释义 |
ver·sion V0070500 (vûr′zhən)n.1. A description or account from one point of view, especially as opposed to another: Your version of the accident differs from mine.2. a. A translation of a text from another language.b. often Version A translation of the entire Bible or a part of it.3. A particular form or variation of an earlier or original type: downloaded the latest version of the software.4. An adaptation of a work of art or literature into another medium or style: the film version of a famous novel.5. Medicine a. Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.b. Deflection of an organ, such as the uterus, from its normal position.tr.v. ver·sioned, ver·sion·ing, ver·sions Computers To assign a unique number or name to distinct versions of (a file or program, for example). [French, from Old French, act of turning, from Medieval Latin versiō, versiōn-, from Latin versus, past participle of vertere, to turn; see wer- in Indo-European roots.] ver′sion·al adj.version (ˈvɜːʃən; -ʒən) n1. an account of a matter from a certain point of view, as contrasted with others: his version of the accident is different from the policeman's. 2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a translation, esp of the Bible, from one language into another3. (Bible) a translation, esp of the Bible, from one language into another4. a variant form of something; type5. an adaptation, as of a book or play into a film6. (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) med manual turning of a fetus to correct an irregular position within the uterus7. (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) pathol an abnormal displacement of the uterus characterized by a tilting forwards (anteversion), backwards (retroversion), or to either side (lateroversion)[C16: from Medieval Latin versiō a turning, from Latin vertere to turn] ˈversional adjver•sion (ˈvɜr ʒən, -ʃən) n. 1. a particular account of some matter, esp. as contrasted with some other account: two different versions of the accident. 2. a particular form or variant of something: an updated version of a computer program. 3. a translation. 4. (often cap.) a translation of the Bible or a part of it. 5. the act of turning a fetus in the uterus so as to bring it into a more favorable position for delivery. 6. an abnormal direction of the axis of the uterus or other organ. [1575–85; < Medieval Latin versiō turning, change, version = Latin vert(ere) to turn (see verse) + -tiō -tion] ver′sion•al, adj. ThesaurusNoun | 1. | version - an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint; "his version of the fight was different from mine"approximation - an imprecise or incomplete account; "newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events"interpretation - an explanation that results from interpreting something; "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence" | | 2. | version - something a little different from others of the same type; "an experimental version of the night fighter"; "a variant of the same word"; "an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone"; "the boy is a younger edition of his father"edition, variant, variationtype - a subdivision of a particular kind of thing; "what type of sculpture do you prefer?" | | 3. | version - a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form; "the play is an adaptation of a short novel"adaptationpiece of writing, written material, writing - the work of a writer; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); "the writing in her novels is excellent"; "that editorial was a fine piece of writing"modernization - a modernized version (as of a play)versification - a metrical adaptation of something (e.g., of a prose text) | | 4. | version - a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first languageinterlingual rendition, translation, renderingmistranslation - an incorrect translationcrib, pony, trot - a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)retroversion - translation back into the original language; "the teacher translated Latin texts into English which he gave to his students for retroversion"subtitle, caption - translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screensupertitle, surtitle - translation of the words of a foreign opera (or choral work) projected on a screen above the stagewritten account, written record - a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events | | 5. | version - a mental representation of the meaning or significance of somethinginterpretation, readinginternal representation, mental representation, representation - a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or imagereinterpretation - a new or different meaninganagoge - a mystical or allegorical interpretation (especially of Scripture) | | 6. | version - manual turning of a fetus in the uterus (usually to aid delivery)turning, turn - the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; "he took a turn to the right" |
versionnoun1. form, variety, variant, sort, kind, class, design, style, model, type, brand, genre Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game.2. adaptation, edition, interpretation, form, reading, copy, rendering, translation, reproduction, portrayal The English version is far inferior to the original French text.3. account, report, side, description, record, reading, story, view, understanding, history, statement, analysis, take (informal, chiefly U.S.), construction, tale, impression, explanation, interpretation, rendering, narrative, chronicle, rendition, narration, construal She went public with her version of events.versionnoun1. A recounting of past events:account, chronicle, description, history, narration, narrative, report, statement, story.2. A restating of something in other, especially simpler, words:paraphrase, rendering, restatement, translation.3. One that is slightly different from others of the same kind or designation:variant, variation, variety.Translationsversion (ˈvəːʃən) , ((American) -ʒən) noun an account from one point of view. The boy gave his version of what had occurred. 說法 看法,说法 version
