Ricardo Palma

Palma, Ricardo


Born Feb. 7, 1833, in Lima; died there Oct. 6, 1919. Peruvian writer and journalist.

From 1883 to 1912, Palma was the director of the National Library. He became famous for his stories, historical anecdotes, and legends, published under the general title Peruvian Traditions (vols. 1–12, 1872–1915). In the tradition of costumbrismo, he reconstructed scenes depicting the daily lives and customs of Peruvians under Spanish colonial dominion.


Poesias completas. Barcelona-Buenos Aires, 1911.
Tradiciones peruanas completas. Madrid, 1964.
In Russian translation:
“Vitse-korol’ eretik i khitryi zvonar’.” In Latinskaia Amerika. [Leningrad, 1927.]
“Nakazanie izmennika.” In Liubov’ Bentosa Sagrery: Iuzhnoamerikanskie rasskazy. Moscow-Leningrad, 1930.


Mariategui, J. C. Sem’ ocherkov istolkovaniia peruanskoi deistvitel’nosti. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from Spanish.)
Mamontov, S. P. Ispanoiazychnaia literatura stran Latinskoi Ameriki v XX veke. Moscow, 1972.
Feliú Cruz, G. En torno de R. Palma, vols. 1–2. [Santiago de Chile, 1933.]
Escobar, A. R. Palma. Lima, 1964.