trauma score


 [skor] a rating, usually expressed numerically, based on specific achievement or the degree to which certain qualities are manifest.APACHE score (acute physiological assessment and chronic health evaluation) a widely used method for assessing severity of illness in acutely ill patients in intensive care units, taking into account a variety of routine physiological parameters.Apgar score a numerical expression of an infant's condition at birth, based on heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color; see also apgar score.Bishop score a score for estimating the prospects of induction of labor, arrived at by evaluating the extent of cervical dilatation, effacement, the station of the fetal head, consistency of the cervix, and the cervical position in relation to the vaginal axis.Silverman-Andersen score a system for evaluating the breathing of premature infants; see also Silverman-Andersen score.stroke score any of various scoring systems that seek to characterize a patient's clinical state following a stroke.trauma score a rating system used in the evaluation of patients with traumatic injury. Scores range from 1 to 15, with lower scores being associated with higher mortality rates.

trauma score

Emergency medicine An index measuring systolic BP, respiratory rate, lung expansion, capillary refill, eye opening, verbal and motor responses, placing them on a scale of 2 to 16. Cf Injury Severity Score.

trau·ma score

(traw'mă skōr) A numeric calculation, based on the sum of a number of physiologic parameters, assigned to a trauma patient as a means of predicting outcome.