

单词 rice


riceOryza sativa


R0231900 (rīs)n.1. A cereal grass (Oryza sativa) that is cultivated extensively in warm climates for its edible grain.2. The starchy grain of this plant, used as a staple food throughout the world.tr.v. riced, ric·ing, ric·es To sieve (food) to the consistency of rice.
[Middle English, from Old French ris, from Old Italian riso, from Latin oryza, from Greek oruza, of Indo-Iranian origin.]


(raɪs) n1. (Plants) an erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished2. (Plants) the grain of this plantvb (Cookery) (tr) US and Canadian to sieve (potatoes or other vegetables) to a coarse mashed consistency, esp with a ricer[C13 rys, via French, Italian, and Latin from Greek orūza, of Oriental origin]


(raɪs) n (Biography) Elmer, original name Elmer Reizenstein. 1892–1967, US dramatist. His plays include The Adding Machine (1923) and Street Scene (1929), which was made into a musical by Kurt Weill in 1947


(raɪs) n acronym for (Medicine) rest, ice, compression, elevation: the recommended procedure for controlling inflammation in injured limbs or joints



n., v. riced, ric•ing. n. 1. the starchy seeds or grain of an annual marsh grass, Oryza sativa, cultivated in warm climates and used for food. 2. the grass itself. v.t. 3. to reduce to a form resembling rice: to rice potatoes. [1275–1325; ris, rys < Old French < Italian riso, risi (in Medieval Latin risium) < Medieval Greek orýzion, derivative of Greek óryza < Iranian; compare Pashto vrižē (feminine pl.), Skt vrihi rice]



n. 1. Anne, born 1941, U.S. novelist. 2. Elmer, 1892–1967, U.S. playwright.


Past participle: riced
Gerund: ricing
I rice
you rice
he/she/it rices
we rice
you rice
they rice
I riced
you riced
he/she/it riced
we riced
you riced
they riced
Present Continuous
I am ricing
you are ricing
he/she/it is ricing
we are ricing
you are ricing
they are ricing
Present Perfect
I have riced
you have riced
he/she/it has riced
we have riced
you have riced
they have riced
Past Continuous
I was ricing
you were ricing
he/she/it was ricing
we were ricing
you were ricing
they were ricing
Past Perfect
I had riced
you had riced
he/she/it had riced
we had riced
you had riced
they had riced
I will rice
you will rice
he/she/it will rice
we will rice
you will rice
they will rice
Future Perfect
I will have riced
you will have riced
he/she/it will have riced
we will have riced
you will have riced
they will have riced
Future Continuous
I will be ricing
you will be ricing
he/she/it will be ricing
we will be ricing
you will be ricing
they will be ricing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ricing
you have been ricing
he/she/it has been ricing
we have been ricing
you have been ricing
they have been ricing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ricing
you will have been ricing
he/she/it will have been ricing
we will have been ricing
you will have been ricing
they will have been ricing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ricing
you had been ricing
he/she/it had been ricing
we had been ricing
you had been ricing
they had been ricing
I would rice
you would rice
he/she/it would rice
we would rice
you would rice
they would rice
Past Conditional
I would have riced
you would have riced
he/she/it would have riced
we would have riced
you would have riced
they would have riced
Noun1.rice - grains used as food either unpolished or more often polishedrice - grains used as food either unpolished or more often polishedstarches - foodstuff rich in natural starch (especially potatoes, rice, bread)food grain, grain, cereal - foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grassesbrown rice - unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layerpolished rice, white rice - having husk or outer brown layers removedpaddy - rice in the husk either gathered or still in the fieldcultivated rice, Oryza sativa - yields the staple food of 50 percent of world's population
2.rice - annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses; seed used for food; straw used for paperrice beer, sake, saki - Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hotgenus Oryza, Oryza - ricecultivated rice, Oryza sativa - yields the staple food of 50 percent of world's populationcereal, cereal grass - grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet
3.Rice - English lyricist who frequently worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber (born in 1944)Sir Tim Rice, Timothy Miles Bindon Rice
4.Rice - United States playwright (1892-1967)Elmer Leopold Rice, Elmer Reizenstein, Elmer Rice
Verb1.rice - sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice; "rice the potatoes"cookery, cooking, preparation - the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"sift, sieve, strain - separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements; "sift the flour"


Rice and other cereals

arborio rice, basmati rice, bran, brown rice, bulgur wheat, corn, couscous, Indian rice or wild rice, long grain rice, maize, millet, oatmeal, oats, Patna rice, ragi, sago, short grain rice, tapioca, wheat, wild rice


