPeak Oil Aware (energy crisis)
POAPad on Active (circuit technology)
POAPaladins of Alsangarnia (gaming clan)
POAProjection of Aggression (band)


  • noun

Synonyms for Poa

noun chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regions


  • genus Poa

Related Words

  • liliopsid genus
  • monocot genus
  • family Graminaceae
  • family Gramineae
  • family Poaceae
  • Graminaceae
  • Gramineae
  • grass family
  • Poaceae
  • blue grass
  • bluegrass
  • June grass
  • Kentucky blue
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Kentucy blue grass
  • Poa pratensis
  • Agrostis alba
  • Poa nemoralis
  • wood meadowgrass




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