Rideal-Walker coefficient

Rid·e·al-Walk·er co·ef·fi·cient

(rid'ē-ăl wah'kĕr), a figure expressing the disinfecting power of any substance; it is obtained by dividing the figure indicating the degree of dilution of the disinfectant that kills a microorganism in a given time by that indicating the degree of dilution of phenol that kills the organism in the same space of time under similar conditions. Synonym(s): hygienic laboratory coefficient, phenol coefficient

Rid·e·al-Walk·er co·ef·fi·cient

(rid'ē-ăl waw'kĕr kō'ĕ-fish'ĕnt) A figure expressing the disinfecting power of any substance; obtained by dividing the figure indicating the degree of dilution of the disinfectant that kills a microorganism in a given time by the figure, indicating the degree of dilution of phenol that kills the organism in the same amount of time under similar conditions.
Synonym(s): phenol coefficient.


Samuel, English chemist and bacteriologist, 1863-1929. Rideal-Walker coefficient - a figure expressing the disinfecting power of any substance. Synonym(s): hygienic laboratory coefficient; phenol coefficientRideal-Walker method


J.T. Ainslie, English chemist, 1868-1930 Rideal-Walker coefficient - see under RidealRideal-Walker method

Rid·e·al-Walk·er co·ef·fi·cient

(rid'ē-ăl waw'kĕr kō'ĕ-fish'ĕnt) A figure expressing the disinfecting power of any substance.
Synonym(s): phenol coefficient.