释义 |
streptococcus erythrogenic toxin strep·to·coc·cus e·ryth·ro·gen·ic tox·ina culture filtrate of lysogenized group A strains of β-hemolytic streptococci, erythrogenic when inoculated into the skin of susceptible patients, and neutralized by antibodies that appear during scarlet fever convalescence; three immunologic types (A, B, and C) are recognized. Synonym(s): Dick test toxin, erythrogenic toxin, scarlet fever erythrogenic toxinstrep·to·coc·cus e·ryth·ro·gen·ic tox·in (strep'tō-kok'ŭs ĕ-rith'rō-jen'ik tok'sin) A culture filtrate of lysogenized group A strains of β-hemolytic streptococci, erythrogenic when inoculated into the skin of people susceptible to scarlet fever, and neutralized by antibodies that appear during scarlet fever convalescence. Synonym(s): erythrogenic toxin. Dick, George Frederick, U.S. internist, 1881-1967, and Gladys R.H., U.S. internist, 1881-1963. Dick method - Synonym(s): Dick testDick test - an intracutaneous test of susceptibility to the erythrogenic toxin of Streptococcus pyogenes responsible for the rash and other manifestations of scarlet fever. Synonym(s): Dick methodDick test toxin - a test for scarlet fever antibodies. Synonym(s): streptococcus erythrogenic toxin |