


a 12th-century Georgian romance. A Georgian writer (according to some evidence, Sargis Tmogveli) made a free prose translation of the narrative poem Vis and Ramin (1048) by the Persian poet Gorgani, introducing into it images from Georgian life of that time. This, as well as the distinctive language of the romance, makes Visramiani an original and significant piece of Georgian literature. The prose translation of Visramiani was put into verse by the poet Archil (1647-1713); the Georgian text was published in 1884 and 1938. A translation of the poem into Russian was published in Tbilisi in 1949 and 1960.


Visramiani (Vis-i-Ramin). Foreword and commentary by S. lordanishvili. Edited by K. Kekelidze. Tbilisi, 1960. (Translated from Old Georgian.)
Visramiani: Vis-i-Ramin. Tbilisi, 1968.


Khakhanov, A. S. Ocherki po istorii gruzinskoi slovesnosti, fasc. 2. Moscow, 1897.