Strength and Weakness

Strength and Weakness

See also fatigue.
analepsis, analepsyObsolete, recovery of strength after an illness. See also food and nutrition.armipotenceRare. strength in battle.astheniaMedicine. any of several conditions characterized by lack or loss of strength and energy, as neurasthenia, myasthenia, or somasthenia. — asthenie, adj.equipollence, equipollencyequalness of force, validity, etc. — equipollent, adj. See also logic.hypopotencia, hypopotencyMedicine. a condition of diminished power, especially of diminished electrical activity of the cerebral cortex.hypostheniaa condition of abnormal weakness or loss of strength. — hypos-thenic, adj.impotency1. a condition of reduced or absent power; weakness.
2. a complete failure of sexual power, especially in the male. Also called impotence, impotentness. — impotent, adj.
invalescenceObsolete, a state of good health; strength.invertebracythe state or quality of being invertebrate or without a backbone, as certain organisms, animals, etc.; hence, spinelessness; exhibiting a lack of strength of character. — invertebrate, adj.labilitythe susceptibility to error or lapses of any kind, as a human failing. — labile, adj.milksopism1. the state or quality of being a weak and ineffectual person.
2. behavior or attitudes typical of a milksop.
myoatrophyatrophy or wasting away of the muscles.omnipotencethe state or quality of being infinite in power, authority, or might. — omnipotent, adj.stheniastrength of body; vital force. — sthenic, adj.tonicitythe state or quality of having good muscular tone or tension. — tonic, adj.