Trap Pond State Park
Trap Pond State Park
Location:5 miles east of Laurel, off DE 24.
Facilities:130 campsites (with electric and water hookups), 12 walk-in tent sites,2 yurts, 8 camping cabins, shower facilities, restrooms, laundry,picnic area, pavilions, food concession, boat ramp, boat rentals,nature trails, game courts, ball fields, playground (é).
Activities:Family camping, youth group camping, boating, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, nature programs.
Special Features:Park features the northernmost natural stand of baldcypress trees inthe US. The pond was originally created to power a sawmill during theharvest of large baldcypress from the area. During the 1930s thegovernment purchased the pond and surrounding farmland, and the CivilianConservation Corps began developing the area for recreation.
Address:33587 Baldcypress Ln
Laurel, DE 19956
Size: 3,106 acres.
See other parks in Delaware.