version a translation, esp of the Bible, from one language into another Version (1) One of several different accounts or explanations of a fact or event. (2) In investigatory and judicial activity, the supposition of an investigator or the court concerning the presence or absence of some of the events and facts that are important for the proper resolution of the case. This supposition is based on evidence and other factual materials of the concrete criminal case and constructed with regard to the experience of examining analogous cases. A version may also be a possible explanation of the origin and nature of events and facts important to the case. A version is a variety of hypothesis. Its specific character lies in the form in which it is verified. Verification is done by procedural means; that is, by means of verification and evaluation of evidence in forms established by the law of criminal procedure. There are general and particular investigative and judicial versions. The general version concerns the subject of proof for the criminal case as a whole; in particular, it contains a supposition about the presence (or absence) of a criminal event and about the guilty parties. A particular version concerns individual aspects and elements of the subject of proof. It contains a supposition about various aspects of the event under study (for example, the motive, place, and time of a crime, the weapon involved, and so forth). The correlation between the general and the particular version in a criminal case reflects the objectively existing link between the whole, which the general version is supposed to explain, and the part of the whole, which is to be explained by the particular version. In the investigatory process of a court examination concerning each of the elements (or facts) of the subject of proof of a criminal case or concerning the totality of these elements (facts), versions of an opposing nature may be advanced (for example, versions concerning the presence or absence of a criminal event, the presence or absence of circumstances aggravating guilt, and so forth). Such versions may be advanced by any participant in the criminal proceedings and, in the event of their substantiation, they are included by the investigator and court in the sphere of versions subject to verification. All versions in a case, regardless of who advanced them, must be verified comprehensively and objectively. The versions advanced in the process of preliminary and judicial investigation make it possible to determine what investigative or judicial actions and what order should be employed; that is, they make it possible to determine the general direction of proceedings in the case. Judicial versions are organically linked to investigative versions, but they have their own specific characteristics. From the viewpoint of the court, the investigator’s conclusion about the guilt of the accused is only the version of the prosecution, which is subject to verification by the court in the context of a court examination. The specific nature of a judicial version lies in the fact that the court is not limited to the version of the prosecution; rather, it is also obliged to verify the counterversion—that is, the version directly opposed to that advanced by the prosecution. The court also verifies whether all versions that arise from the circumstances of the case and contradict the conclusions of the investigation have been fully examined—in particular, versions advanced by the accused or following from his testimony, versions contained in the petitions and statements of participants in the proceedings of the case, and so forth. In addition, the court verifies the corroboration of the evidence in the version on which the prosecution bases its case. Only the version that is objectively substantiated in the course of investigative and judicial verification and that completely excludes all other explanations acquires the character of an authentic explanation of the facts that make up the subject of proof. S. G. NOVIKOV
Version grammatical category of the verb, which defines the relationship of an action to its subject or an indirect object (mainly the intended direction of an action). It occurs in the Caucasian languages (Kartvelian, Abkhas-Adygei), in Semitic, and apparently in certain Indo-European languages, as well as in several other languages. Subject, object, and neutral versions are differentiated in the Kartvelian languages: compare Georgian i-šenebs, he builds for himself; u-šenebs, he builds for him; a-šenebs he builds (in general). Further oppositions are also possible within the version category. In some languages there is no clear-cut distinction between version and voice. REFERENCEShanidze, A. G. “Glagol’nye kategorii akta i kontakta na primerakh gruzinskogo iazyka.” Izv. AN SSSR: Otdelenie iazyka i literatury, 1946, vol. 5, issue 2.
version (programming)One of a sequence of copies of a program, eachincorporating new modifications. Each version is usuallyidentified by a number, commonly of the form X.Y where X isthe major version number and Y is the release number.Typically an increment in X (with Y reset to zero) signifies asubstantial increase in the function of the program or apartial or total re-implementation, whereas Y increases eachtime the progam is changed in any way and re-released.
Version numbers are useful so that the user can know if theprogram has changed (bugs have been fixed or new functionsadded) since he obtained his copy and the programmer can tellif a bug report relates to the current version. It is thusalways important to state the version when reporting bugs.Statements about compatibility between different softwarecomponents should always say which versions they apply to.
