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synovectomy Translationssynovectomy
synovectomy [sin″o-vek´tah-me] excision of a synovial membrane, as of that lining the capsule of the knee joint, sometimes done in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.radiation synovectomy synoviorthesis.syn·o·vec·to·my (sin'ō-vek'tŏ-mē), Excision of a portion or all of the synovial membrane of a joint. [synovia + G. ektomē, excision] synovectomy (sĭn′ō-vĕk′tə-mē)n. Excision of part or all of the synovial membrane of a joint.syn·o·vec·to·my (sin'ō-vek'tŏ-mē) Excision of a portion or all of the synovial membrane of a joint. Synonym(s): villusectomy. [synovia + G. ektomē, excision]synovectomy Surgical removal of the SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. This may be done as a treatment for persistent SYNOVITIS. |