(rais) noun a plant, grown in well-watered ground in tropical countries, whose seeds are used as food. 稻子,稻米 稻米,大米




white on rice

As close as can be. Often used in the phrase "like white on rice." If that forward tries to get in our zone, I'll be on him like white on rice! You better pass this test, or else I'll be on you like white on rice, monitoring your every move when you claim to be doing homework.See also: on, rice, white

a pile Jack Rice couldn't jump over

old-fashioned A particularly large sum of money. A reference to a famous steeplechaser (a horse that jumps over obstacles in a race) by the name of Jack Rice. Primarily heard in Australia. He had been expecting a pile Jack Rice couldn't jump over, so his face fell when I told him he'd only won about $100.See also: jack, jump, over, pile, rice

a roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over

old-fashioned A particularly large sum of money. A reference to a famous steeplechaser (a horse that jumps over obstacles in a race) by the name of Jack Rice. Primarily heard in Australia. He had been expecting a roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over, so his face fell when I told him he'd only won about $100.See also: jack, jump, over, rice, roll

as the white on rice

(As close) as possible. If that forward tries to get in our zone, I'll be as close to him as the white on rice! You better pass this test, or else I'll be on you as the white on rice, monitoring your every move when you claim to be doing homework.See also: on, rice, white

like (the) white on rice

Extremely close; as close as possible. If that forward tries to get in our zone, I'll be on him like white on rice! You better pass this test, or else I'll be on you like the white on rice for the rest of the semester to make sure you're doing homework.See also: like, on, rice, white

motorized rice

slang Maggots. I opened up the lid of the garbage can, and the whole thing was crawling with motorized rice.See also: rice

rice grinder

offensive slang A typically light and fast car or motorcycle manufactured in an East Asian country, especially Japan. Often used derogatorily, the term is typically considered racist for its use of rice as a stereotypical representative of such countries (where it is a staple food). A: "Check out the rice grinder with the huge spoiler." B: "A rice grinder? That's a bit politically incorrect, don't you think?" My old Mustang can go toe to toe with the fastest rice grinders out there.See also: grinder, rice

rice burner

offensive slang A typically light and fast car or motorcycle manufactured in an East Asian country, especially Japan. Often used derogatorily, the term is typically considered racist for its use of rice as a stereotypical representative of such countries (where it is a staple food). A: "Check out the rice burner with the huge spoiler." B: "A rice burner? That's a bit politically incorrect, don't you think?" My old Mustang can go toe to toe with the fastest rice burners out there.See also: burner, rice

rice rocket

offensive slang A typically light and fast car or motorcycle manufactured in an East Asian country, especially Japan. Often used derogatorily, the term is typically considered racist for its use of rice as a stereotypical representative of such countries (where it is a staple food). A: "Check out the rice rocket with the huge spoiler." B: "A rice rocket? That's a bit politically incorrect, don't you think?" My old Mustang can go toe to toe with the fastest rice rockets out there.See also: rice, rocket

a roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over

a large quantity of money. Australian informalSee also: jack, jump, over, rice, roll

like the white on rice

and as the white on rice phr. as close as anything can be. Those two are really close—like the white on rice. See also: like, on, rice, white

as the white on rice

verbSee like the white on riceSee also: on, rice, white

motorized rice

n. maggots. This dead squirrel stinks and it’s alive with motorized rice! See also: rice


n. a Japanese motorcycle; a crotch-rocket from Japan. He added a crack-rack to his rice-rocket.



cereal graingrain,
in agriculture, term referring to the caryopsis, or dry fruit, of a cereal grass. The term is also applied to the seedlike fruits of buckwheat and of certain other plants and is used collectively for any plant that bears such fruits.
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 (Oryza sativa) of the grassgrass,
any plant of the family Poaceae (formerly Gramineae), an important and widely distributed group of vascular plants, having an extraordinary range of adaptation. Numbering approximately 600 genera and 9,000 species, the grasses form the climax vegetation (see ecology) in
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 family (Graminae), probably native to the deltas of the great Asian rivers—the Ganges, the Chang (Yangtze), and the Tigris and Euphrates. The plant is an annual, from 2 to 6 ft (61–183 cm) tall, with a round, jointed stem; long, pointed leaves; and edible seeds borne in a dense head on separate stalks. Wild ricewild rice,
tall aquatic plant (Zizania aquatica) of the family Poaceae (grass family), of a genus separate from common rice (Oryza). Wild rice (called also Canada rice, Indian rice, and water oats) is a hardy annual with broad blades, reedy stems, and large
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 is obtained from a different grass plant.

