pneumatic retinopexy


 [ret´in-o-pek″se] restoring of the retina" >retina to its proper anatomical location.pneumatic retinopexy a treatment for detachment" >retinal detachment involving injection of gas into the posterior vitreous cavity in such a way that the gas bubble presses against the area of torn retina, forcing it back into place.

gas ret·i·no·pex·y

a retinal detachment repair in which the retina is held in place by an expandable gas. Synonym(s): pneumatic retinopexy

pneumatic retinopexy

A treatment for retinal detachment, in which a bubble of gas is instilled into the vitreous. As the bubble attains equilibrium with body gases, it expands and forces the detached area back into place; then, cryotherapy or photocoagulation is used to reattach the retina permanently. See: retinal detachmentSee also: retinopexy