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DictionarySeesheathsynovial sheath
sheath [shēth] a tubular case or envelope.arachnoid sheath the delicate membrane between the pial sheath and the dural sheath of the optic nerve.carotid sheath a portion of the cervical fascia enclosing the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve, and sympathetic nerves supplying the head.connective tissue sheath of Key and Retzius endoneurium.crural sheath femoral sheath.dural sheath the external investment of the optic nerve.femoral sheath the fascial sheath of the femoral vessels.Henle's sheath endoneurium.lamellar sheath the perineurium.medullary sheath myelin sheath.myelin sheath (nerve sheath) the sheath surrounding the axon of myelinated nerve cells, consisting of concentric layers of myelin formed in the peripheral nervous system by the plasma membrane of Schwann cells, and in the central nervous system by the plasma membrane of oligodendrocytes. It is interrupted at intervals along the length of the axon by gaps known as nodes of Ranvier. Myelin is an electrical insulator that serves to speed the conduction of nerve impulses (see conduction" >saltatory conduction).pial sheath the innermost of the three sheaths of the optic nerve.root sheath the epidermic layer of a hair follicle.sheath of Schwann neurilemma.synovial sheath synovial membrane lining the cavity of a bone through which a tendon moves.tendon sheath a lubricated fibrous or synovial layer of tissue in which the tendon is housed and through which it moves.syn·o·vi·al ten·don sheath [TA] a sheath of synovial membrane enveloping certain of the tendons; it contains a small amount of synovial fluid. Synonym(s): vagina synovialis tendinis [TA], mucous sheath of tendon, theca tendinis, vagina mucosa tendinis, vaginal synovial membrane
synovial layer of tendon sheatha thin, slightly redundant, highly vascular connective tissue membrane lining a tendon sheath; consists of visceral and parietal components and produces a viscous lubricating fluid. Synonym(s): stratum synoviale (vagina synovialis) vaginae tendinis [TA], synovial sheath [TA]syn·o·vi·al sheaths of fin·gers (si-nō'vē-ăl shēths fing'gĕrz) Synovial envelopes that enclose the flexor tendons of the fingers, each extending from the proximal end of the carpal ligament to the base of a distal phalanx.
syn·o·vi·al sheaths of toes (si-nō'vē-ăl shēths tōz) [TA] Envelopes similar in structure to the corresponding sheaths of fingers. sheathS07-856140 (sheth) 1. A covering structure of connective tissue, usually of an elongated part, such as the membrane covering a muscle.2. An instrument introduced into a vessel during angiographic procedures when multiple catheter changes are anticipated. It facilitates ease of change and decreases morbidity at the puncture site. Patient careThe sheath introduced into the femoral artery, the preferred vascular access route for percutaneous coronary intervention, is a 4 to 6 French (1.35 to 2 mm) in size. The sheath remains in place after completion of the procedure and removal of the catheter until anticoagulation is reversed or anticoagulants are below peak action. The sheath is connected to high-pressure tubing and a flushing system; manual or automatic flushing keeps the line patent. A stopcock connected to the system permits drawing of blood samples. axon sheathA myelin sheath or a neurilemma. See: myelin sheathcarotid sheathThe portion of cervical or pretracheal fascia enclosing the carotid artery, interior jugular vein, and vagus nerve.crural sheathThe fascial covering of femoral vessels.dural sheathA fibrous membrane or external investment of the optic nerve.femoral sheathThe fascia covering the femoral vessels.sheath of Henle See: Henle sheathsheath of Hertwig See: Hertwig's root sheathsheath of Key and RetziusEndoneurium.lamellar sheathA connective tissue sheath covering a bundle of nerve fibers. Synonym: nerve sheath; perineuriummedullary sheathAn obsolete term for myelin sheath. MYELIN SHEATHmyelin sheathLayers of the cell membrane of Schwann cells (peripheral nervous system) or oligodendrocytes (central nervous system) that wrap nerve fibers, providing electrical insulation and increasing the velocity of impulse transmission. Synonym: Schwann sheath See: nerve fiber; neuron; illustrationnerve sheathLamellar sheath.periarterial lymphoid sheathThe tissue composed of T lymphocytes that surrounds each arteriole in the spleen. The sheaths are attached to lymphoid follicles containing B cells and make up much of the white pulp. See: spleenpial sheathAn extension of the pia that closely invests the surface of the optic nerve.sheath of Schweigger-SeidelThe thickened wall of a sheathed artery of the spleen.rectus sheathA strong fibrous sleeve in which the rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles contract. The sheath is formed from the aponeuroses of the abdominal wall muscles as they meet in the linea alba at the abdominal midline. root sheath1. One of the layers of a hair follicle derived from the epidermis. It includes the outer root sheath, which is a continuation of the stratum germinativum, and the inner root sheath, which consists of three layers of cells that closely invest the root of the hair. See: hair2. The epithelial covering that induces root formation in teeth. Also called Hertwig's root sheath.synovial sheathSynovial tendon sheath.tendon sheathA dense fibrous sheath that confines a tendon to an osseous groove, converting it into an osteofibrous canal. It is found principally in the wrist and ankle. See: synovial sheath |