Cultivation and Harvesting

Methods of growing differ greatly in different localities, but in most Asian countries the traditional hand methods of cultivating and harvesting rice are still practiced. The fields are prepared by plowing (typically with simple plows drawn by water buffalo, but also with motorized tillers), fertilizing (usually with dung or sewage), and smoothing (by dragging a log over them). The seedlings are started in seedling beds and, after 30 to 50 days, are transplanted by hand to the fields, which have been flooded by rain or river water. During the growing season, irrigation is maintained by dike-controlled canals or by hand watering. The fields are allowed to drain before cutting.

Rice when it is still covered by the brown hull is known as paddy; rice fields are also called paddy fields or rice paddies. Before marketing, the rice is threshed to loosen the hulls—mainly by flailing, treading, or working in a mortar—and winnowed free of chaff by tossing it in the air above a sheet or mat.

In the United States and in many parts of Europe, rice cultivation has undergone the same mechanization at all stages of cultivation and harvesting as have other grain crops. Rice was introduced to the American colonies in the mid-17th cent. and soon became an important crop. Although U.S. production is less than that of wheat and corn, rice is grown in excess of domestic consumption and has been exported, mainly to Europe and South America. Chief growing areas of the United States are in California, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. The world's leading rice-producing countries are China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Thailand. Total annual world production is more than half a billion metric tons.

Importance of Rice as a Food

It has been estimated that half the world's population subsists wholly or partially on rice. Ninety percent of the world crop is grown and consumed in Asia. American consumption, although increasing, is still only about 25 lb (11 kg) per person annually, as compared with 200 to 400 lb (90–181 kg) per person in parts of Asia. Rice is the only major cereal crop that is primarily consumed by humans directly as harvested, and only wheat and corn are produced in comparable quantity. Plant breeders at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, attempting to keep pace with demand from a burgeoning world population, have repeatedly developed improved varieties of "miracle rice" that allow farmers to increase crop yields substantially. Other varieties with specialized characteristics, such as one that tolerates prolonged flooding, also have been developed. Studies have shown that rice yields are adversely affected by warmer nighttime temperatures, leading to concerns about the effects that global warming may have on rice crops.

Brown rice has a greater food value than white, since the outer brown coatings contain the proteins and minerals; the white endosperm is chiefly carbohydrate. As a food rice is low in fat and (compared with other cereal grains) in protein. The miracle rices have grains richer in protein than the old varieties. In the East, rice is eaten with foods and sauces made from the soybeansoybean,
 soya bean,
or soy pea,
leguminous plant (Glycine max, G. soja, or Soja max) of the family Leguminosae (pulse family), native to tropical and warm temperate regions of Asia, where it has been cultivated as a principal crop
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, which supply lacking elements and prevent deficiency diseases. Elsewhere, especially in the United States, rice processing techniques have produced breakfast and snack foods for retail markets. Deficient in gluten, rice cannot be used to make bread unless its flour is mixed with flour made from other grains.

Other Uses

For feeding domestic animals, the bran, meal, and chopped straw are useful, especially when mixed with the polishings or given with skim milk. The polishings are also an important source of furfuralfurfural
or furfuraldehyde
[Lat.,=bran], C4H3OCHO, viscous, colorless liquid that has a pleasant aromatic odor; upon exposure to air it turns dark brown or black. It boils at about 160&degC;.
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 and other chemurgic products. The straw, which is soft and fine, is plaited in East Asia for hats and shoes, and the hulls supply mattress filling and packing material. Laundry starch is manufactured from the broken grain, which is also used by distillers. A distilled liquor called arrackarrack
, strong spirits distilled chiefly in Asia from fermented fruits, grains, or sugarcane. In the 19th cent., Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) became quite noted for palm toddy arrack and in modern times, Indonesia makes the best arrack. Other names for arrack are rack, raki, and arak.
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 is sometimes prepared from a rice infusion, and in Japan the beverage sakesake,
alcoholic beverage made from rice by fermentation. Although sake is sometimes called rice wine, and can have a smooth body and be quite aromatic, it has a higher alcohol content and is produced in a unique manner that is more similar to how beer is brewed.
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 is brewed from rice. Rice paper is made from a plant of the ginsengginseng
, common name for the Araliaceae, a family of tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees that are often prickly and sometimes grow as climbing forms. The true ginseng (Panax ginseng
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History of Rice Cultivation

Rice has been cultivated in China since ancient times and was introduced to India before the time of the Greeks. Chinese records of rice cultivation go back 4,000 years. In classical Chinese the words for agriculture and for rice culture are synonymous, indicating that rice was already the staple crop at the time the language was taking form. In several Asian languages the words for rice and food are identical. Many ceremonies have arisen in connection with planting and harvesting rice, and the grain and the plant are traditional motifs in Oriental art. Thousands of rice strains are now known, both cultivated and escaped, and the original form is unknown.

