PMBDPersatuan Mahasiswa Bima & Dompu (Indonesian student union)
PMBDPaysites Must Be Destroyed (gaming website)
PMBDPlasma Membane Breakdown (biology)
PMBDPhysics Model Based Development (automotive engineering)
PMBDPlant Micromorphology Bibliographic Database
PMBDPreventive Maintenance Basis Database
PMBDPartido Movimiento Democratico de Brazil (Portugese)
PMBDPlant and Microbial Biology Department (University of California)
PMBDPartido del Movimiento Democrático Brasileño (Spanish: Brazilian Democratic Movement Party)
PMBDProduct Manager Biological Detection
PMBDPacific Motor Boat Design (Anacortes, WA)
PMBDPlanned Multi-Use Business District (Newton, MA)
PMBDDepartment of Pathogen Molecular Biology (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; UK)
PMBDPrecious Metal Bullion Dealers (South Africa)