See change management.versionA specific edition or release of a software package. Sometimes the term "release" is used to indicate the new version has been deployed. The terms version and release are occasionally used in combination; for example: "Server Version 10, Release 3.5." See point release.version
version [ver´zhun] the act of turning; especially the manual turning of the fetus in delivery.bipolar version turning done by acting upon both poles of the fetus by either external or combined version.cephalic version turning of the fetus so that the head is the presenting part.combined version external and internal versions together.external version that done using outside manipulation.internal version that done using the hand or fingers inserted through the dilated cervix.pelvic version version by manipulation of the breech (buttocks) of the fetus.podalic version conversion of a more unfavorable presentation into a presentation" >footling presentation.spontaneous version one that occurs without aid from any extraneous force.ver·sion (ver'zhŭn, -shŭn), 1. Displacement of the uterus, with tilting of the entire organ without bending on itself; such displacement may be anteversion, retroversion, or lateroversion. 2. Change of position of the fetus in the uterus, occurring spontaneously or effected by manipulation. 3. Synonym(s): inclination4. Conjugate rotation of the eyes in the same direction; such rotation may be dextroversion, levoversion, supraversion, or infraversion. [L. verto, pp. versus, to turn] version (vûr′zhən)n. Medicine a. Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.b. Deflection of an organ, such as the uterus, from its normal position. ver′sion·al adj.version Obstetrics The manual changing of the axis of the fetus with respect to the mother. See External version, Inactive version, Internal version InformaticsThe maximum number of different backup copies of files retained for files. ver·sion (vĕr'zhŭn) 1. Displacement of the uterus, in which the entire organ tilts without bending upon itself; such displacement may be anteversion, retroversion, or lateroversion. 2. Change of position of the fetus in the uterus, occurring spontaneously or effected by manipulation. 3. Synonym(s): inclination. 4. Conjugate rotation of the eyes in the same direction; such rotation may be dextroversion, levoversion, supraversion, or infraversion. [L. verto, pp. versus, to turn]version 1. A procedure in obstetrics to turn the fetus in the womb into a position more suitable for delivery. 2. Rotation of both eyes simultaneously in the same direction. version Conjugate movements of the two eyes in the same direction, such as dextroversion, both eyes rotate to the right; laevoversion (levoversion), both eyes rotate to the left; supraversion (sursumversion), both eyes rotate upward; infraversion (deorsumversion), both eyes rotate downward: these versions bring the eyes into the secondary positions of gaze. Movements of the eyes up and to the right are called dextroelevation, up and to the left, laevoelevation, down and to the right, dextrodepression and down and to the left, laevodepression: these versions bring the eye into the tertiary positions of gaze. Version eye movements are performed by yoke muscles (Fig. V2). Syn. conjugate eye movements. See conjugate deviation; cardinal positions of gaze; motility test. " > Fig. V2 Version movements of the eyes from A to BPatient discussion about versionQ. modificatiobns of toothbrushes and newer versions different types of brush-heads and their benefits with diagramsA. not depended clinical trials about the differences of toothbrushes showed there are minor differences in efficiency. it's not the toothbrush but what do you do with it that counts. More discussions about versionLegalSeereleaseFinancialSeeReleaseSee VSN See VERSversion
Synonyms for versionnoun formSynonyms- form
- variety
- variant
- sort
- kind
- class
- design
- style
- model
- type
- brand
- genre
noun adaptationSynonyms- adaptation
- edition
- interpretation
- form
- reading
- copy
- rendering
- translation
- reproduction
- portrayal
noun accountSynonyms- account
- report
- side
- description
- record
- reading
- story
- view
- understanding
- history
- statement
- analysis
- take
- construction
- tale
- impression
- explanation
- interpretation
- rendering
- narrative
- chronicle
- rendition
- narration
- construal
Synonyms for versionnoun a recounting of past eventsSynonyms- account
- chronicle
- description
- history
- narration
- narrative
- report
- statement
- story
noun a restating of something in other, especially simpler, wordsSynonyms- paraphrase
- rendering
- restatement
- translation
noun one that is slightly different from others of the same kind or designationSynonymsSynonyms for versionnoun an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpointRelated Words- approximation
- interpretation
noun something a little different from others of the same typeSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new formSynonymsRelated Words- piece of writing
- written material
- writing
- modernization
- versification
noun a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first languageSynonyms- interlingual rendition
- translation
- rendering
Related Words- mistranslation
- crib
- pony
- trot
- retroversion
- subtitle
- caption
- supertitle
- surtitle
- written account
- written record
noun a mental representation of the meaning or significance of somethingSynonymsRelated Words- internal representation
- mental representation
- representation
- reinterpretation
- anagoge
noun manual turning of a fetus in the uterus (usually to aid delivery)Related Words |