See also: National Parks and Monuments (table)National Parks and Monuments
National Parks
Name Type1 Location Year authorized Size
acres (hectares)
Acadia NP SE Maine 1919 48,419 (19,603) Mountain and coast scenery.
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(skŏts`blŭf'), city (1990 pop. 13,711), Scotts Bluff co., W Nebr., on the North Platte River near the Wyo. line; inc. 1900. It is the market, distribution, and processing point of an irrigated farm region. Besides livestock and agriculture, there is some light industry. Tourism is also important. The city is named for a nearby butte, Scotts Bluff (alt. 4,649 ft/1,417 m), a landmark to travelers on the Oregon and Mormon trails. In 1864, Fort Mitchell was established there as an outpost of Fort Laramie. Oregon Trail Museum is in Scotts Bluff National Monument, and Agate Fossil Beds National Monument is to the north (see National Parks and MonumentsNational Parks and MonumentsNational Parks
Name Type1 Location Year authorized Size
acres (hectares)
Acadia NP SE Maine 1919 48,419 (19,603) Mountain and coast scenery.
..... Click the link for more information. , table).