Basket Dance
Basket Dance
When the women emerge from the kiva, they chant while presenting baskets to the four directions of the compass, lifting them, then lowering them. Their movements are designed to bring cold, wet weather so that the crops will grow the following spring. Afterward, the women traditionally toss the baskets to the onlookers.
Hopi Cultural Center
P.O. Box 67
Second Mesa, AZ 86043
520-734-2401; fax: 520-734-6651
Frank H. McClung Museum
1327 Circle Park Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37996
865-974-2144; fax: 865-974-3827
DancingGods-1931, p. 168
EncyNatAmerRel-2001, pp. 154, 208
EncyRel-1987, vol. 10, p. 520
RelHolCal-2004, p. 259