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pneumatocele Translations
pneumatocele[′nü·məd·ō‚sēl] (medicine) Herniation of the lung. A sac or tumor containing gas; especially the scrotum filled with gas. pneumatocele
pneumatocele [noo-mat´o-sēl] 1. a tumor or cyst formed by air or other gas filling an adventitious pouch, such as a laryngocele, tracheocele, or gaseous swelling of the scrotum. Called also aerocele and pneumocele.2. a usually benign, thin-walled, air-containing cyst of the lung, as in staphylococcal pneumonia. Called also pneumocele and pneumonocele.pneu·mat·o·cele (nū-mat'ō-sēl), 1. An emphysematous or gaseous swelling. 2. Synonym(s): pneumonocele3. A thin-walled cavity within the lung, one of the characteristic sequelae of staphylococcal pneumonia and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. [G. pneuma, air, + kēlē, tumor, hernia] pneu·mat·o·cele (nū-mat'ō-sēl) 1. An emphysematous or gaseous swelling. 2. Synonym(s): pneumonocele. 3. A thin-walled cavity within the lung, one of the characteristic sequelae of staphylococcus pneumonia. [G. pneuma, air, + kēlē, tumor, hernia] |