释义 |
to·mog·ra·phy T0258600 (tō-mŏg′rə-fē)n. Any of several techniques for creating three-dimensional images of the internal structure of a solid object by analyzing the propagation of waves of energy, such as x-rays or seismic waves, through the object. [Greek tomos, section; see tome + -graphy.] to′mo·gram′ (tō′mə-grăm′) n.to′mo·graph′ (-grăf′) n.to′mo·graph′ic adj.tomogram (ˈtɒməˌɡræm) n (Medicine) an x-ray photograph of a selected plane section of the human body or some other solid objectto•mo•gram (ˈtoʊ məˌgræm) n. the visual record produced by tomography. [1935–40] TranslationsEncyclopediaSeetomographytomogram
tomogram [to´mo-gram] an image of a tissue plane or slice produced by tomography.to·mo·gram (tō'mō-gram), A radiograph obtained by tomography. [G. tomos, a cutting (section) + gramma, a writing] to·mo·gram (tō'mŏ-gram) A radiograph obtained by tomography. [G. tomos, a cutting (section) + gramma, a writing] |