Balantidium coli

Ba·lan·ti·di·um co·'li

a very large parasitic ciliate species, usually 50-80 mcm in length, reaching up to 200 mcm in pigs, found in the cecum or large intestine, swimming actively in the lumen; usually harmless in humans but may invade and ulcerate the intestinal wall, producing a colitis resembling amebic dysentery.

Ba·lan·ti·di·um co·li

(bal-an-tid'ē-ŭm kō'lī) A very large parasitic ciliate species, usually 50-80 mcm in length (to 200 mcm in pigs) found in the cecum or large intestine, swimming actively in the lumen; usually harmless in humans but may invade and ulcerate the intestinal wall, producing a colitis resembling amebic dysentery.

Balantidium coli

A normal parasite of swine and the largest protozoan parasite of humans. It causes balantidiasis. See: illustrationSee also: Balantidium