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pneumohemothorax[¦nü·mō¦hē·mō′thȯr‚aks] (medicine) The presence of air or gas and blood in the thoracic cavity. pneumohemothorax
hemopneumothorax [he″mo-noo″mo-thor´aks] pneumothorax with an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity; called also pneumohemothorax.he·mo·pneu·mo·tho·rax (hē'mō-nū'mō-thō'raks), Accumulation of air and blood in the pleural cavity. Synonym(s): pneumohemothorax [hemo- + G. pneuma, air, + thorax] he·mo·pneu·mo·tho·rax (hē'mō-nū'mō-thō'raks) Accumulation of air and blood in the pleural cavity. Synonym(s): pneumohemothorax, haemopneumothorax. [hemo- + G. pneuma, air, + thorax] |