Victoria Benedictsson

Benedictsson, Victoria


(real surname; pseudonym, Ernst Ahlgren). Born Mar. 6, 1850, in Fru Alstad; died July 22, 1888, in Copenhagen. Swedish writer.

Benedictsson started her literary career with portrayals of the everyday life of the Swedish provinces (collection of stories From Skane, 1884). The theme of her principal novels, Money (1885, translated into Russian in 1893) and Marianna (1887, translated into Russian in 1895) is woman’s position in bourgeois society and the necessity of her emancipation.


Ahlgren, E. Samlade Shifter, vols. 1–7. Stockholm, 1919–20.
In Russian translation:
Sobranie sochinenii, vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1913.


Linder, S. E. Ahlgren i hennes romaner. Stockholm, 1930.
Böök, F. Victoria Benedictsson och G. Brandes. Stockholm, 1949.