Rice cultivation has been carried into all regions having the necessary warmth and abundant moisture favorable to its growth, mainly subtropical rather than hot or cold. The crop was common in West Africa by the end of the 17th cent. It is thought that slaves from that area who were transported to the Carolinas in the mid-18th cent. introduced the complex agricultural technology, thus playing a key part in the establishment of American rice cultivation. Their labor then insured a flourishing rice industry. Modern culture makes use of irrigation, and a few varieties of rice may be grown with only a moderate supply of water.


Rice is classified in the division MagnoliophytaMagnoliophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of those organisms commonly called the flowering plants, or angiosperms. The angiosperms have leaves, stems, and roots, and vascular, or conducting, tissue (xylem and phloem).
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, class Liliopsida, order Cyperales, family Poaceae.


See Food and Agricultural Organization, Rice (annual); D. H. Grist, Rice (6th ed. 1986); J. A. Carney, Black Rice: The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in the Americas (2001).

What does it mean when you dream about rice?

Rice, the main staple of food for many of the peoples of this planet, is a symbol of fertility and good luck, as evidenced by it being thrown over newlyweds at wedding ceremonies.


[rīs] (botany) Oryza sativa. An annual cereal grass plant of the order Cyperales, cultivated as a source of human food for its carbohydrate-rich grain.


newly married couples pelted with rice for connubial good luck. [Western Folklore: Leach, 938]See: Marriage


1. an erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished 2. the grain of this plant


Elmer, original name Elmer Reizenstein. 1892--1967, US dramatist. His plays include The Adding Machine (1923) and Street Scene (1929), which was made into a musical by Kurt Weill in 1947



(rīs), The grain of Oryza sativa (family Gramineae), the rice plant; a food; also used, finely pulverized, as a dusting powder. [G. oryza]
An acronym—Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation of extremity—for the first aid manoeuvres used for minor musculoskeletal and joint injuries


Sports medicine An acronym–rest, ice, compression, elevation–for the first aid maneuvers of musculoskeletal and joint injuries. See Sports medicine.


Abbreviation for rest, ice, compression, elevation.

Patient discussion about RICE

Q. hey how about having brown rice in place of white or boiled rice…….? A. Brown rice is a good carb, plus I personally think it tastes delicious.

Q. My friends guide me and say that it is not good to eat rice raw. I like eating raw rice a lot. I cannot stop eating. My friends guide me and say that it is not good to eat rice raw. They don’t have the reason to explain, when I ask. Can anyone explain?A. See, Raw Rice eating is children’s habit. But it’s not unhealthy, at all. The rice swells in your stomach. If you eat in large amount, it may lead to discomfort. May be your stomach filled with raw rice had swollen and it may burst your stomach and it had happened to many. If you love so much better soak it in water, properly cook and have it. One thing is worth saying that, almost all raw food gives good nutrition and so the raw rice.

More discussions about RICE


RICEResearch Institute of Construction and Economy (est. 1982; Japan)
RICERest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (injury treatment)
RICEReciprocating Internal Combustion Engine
RICEReports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Extensions
RICERemote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment (Ohio Supercomputer Center)
RICERotary Internal Combustion Engine
RICERice Inter-Church Evangelism
RICERacing Inspired Cosmetic Equipment (cars)
RICERegular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange
RICERegional Interactions of Climate and Ecosystems
RICERice Cultivation and Trace Gas Exchange
RICERest, Immobilize, Cold, Elevate (first Aid, fractures)
RICERadar Interface & Control Equipment
RICEResearch, Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise
RICERespect, Integrity, Courage and Excellence (success motto)


  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Words related to rice

noun grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished

Related Words

  • starches
  • food grain
  • grain
  • cereal
  • brown rice
  • polished rice
  • white rice
  • paddy
  • cultivated rice
  • Oryza sativa

noun annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses

Related Words

  • rice beer
  • sake
  • saki
  • genus Oryza
  • Oryza
  • cultivated rice
  • Oryza sativa
  • cereal
  • cereal grass

noun English lyricist who frequently worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber (born in 1944)


  • Sir Tim Rice
  • Timothy Miles Bindon Rice

noun United States playwright (1892-1967)


  • Elmer Leopold Rice
  • Elmer Reizenstein
  • Elmer Rice

verb sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice

Related Words

  • cookery
  • cooking
  • preparation
  • sift
  • sieve
  • strain




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