Ulianov, Grigorii

Ul’ianov, Grigorii Konstantinovich


Born Sept. 21 (Oct. 3), 1859, in the stanitsa (large cossack village) of Ust’ Med-veditskaia (now the city of Serafimovich, Volgograd Oblast); died Apr. 8 (21), 1912, in St. Petersburg. Russian linguist.

In 1881, Ul’ianov graduated from Moscow University, where he had studied under F. F. Fortunatov. In 1888 he became a professor at Warsaw University, and from 1899 to 1904 he was rector of the university. He served as assistant minister of public education from 1907 to 1911 and as a senator in 1911 and 1912.

Ul’ianov’s principal research was on the verb systems of the Lithuanian and Slavic languages and on comparative historical linguistics. His doctoral dissertation, The Meaning of Verb Stems in the Lithuanian and Slavic Languages, was published in two parts, the first in 1891 and the second in 1895.


“Grecheskie imenitel’nye edinstvennogo chisla na α v slovakh muzhskogo roda.” In Xapurrnpux: Sb. statei po filologii i lingvis-tike v chest’ F. E. Korsha. Moscow, 1896.
“Kratkoe znachenie udvoennykh osnov.” In Sb. statei, posviashchennyi uchenikami i pochitateliami . . . F. F. Fortunatovu. Warsaw, 1902.


Fortunatov, F. F. “Razbor sochineniia G. K. Ul’ianova: Znacheniia glagol’nykh osnov v litovsko-slavianskom iazyke.” Sb. otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, AN, 1899, vol. 64, no. 11.