释义 |
teleopsia teleopsia [tel″e-op´se-ah] a visual disturbance in which objects appear to be farther away than they actually are.tel·e·op·si·a (tel'ē-op'sē-ă), An error in judging the distance of objects arising from lesions in the parietal temporal region. [G. tēle, distant, + opsis, vision] tel·e·op·si·a (tel'ē-op'sē-ă) An error in judging the distance of objects caused by lesions in the parietal-temporal region of the cerebral cortex. [G. tēle, distant, + opsis, vision]teleopsia Anomaly of visual perception in which objects appear to be much further away than they actually are. It may be due to vision in a hazy atmosphere, intoxication, neurosis, etc. See metamorphopsia. |