Acronym | Definition |
PMK➣Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (Indonesian: Regulation of the Minister of Finance) |
PMK➣Primary Master Key |
PMK➣Pre Make Kit |
PMK➣Professional Military Knowledge (Navy Wide Advancement Exams) |
PMK➣Pattali Makkal Katchi (political party in India) |
PMK➣Postmark |
PMK➣Pairwise Master Key (wireless protocol security mechanism) |
PMK➣Person Most Knowledgeable |
PMK➣Popular Mechanics for Kids |
PMK➣Pot Meet Kettle |
PMK➣Pignataro Massive Krew (band) |
PMK➣Piperonyl Methyl Keton |
PMK➣Performance Mark Errors |
PMK➣Prospect Marching Knights (Prospect High School, Mount Prospect, IL) |