Acronym | Definition |
PMI➣Project Management Institute |
PMI➣Private Mortgage Insurance |
PMI➣Philip Morris International |
PMI➣Private Medical Insurance (various companies) |
PMI➣Piccole e Medie Imprese |
PMI➣Positive Material Identification |
PMI➣Protection Maternelle et Infantile (French: Mother and infant welfare) |
PMI➣Progressive Medical, Inc. (Ohio) |
PMI➣Primary Metals, Inc. (various locations) |
PMI➣Performance, Measurement and Improvement |
PMI➣Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (software) |
PMI➣Pima Medical Institute (Western US) |
PMI➣Plumbing Manufacturers Institute |
PMI➣Post-Merger Integration |
PMI➣Presidential Management Intern |
PMI➣Planar Monolithics Industries (various locations) |
PMI➣Post Mortem Interval (forensics; time from when death occurs until the body is discovered) |
PMI➣Principal Mortgage Insurance (housing) |
PMI➣Photo-Me International (various locations) |
PMI➣Purchasing Manager's Index |
PMI➣Product Manufacturing Information |
PMI➣Plant-Microbe Interactions (research group) |
PMI➣Performance Monitoring Infrastructure |
PMI➣Programmable Multispectral Imager |
PMI➣Power Memory International |
PMI➣Physical Medium Independent |
PMI➣Physical Man to Machine Interaction |
PMI➣Power Management Interface |
PMI➣Performance Monitor Interface |
PMI➣Payload Missing Indication |
PMI➣Partial Medium Indicator |
PMI➣Picture Music International |
PMI➣Petites et Moyennes Industries (French: small and medium-sized industries) |
PMI➣Precept Ministries International (Chattanooga, TN) |
PMI➣Private Medical Information |
PMI➣Piccole e Medie Industrie |
PMI➣Pensions Management Institute |
PMI➣Purina Mills, Inc. |
PMI➣Phoenix Marketing International (New York) |
PMI➣Pacific Maritime Institute (Seattle, WA) |
PMI➣Preventive Maintenance Inspection |
PMI➣Point of Maximal Impulse |
PMI➣Plus Minus Interesting |
PMI➣Public Media, Inc. (New York) |
PMI➣Piping Material Identification |
PMI➣Patient Master Index (hospital database for patient demographic information) |
PMI➣Power Medical Interventions (Langhorne, PA) |
PMI➣Polymethacrylimide |
PMI➣Perioperative Myocardial Infarction |
PMI➣Preservation Management Institute (various locations) |
PMI➣Pursuit Marketing, Inc. |
PMI➣Priority Mail International (USPS) |
PMI➣Palmer Memorial Institute (North Carolina) |
PMI➣Personal Medical Insurance (UK) |
PMI➣Post Musical Instruments (Netherlands) |
PMI➣Performance Measurement Initiative (education) |
PMI➣Paradigm Medical Industries (est. 1996) |
PMI➣Post Myocardial Infarction |
PMI➣Performance Monitor Interface (software) |
PMI➣Project Management Interface |
PMI➣Point of Maximum Impulse |
PMI➣Phase Measuring Interferometer |
PMI➣Program Management Integration |
PMI➣Purchased Material Inspection (manufacturing) |
PMI➣Principle of Mathematical Induction |
PMI➣Person-Machine Interface (aka user interface) |
PMI➣Permission Management Infrastructure |
PMI➣Palma Mallorca, Mallorca Island, Spain - Palma Mallorca (Airport Code) |
PMI➣Post Modification Inspection |
PMI➣Patient Movement Items |
PMI➣Positive Material Inspection |
PMI➣Philip Morris Institute |
PMI➣Pre-Market Indicator |
PMI➣Philippine Maritime Institute |
PMI➣Planned Maintenance Interval |
PMI➣Point of Maximal Impact (cardiac exams) |
PMI➣Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction |
PMI➣Primary Marksmanship Instruction (US Army) |
PMI➣Principle Maintenance Inspector |
PMI➣Public Management Initiative (Stanford University; California) |
PMI➣Physician Management Institute (Canadian Medical Association) |
PMI➣Privatized Military Industry |
PMI➣Post Merge Integration |
PMI➣Perimeter Ministries International |
PMI➣Policy Management Infrastructure |
PMI➣Preventive Maintenance Instructions |
PMI➣Proposed Military Improvement |
PMI➣Project Management Intern |
PMI➣Prevention of Mutual Interference |
PMI➣PM (evening) Inspection (US Military Academy) |
PMI➣Personnel Management Intern |
PMI➣Privileged Management Infrastructure |
PMI➣Production Manager Index |
PMI➣Programming Modeling Interface (IBM) |
PMI➣Pure Metal Insert |
PMI➣Production Modernization Initiative |
PMI➣Physical Model Interface |
PMI➣Process Manager Infrastructure |
PMI➣Pressure Mean Indicator (marine engines) |
PMI➣Periodic Maintenance Interval |
PMI➣Proof of Mathematical Induction |
PMI➣Present-Minded Individualism |
PMI➣Processor Maintenance Interface (Tandem) |
PMI➣Provost Marshal Investigator |
PMI➣Politico-Military Interactions |
PMI➣Palang Mérah Indonesia (Indonesian: Indonesian Red Cross) |
PMI➣Picture Manipulation Instruction |
PMI➣Power Margin Indicator |
PMI➣Prestation de Maintenance Intégrée (French: Integrated Maintenance Services) |
PMI➣Precoding Matrix Indicator (telecommunications) |
PMI➣Prior Mutual Information |